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To Add Something To My Last Entry.

It's not that I hate getting up early, its what comes after it. I love getting up when it's still dark out, and getting ready, it's that I just don't like having to face the day. I do wake up early and go to bed late, and that works out fine for me as long as I drink a Diet Coke or two or three or ten. Heck, I come up with some of my most stinging retorts in the early morning. I guess my complaints should be directed at my bed for being so warm and comfy I never want to leave it, and at my schoo




Lucky me, here I am about to face off with the new day. Argh. I hafta get up at 6 in the morning, get ready, and make it to the bus stop. I have to get everything together, and it has to be fast. I hate getting out of my nice warm bed, coming down the stairs and starting my day. At least there's this place and Lego and whatnot. Today I have all four subjects. First three periods I have nonacademics and French. Then I have Science(my 'A' subject), Social Studies 'B', English 'C', and Math 'D'. Th



Contemplations Of An Insane Man........

I'm just thinking today............ I really miss my childhood. I just do. I miss the cold Autumn nights where the moon was full, the sky was pitchblack, and it all just made me think of how man is insignificant, so small, a thought beyond my years...... I miss the winters where it snowed so much and I could just sit down and watch shows that were and are my favorites, like Batman: The animated series or Batman Beyond.............. I just feel depressed today. Nothing new about that, I'm actuall



Double Double Irony......

Turns out I'm not gonna go to church today. My stomach already hurt when I woke up at 3 in the morning, then I had some painful diarhea or however it's spelled... And my mom and sister have something, so I don't hafta go. Woo.   I'm just kinda weirded out by my heritage... I mean, how would you like to find out you're related to an accused witch, who was accused by her own kids, and hung?! My mom, who is a historian for our church, found this out. Even creepier: The woman I'm related to lived




Gotta go to church in a bit..... I hate going there. The irony is, I listen to Marilyn Manson, who once said, "I think when my fans listen to my music, God dies in their heads."   Not that I'm anti-religious, I just find that ironic. And it's double ironic because I'm related to Martha Carrier, who was hung for witchcraft in the witch mania of the early 1690's. Her own children turned her in. O.o       Recommended Required Ordered-of-you-insolent-filthy-meat-sack-monkeys reading: Twenty-Two




I made this digitized thought-wall somewhat more impressive........ Y'know, improved it, gave it some features. Not really all that much to talk about...   Okay, one thing: I hate it when people post dupe topics in COT. Hasn't anyone learned to check the Official Topics List? Those idjits...........   Another: I made me first poll on BZP today.   [removed] You are no better than anyone else. Do NOT act like this agian.   EDIT: Ooh, I just found out that I'm the top third overall poste



Am I The Only One Who Notices?

I'm talking about Barney. He's a toddler's authority figure and king, he's in around small children all the time, he's never supervised off set... Why do I smell a public scandal brewing here?     So anyways, I have something you don't! A Jhonen Vasquez Spooky Squeak Toy! Woo! It's a little squeaky skeleton toy, and it's disturbingly adorable! And I have it, and you don't! He's right by my keyboard... I'm squeaking him right now... Yay for squeaky stuffs.   Y'GLAAGH'N'PHLURGKZULGHORHK!   T




I was just looking at the Google ads on top of my Blog entries, and they were ads for political stuff! Wow, that was unexpected. Although I did say Capital Hill is a place where evil people go...   Anyhow, my friend Bahrag Kal is having computer troubles, meaning his computer died and he's gonna be out of the loop for a while. That's a bad thing, for a lot fo reasons. One, he'll be bored to death, two, he won't be able to visit here, and three, he might not be able to start the new RPG he was



A Shameless Plug For My New Art.

You heard me, check my new art out. Please, do post. So, there are two pictures in my topic: One of me, with wings bursting out of my back, and the other a quick drawing of my good friend Bahrag Kal, who is victim to a dead computer. He's the guy who does BK's Comics 2.0, if you don't know. No awful and unoriginal lame sprite comics there. BK's dark sense of humor is really hilarious. I'm not ordering you to post there, but you should at least read some of his comics. His grim style of sprite co



Oh Yeah.

Guess who's back? Back again.   GMan's back, coz there's flesh to rend.   Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back....   Okay, that's basically a ripoff of an Eminem song... But anyways, I'm premier! For a whole year, you will be subject to my angry rants once more.   So, anyhow, I got a lot to talk about.     I'm thirteen now, and today's a very supernatural day. Friday the thirteenth! Yay! Doom! Now, people may think, "We already had one of these." We did, way earlier in




So, I saw POTC:DMC last week, zawesome, and I love the nasty demeanor of Davy Jones... Really, what a Lovecraftian look to he and his crew... Oh, and there are two Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy that I love: Prank Call Of Cthulhu, and that one where Billy steals Grim's Bad Book and summons Yog-Sothoth...



So, Just Some Chittity Chat.

Yo. Anybody ever read some of those Alien graphic novels? My favorite is the one with the half-robot scientist who was once trapped in an Alien hive and discovered horrible Alien-human hybrids. And he was trying to replicate the hybrids on his huge space station. Awesome.   So anyways, today I'm gonna try to get some Filler Bunny stuff. I'm gonna get a Filler Bunny book off of Amazon, great place to buy things from awesome artists like Jhonen Vasquez, Roman Dirge, or the aforementioned Alien g



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