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Yep, I'm catching a ride to school soon with my dad..




It's nearly midnight and I'm awake. I just finished reading Bioncle Legends #6, Inferno, and then the latest Pearls Before Swine book. I got bored and decided to come downstairs and use my computer. It's dark out and it's a cold night, so I put on some mood-appropriate music. Namely, Midnight Syndicate, a gothic horror music band. Wikipedia linky. Very creepy and spooky. And it gives me nostalgia. Makes me remember times long ago... Since their music is widely used at horror events and Halloween



* Slumps Over In Chair*

My mom's made me not drink Diet Coke, and the caffeine deficiency has made me sluggish all day. But soon it will blow over and I'll be reunited with it. In the mean time, I'm sleepy. *smorp*




Yyyyep, off to face the world and flip off at it again. Gurg, I'm lumpy and tired.   I can see it hasn't snowed outside, but I bet it'll be icy, cold, and kinda frosty. Blegh... WHY WON'T IT SNOW?! WHY?!     At least I have computer fun class today........



Johnny Cash - Hurt

I've been listening to Johnny Cash's cover of the Nine Inch Nails song 'Hurt', and it's just so sad and emotional. The man was an exceptional musician... It's a shame he passed away... The four year anniversary of his death is coming up on September 12th.     I'm sorry for the lack of comics or updates... I was in Ohio for five days and got back last Wednesday, in addition to just being lazy.




I'm sad today... Because it's the four year anniversary of my grandmother's death. She died after a very long struggle with illness, and I can still remember getting the news. I was just nine... My mom had already gone to Ohio earlier because she knew Grandma didn't have long to live, and she was there in my Grandma's hospital room when she died. My dad drove my sister and I to Ohio, where my Grandma and most of my mom's family lived, for the funeral. We got there and we prepared for the funeral




I have some updates for my COT art topic I need to get scanned in soon, one of them will be a real pleaser for Vasquez fans out there. Plus an update to the 'Dark Humor' section, and a new section.   Got some homework to do...



*starts Humming To 'under Pressure'*

I have to turn in a Science project today and it's a big thing. And some homework. Oh joy. Wonder of wonders. At least I'll only have Science last period, and anyways, I don't have to do a big presentation thingy till tomorrow!   And Carapar and Takadox are great.



Lyrics! Again!

Some lyrics to a song by one of my favorite bands, System of a Down. -- "Toxicity", by System of a Down.   I really love that song. It's great, in a ton of ways. Good music, good lyrics... I like System of a Down in general.   I hope it snows more heavily this week...



Last Week Of School

Woo. I'm way overburdened, though. Lots of work to do. Tests and whatnot. Agh. However, on Friday, our grade will go to Canobie Lake Park, a great place with tons of rides and stuff. I've been there, it's a wonderful park. And then Monday it's just a half day of school. WOO!   I'll be busying myself by getting books out of the library and rereading my books and rereading webcomic archives... And drawing... And using the computer... And taking walks... And writing letters to my relatives... And



I Forgot To Do What I Didn't Next Week?

"GILLYBLIDDLE!" Bellowed the indiscriminately obstinate toad seconds before the gigantic lawn gnome was unceremoniously deposited atop the dull-witted and apparently quite squishy amphibian. The strange and akward procedures executed upon him by the aliens would cause the gnome to spend the rest of his days breakdancing in an insane asylum cell whilst muttering about apocalyptic toast monkeys. Markedly, the incredulous Fish-Faced Boy was smelling more and more like a dead trout, due in awful par



I Notice...

I've had the honor of being quoted by Frankin-Kal-96.   Anyways, I'm listening to the Marilyn Manson song "Use your fist and not your mouth" right now. Go listen to it. NOW. I'm not kidding. This song's great, it has great lyrics, an awesome beat, and it's overall sick. In the 'awesome' sense of sick, that is. Although I guess it can be interpreted in a few other senses of the word as well.     I'm working on more art right now, plus something special related to comics...



* Yawn*

As the title indicates, I'm awake, and alive. Drinking Diet Coke, too.   I woke up early just to get this written and to get myself on BZP faster. *yawns again* Caffeine, my supplement...     I'm thinking of writing a short story, if I have the time tonight. But I have a doctor's appointment and then a detention tomorrow. *TIRED*     In short, BLEH.



Aaah... Back Home...

My school day went okay. My reading for fun Enrichment class went great, my Assisted Study class went great, my health class went great, and my academics went great as well. Aah. My project has been commented on favorably (who can resist the power of ickle kittens?!) and I'm okay on my homework. I got my Math homework done in class, my English Homework is easy, and my Social Studies homework will be okay. So now I'm sipping Diet Coke and eating popcorn.



An Update To My Cot Art Topic...

Here it is. If you like dark or scary things, go check it out. I liked the drawings I just put in there; they were relatively good. I developed my character 'The Quiet Guy' with more drawings and I gave him a home (Empty City), I drew some weird things and more. Plague, the character from the Dead RPG, I spent lots of time working on. I liked the result. Bahrag Kal designed the character very well, I have to say. Plague's hat and mask were fun drawing, I used shading to give the mask dimensions.




My school day went fine but...   It turns out my mom's depressed. She gave me and my sister a talk, and we talked about things like our Grandma (her mother)'s death and stress, and we ended up in a group hug reminiscing about Grandma and feeling sad. We miss her so much. I'm so glad I still have my other three grandparents, but I keep thinking about Grandma's death and the inevitable death of my grandparents, and how everybody dies someday, and yet despite what we do to validate our existence




I'm thinking about publishing my 'Wii' parody in COT, mostly because I want more people to see it. I would have originally just kept Wii Will Rock You in my blog, but the other song parody I wanna publish, 'Monarchy', a parody of Green Day's song 'Minority' would be a little too politically charged, possibly. So probably sometime later today I'll be posting Wii Will Rock You in COT.........   I wish Blizzard Co would make a Starcraft 2... The original Starcraft and its expansion is a great gam




Yeah... I couldn't think of anything better... Boo hoo... -- "Fly Away", by Lenny Kravitz. It's an awesome song. *Dances to it*




I got to see "A Christmas Carol" today, the play version, and it was okay. The play was good, and I liked some of the creepy-esque music, but hated the musical numbers, and the acting and special effects were good. Then we rode back on the buses to our school and we got pizza! And soda! Mmm....



Wow X2.

I've been looking over a ton of my old posts... I was such a Noob. It's just kind of creepy, seeing how different I am now from then, and yet still so much the same. I feel like I just found out I have prosthetic legs and now I'm all wobbly.       I'm gonna sleep in a li'l bit tomorrow, coz my mom will drive me to school at about 7:10, so I don't hafta scramble like mad to be ready for my bus. My bus driver is inexperienced... She's supposed to come at 6:50 AM, but she was coming at 6:45, and




To explain, folks, my mysteeerious absence, I was suspended. Yeah. Did somethin' stupid, then I kinda backed out for a while. I was unable to access computers, and if I had, I mighta done something stupid in continuance. So being punished for late schoolwork saved me, sorta. I didn't really mind about the suspension, I mean, it was only a week. But, how I found out I was suspended is an interesting story: I was in computer fun first period last Thursday, and I was checking BZPower for the first




I got a KoRn CD nearly two weeks ago, after hearing the song, "Coming undone". The CD was 'See You On the Other Side', which is their latest CD, I think. I love KoRn's style. They're a great Nu-Metal band, and I plan on getting another CD of theirs, 'Untouchables'. I heard a few songs from it, and the Gothic, haunting style just grips me and pulls me in... I REALLY wants to make me get it, which I will. I'm listening to the song Hollow Life right now...   My Nightmare Before Christmas Special



*jaws Theme Song*

I've posted the Wii Will Rock You song in COT, folks, if you'd be so kind as to post there like you did in my blog it would be great.   Okay, on to the subject of the title. Everything seems okay. I have so little homework, I'm doing great, I'm in one of my Gothically mellow moods, today's been fine, etc. But I know something will go wrong. Things cannot go this way without chaos. Be it in real life or on BZP, something bad will happen. It might not affect me directly or immediately, but soone



* Does Little Dance*

No sane reason for the title. But since when have I ever been describable as 'sane'?   Gotta do my Social Studies Homework in a little... Woo.   SKWID MIZZELS! *spazzes out*   Speaking of, I wonder if my medicicatication is makulating me defectective. Seriously, I take it not to get angry or depressed, but when I take it I get angry. And I think about the world 24/7 and what's wrong with it. Normally I just sigh when I think about it. But when I'm chemically enlightened, I kinda get amad



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