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I'm sad today... Because it's the four year anniversary of my grandmother's death. She died after a very long struggle with illness, and I can still remember getting the news. I was just nine... My mom had already gone to Ohio earlier because she knew Grandma didn't have long to live, and she was there in my Grandma's hospital room when she died. My dad drove my sister and I to Ohio, where my Grandma and most of my mom's family lived, for the funeral. We got there and we prepared for the funeral. We each got something personal to put in Grandma's casket. My sister brought a necklace she had made with Grandma, and I bought a small cat stuffed animal because Grandma had loved cats. We had the funeral, and I was scared to go up to Grandma's casket. Lots of people who knew my Grandma were at the funeral and the ceremony afterwards in the church my Grandma had belonged to. Later, my family was at her burial. I can still remember it, one vivid part being my cousins knocking over a gravestone. After that, we stuck around a little while and took care of things, and we left. I miss my Grandma......


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