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Apophenia. They say it's a tendency to see connections where none exist. I say apophenia doesn't exist. Everything is connected in some horrible, horrible way. That slightly bent spoon- If you hadn't set it down three seconds before 5:33 PM last week, you wouldn't have bumped into the wall, and your right foot wouldn't have hit it, and you wouldn't have had that limp the next week, and you would have been out of that bank before it was robbed and you were shot in the knees.


Or, it's all a conspircacy. The Illuminati are always out to get you somehow or scheming something. I should know, I was a founding member. Or was I? But that's the sort of thing you don't know due to our amazing plots. Run along now, and if you speak to nobody of this, there shall be a great sum of gold on your doorstep the next morning.


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Oh man, I could go on and on about this and the implications time-travel might have all day.





Yes, I know this is an old entry, and I've allready seen it, but only now have I thought of a responce.

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