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Mr. Freeze



Alrighty, I'm up. I went to bed around 2:15 AM, and woke up around 10 AM. I'm still writing that short story, but it's almost finished. Yippee. I'm surprised I worked on it that fast, I mean, really, my latest short story "The Truth" (you can find a link in my sig) took me months. That's nothing to say of the incredibly long short story I'm writing right now as well.


Anyways, on to the title subject, my reader monkeys...


If there's one thing that gets to me about Batman, it's that Mr. Freeze hasn't appeared in any graphic novels. He deserves it! He's one of the most tragic and unique characters in the Bat-mythos! C'mon, seriously, he should be given a bigger role in stories and a role in graphic novels in general. Clayface and the Mad Hatter, less prolific and infamous villains (despite their longer existence in some cases) have gotten more roles. Not to say they don't deserve it, of course they deserve it. They're underused too. And another reason Mr. Freeze needs to be in more stories and graphic novels is that the Batman: The Animated Series version of Mr. Freeze which became DC comics Mr. Freeze needs to be heavily reinforced. The Batman-by-name-only has turned Freeze, along with as many villains as humanly possible into mockeries of the original (and much better) characters. I can just imagine it one day: I'll be somewhere debating with some person who watched The Batman-by-name-only and it'll be ridiculous: "NUH-UH! Mr. Freeze was a villain guy who got all frozen in a cryogenic thingy in a car crash! There's nobody in Batman called Nora Fries! Yur a stoopid hed!" "Go read the comics and watch the Batman: The Animated Series episode "Heart of Ice" kid, before I beat some sense into you with this copy of Arkham Asylum."


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GMan, first off, if you exposed a kid to Arkham Asylum, you'd traumatize him.............


Mr Freeze does have a minor speaking cameo in Dark Victory..............And it is the B:TAS version............His part is short, but rather important to the story.............


Anyways, the tragic Freeze does need more publicicty...........I'm so surprised that so few people have decided working with him............Where as Joker and Two-Face get some huge roles..........They're great villains and all, but I think people should take time to analyze the minds of various other villains.............


I think in The Batman, they tried to do the same thing with classic Mr Freeze that I'm trying to do with Calendar Man: Make him better.........Unfortunately, they're revamp was horrible..........They could have at least brought Nora in to the story, and have her leave him out of fear, causing his heart to shatter...............


I think Catwoman's costume looks pretty good in The Batman............But I haven't seen any episodes with her (or any at all, for that matter), so I can't say much an her personality.................

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I think Mr. Freeze was totally ruined when that SOB whose name I can't remember turned his wife Nora into the utterly generic 'Lazara'. A girl who goes around spouting flames, how original.


I think it'd be best if old Victor was simply turned in to Grant Morrison for a completeley new take on the character, ala 'Scarecrow: New Year's Evil' or the movie Casino Royale. I mean, redefine the character, you know?


If it was me, I'd change him so that he lost his metal suit and became more one with his element. Not like Ice-Man; more being able to control ice and cold when his gun generated it.

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No, I meant I'd hit him with it, not emotionally scar him... But that would be a just punishment. I didn't know Freeze had a role in Dark Victory though... I'm surprised too. I mean, aren't people who should technically be dead a comic writers favorite? Mr. Freeze already was revamped by B:TAS, he became a better character instead of a silly gimmick villain from the 50's. I was extremely disappointed that the only things the Batman-by-name-only Freeze had in common with the B:TAS/DC comics Freeze was their name and that they got their ice powers from an accident (though that may not count, as the Batman-by-name-only Freeze ended up getting his powers trying to evade Batman because he was a criminal).

Oh, and Catwoman's costume looks like a Chihuahua that underwent ear-lengthening surgery and has been smoking weed (the goggles are reddish-orange, bad color).


EDIT: Wait, Beliwa, Freeze's inhumanity and dependence on a metal shell to keep him alive even when there's no point to it is what makes him so great! I don't get what you mean redefine... If he got emotions and all that 'boo-hoo-hoo' 'Rargh I'm angry!' 'I'MA STAB YOU!' garbage, it would ruin the character. Freeze has to be emotionless and distant to keep him so great... And the current version introduced by B:TAS has only been around for 14 years, give it a break!

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I meant, we'd have him as a character redefined beyond being evil and wanting to rob banks...more tapping into his inner bitterness. Or, or maybe we'd have a small series in which he kidnapped people at random and began experimenting on them in a sort of 'Big Brother/Survival of the Fittest' thing so as to make one of them into his heir, or something.


I'm just chucking ideas around. I have no idea whether any fo them would be good or not.

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Okay. That would make sense, I've never liked it when he robbed banks and was just a petty thief with an icicle or two to chuck at the cops.
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I mean, what with 'Lazara', he doesn't really have anything to drive him - he really needs some sort of emotional shock to react to, something that would cut to the core of his heart and force him into deciding to secede from Humanity.


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Good point... I think it would have been much more original if Nora Fries did something to emotionally betray him, say funding or lending her expertise to a government team that wants to capture and dissect him to learn his secrets.
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Hmm...I just had another one; have it that during a fight, an Ice-Pick thrown the wrong way carves out the part of his brain that controls the good aspects of his personality. He would truly become emotionless. And imagine the whole Psycholgoical argument. 'Thanks to my inuries, I am physically incapable of feeling happiness. And that...that makes me even angrier than before.'


Like I said, just throwing ideas around.

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An ice-pick?.............I'd work on that one if I were you............


It'd be cool if there was a story with Freeze as the central character, featuring flash-backs of his pre-crisis life............It'd be interesting to see Nora first reactions to Victor's solution to her condition..............

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I can totally imagine that happening. I would also love to see Mr. Freeze get one of those 'Taken away and changed into something much more relevant by the end of the story' graphic novel roles... Perhaps taken on an interdimensional trek, in his The New Batman Adventures form (severed head with technological backups for when he's separated from his suit) and he becomes much more aware and thus more cold and distant, because he understands how irrelevant mankind and the concept of life is...
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Yeah. I mean, Morisson recently did this thing with Joker, where he expanded the 'Reinventing himself' thing by having his face paralysed into a permanent grin, and he was referring to himself as 'The Thin White Duke of Death'. This was all well and good, but I'm all like: 'What about Dr. Johnathon? What about Victor? What, and this is stretching it a bit, Dr. John Dee (aka Destiny)?'


Anyho, Morisson is moving onto demolishing the present-day versions of the Batmen of many nations. That looks cool.


Continuing the 'Ice-Pick Brain' thing; how about he decides that he's going to exile himself fromt he world, build this huge Ice Fortress and contemplate in it for a while? And, as a twist, have him make the fortress in the leats likely place - like in the Desert where Jesus was purported to have roamed.


And meanwhile, there's dozens of heroes trying to break into the fortress because, as part of his 'rebirth', he's decided to test them by kidnapping their loved ones - but they're just thrown into a bunch of elaborate and deadly traps, similar to those in the 'Saw' hororr franchise...but colder.


Then, when they finally get him, he's just...sitting there, no armour, no guns, no nothing, sipping a glass of wine, and they realise he isn't really being that dangerous....nor are their lvoed ones even in the fortress.


He explains to the ones who've tracked him down that they've basically gone through his entire life...a series of cold, terrible tortures, all for someone dear to them, and met with ultimately nothing - he has let their loved ones back out into the ice-desert to fend for themselves, as he no longer cares about them. He lets the heroes leave...but makes no guarantees that he won't turn back to villainy when his exile is over.

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Wait, what's Morrison doing? Anyways, that idea's brilliant, but I'd just put it in a desert, instead of a religiously relevant desert, because that seems cliche, the villain becoming a fanatic believer in something or all 'I have seen life, bla bla bla, and witnessed this and that, yadda yadda yadda' "philosophical"... Unless it was because it would be relevant to the "good" heroes.
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Religious content removed.


Oh, and Morrison is seeing what happened to 'The Batmen of Many Nations' - sort of an international club of 1950s-ish heroes inspired by Batman. For instance, Italy had 'The Gladiator', and England 'The Knight and Squire!'. They're now all old.

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Ah... I have this idea for a story where Scarecrow is transported to the world of Oz (from the Wizard of Oz) and teams up with the "brainless" Scarecrow (who cannot remember he was a murderer ejected from Oz), and it's very long... PM me if you want the whole thing. I was considering if I included Batman villains in the roles of the protagonists, Freeze would be perfect as the Tin Man... But I liked just having the Scarecrow as the only Batman villain in the story. I think Freeze would do well in some sort of teamup with Clayface... With Freeze building a refrigeration suit for Clayface to keep molecular adherence, with Freeze thinking about turning himself into a sort of Clayface to "cure" himself, or so Batman thinks, but when he defeats Clayface after a long series of battles and hunting for him, he discovers Freeze opted to engineer a super-system to make his suit even more powerful and effectively ensure he is immortal (his organs fail without the suit, therefore majorly improving and updating it will sort of keep him from dying) and when Batman confronts him, Freeze does nothing to react- Simply sitting in a bulky version of his suit, connected to a system of pipes and wires, and only responds when Batman tries to "defeat" him when he's done nothing wrong- For he simply built the suit for Clayface as a favor and for money to experiment on himself and his suit's workings.
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