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Awful Dream



I had an awful dream yesterday. I dreamt that my paternal grandfather had died. It was an extremely realistic dream, and it wasn't until I realized that the dream was taking place on Cape Cod and that my dad had just seen my grandfather yesterday that I woke up. To compound the creepiness, at Summer of Service yesterday, I did some work in a nursing home, such as steering people in wheelchairs to the barbecue, and stuff like that. It scared me how disabled and out of it they were, and it made me feel relieved that all of my grandparents are in good shape. When I got home, I gave my grandfather a phone call and we chatted, and I told him how proud I was to have him for a grandfather and how much I love him. Man, that dream just really horrified me. My grandfather's 85, though he's in great physical condition. He had knee replacement surgery a while ago, which helps him walk a lot better now. Last year after some hip surgery there was a scare when some liquid from the stapled-shut incision area came out, and my grandmother exaggerated it when she called home, and I was the only one at home. I called my parents quickly to tell them, and I was absolutely terrified that I might lose my grandfather. But it turned out it was no big deal. I'm really glad I got to know all four of my grandparents very well...


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