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H.p. Lovecraft Rocks.

Anarchy Kitten says no being nasty about Cthulhu. H.P. Lovecraftis awesome, do not deny it or insult it. OR YOU WILL FACE THE WRATH OF ANARCHY KITTEN!



Yay What Was I Dreaming About?

First I dreamed I was Lewa, trying to find something. I was chasing after something relentlessly, and I was doing all these air tricks to try and catch up... It was so weird... Then I was with a bunch of people or something and I was talking to this guy and he left the room for some reason and his wife/significant other called and it was for him, but she didn't believe me that I wasn't her husband/significant other, so I had to fake along. Then the guy came back after the call was done and I thi




When snow comes, comes with it shoveling said snow out of driveway. I had to shovel the front walk, and my fingers froze. It was super cold, obviously, and hard. Gah, I'm still cold and sniffling. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatever...




I went to see 'Happy Feet' at the nearby Jordan's Furniture IMAX theater. Good movie. But I had to go with my dad, who didn't feel well, and my whiny, stupid sister, and my sister kept throwing tantrums and we nearly went home several times, even after we bought the tickets. The movie was wonderful and I liked it, but I had to wait for over an hour in a large, noisy building, with my moody sister, the building being full of nitwitted, whiny, hyperactive kids, and it was a pain in the neck. And H



490 Entries...

...Whoa. I mean, I swear, I had just 461 entries a while ago... Crazy, huh? Soon I'll be the first member to reach 500 entries... Daaang. I've posted a lot fo entries in this thing, and it's sort of a chronicle of some insane rambler... Which it is! I've been seriously blogging since October now, and now this has kinda become a fixture of the blogs, I'd say... I mean, I hardly ever go a day without blogging. This thing is an archive of my mind... If I die or something, this and my posts will pro



Hurrah, An Account Of My Horribly Wonderful Day.

Prepare to have your eyes pull themselves back into your head in horror, for I am about to show you.....       AN ACCOUNT OF HOW MY DAY WENT! *B-movie scream*         Okay, so I went to school, and when I was in homeroom I did something to my left ankle and it hurt like heck for some reason. So I limped to French, where we had croissants and hot chocolate! Hoo-ray. Then I had music, and we saw a clip of the Ellen DeGeneres show, where a six-year-old who could play songs like 'Twist and shout'



No Sleep

After my relatives came over for Mother's Day, I spent some time online, and then went to bed late. And I got no sleep. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I was up for an extremely long time. I tried drinking lots of water, but that didn't work. I tried plenty of things, but got no sleep. To pass the time sometimes, I read The Watchmen, and finished it this way. And I still couldn't get to sleep. It was just so agitating... My body felt ready to shut down but I couldn't get to sleep... I kep



Gee, How Should I Put This?

I have something to relegate along the lead-poisoned veins of the interweb.   Right when I was leaving school, literally, right as I was stepping out the door to where everybody waits for the buses, I saw a seventh grader I know, looking upset, with his hands over his throat, and a special ed teacher holding his backpack, standing there. I would never have known what was going on, had not the Social Studies teacher I had in seventh grade been right ahead of me, and the teachers conversed, and r



I Saw A Movie And Went Bowling!

My dad took my sister and I to see 'Meet The Robinsons', which I actually liked... It was way better than the Ant Bully, animated by the same people... But since Pixar is in charge of CG now, the script and plot for MtR was much better, way more than I expected. The theme of time travel was neatly used in a mostly original way, although who's who in the future was obvious. I had a blue raspberry Icee and a medium popcorn... Perfect food for a movie...   Then my dad got me and my sister home ar




I saw Spider-Man 3 again last night, with my dad and sister. I liked it, as I did before. It was really fun to get to see it, we went to the 6:45 showing, and got home at about 9:20 or something. Woo. And when we came out of the theater, the moon was in the sky, and it was just a beautiful night... Mmmn...     *GASP* I just realized... I theorized like a maniac over how Harry Osborn could be alive after SM3 and obsessed over details... I'm crazy for comics and sci-fi and horror and fantasy and




I got my braces yesterday, and they hurt. Bad. Very bad. It took about two hours to get them on... I got to sleep in since I was having the day off (my teeth would be hurting pretty bad after the operation)... I found out there's a bunch of foods I can't have, and I'm ticked... And I also can't have much Diet Coke, or soda in general, since chemicals in it weaken the cement holding my braces to my teeth. Nutttts.   And it hurts still. I'm taking Tylenol and stuff, but it still hurts. Even soft



My Post Was Eaten!

I was posting a really long post in the Dead RPG, and I had worked on it for ages. I felt I'd really done well with it, I liked how I used BK's description of Horeod to make parts of it more melodramatic. But suddenly, my Mozilla Firefox browser freezes up and I have to close it and restart my computer, and I lose what I was writing, forcing me to start from scratch. ARGH! And I still know life's unfair, but I'm just logging my dismay at the event. So my computer froze up and ruined what I would



Air Travel Companies Are Evil

Think about it. Flights are a hassle to arrange, half the time expensive, and get cancelled or moved or changed often. It's a pain to deal with the conditions on a plane, like a cramped economy section, the lack of actual food and the *choke* lukewarm soda! Plane rides are bumpy. You have to deal with whiny children, annoying people who are talkative, which is even worse when they sit next to you, ignorant people who make messes, people with no concept of personal space who sit next to you and b




I wish I could have just stayed asleep today. I was so tired. It was like my head was magnetically attracted to the pillow, in fact. However, I went downstairs and had breakfast, along with a Diet Coke for the neccessary caffeine (Although my mom's trying to get me to drink decaf). Then I logged onto my comp and browsed the interweb. Didn't have time to post an entry though. Then I took my bus to school here.     On the way to school our bus passed a dead skunk and the smell lingered in the bu



Because I Felt Like It

I honestly felt like drawing this and putting it up. Because I can. Comment now, demented reader creatures.




So, I went to Blockbuster with my mom and I rented Terminator and Terminator 2, which are some of my favorite movies. I stayed up late and watched Terminator on my DVD player, in my bedroom. Woo. The special effects are still very good, it didn't need any embellishing at all. And I'll watch T2: Judgement Day later today... Yep, I'm up in the middle of the night... Caffeine is my bestest friend now. Also, I figured I should watch those films again (though I haven't seen T3 yet) since the rights t



Sigh Of Relief

I talked to my dad this morning, and we had a very long talk about how he wanted a divorce. I talked to him about how my mom has been depressed ever since my Grandma, her mother, died, and told him that divorce was both a hard and easy way out, and the wrong choice, and I convinced him to try to fix his problems with my mom through counseling. I still don't know what will happen, but I am much, much less stressed and I can only hope the counseling works. After I had the talk with my dad, we drov



Staying Home Sick.......

I slept for a looong time after I told my parents I didn't feel well, and then I came down at 11:23 and had breakfast. And I'm still sleepy and suffering. My throat hurts, my eyes are itchy and watery still, etc. Blegh, I'm miserable. Urgh...... *Pukes*



Oh Yes.

Oh yes, and a hearty thanks goes out to Janus for the proto boost. Thanks!




They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but plagiarism off is a whole 'nother matter. De_Zahid took two images from MY gallery and put them in his own, and he is one and the same with the De_Zahid on BZP. He did not heed that the GMan on Brickshelf was the same as the one on BZP, as I clarified, and didn't ask for permission. Disgusting. I put a lot of care into those photos, and being plagiarized is insulting. My gallery if it is public, is viewable here. And each photo I have tak



Into This New Swath Of Deluding Ourselves We Go

Happy (if you can call it that) New Year to everybody who realizes this is just another year before each person dies, as the world around us slowly decays and kills itself. If you didn't realize this, by accident or just downright ignorance, no happy new year for you!   And so we plunge into a new age of degrading ourselves, all within the measure of a unit of "time", which as has been said by me before, is an illusion chemically created by our feeble, instict driven cerebral meats. And it's p




Today's MCAS were easy. I finished mine early and finished reading The Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft. I go to a different room to work on my MCAS than my classmates, with other kids as well, and the room has computers. The teacher is letting us use computers right now, so now you know where I'm writing this from. Woop.   I would have written a blog entry earlier, but in the school library this morning, an obnoxious kid kicked me off the computer to do schoolwork, though I doubt that w




I was thinking, earlier today, and I realized something: World War III may have already occured and we don't know it. Technology and strategy and politics and the internet and war have become so interwoven that we may have just had WW3.5, and we aren't aware of it because it's being fought in a whole different way.   That clerk at Wal-Mart who hands you your change back funny! He may be the leader of a world wide conspiracy and he isn't even aware of it! Just by pressing one button on the regi



Updated My Sig...

Yup, I finished my new banner, it's a Marilyn Manson one. For those of you who don't get it, go look it up.     And... This is the third time I've found out by clicking 'Add entry'...     It keeps getting stranger and stranger... I think the little green men are messing with my head... The little voices agree......     Anyways, I had a weird dream a few nights ago: I was in some sort of pavillion or outdoor market place, looking around, and I had a lightsaber, a green bladed one. And for so



*sits Around Doing Nothing Except Saying 'meep'*

Glegh, I'm tired, but the day/night/afternoon/whatever time it is, I haven't taken my meds, is still young.   My mom's making pizza right now... Mmm, I love it when we make pizza.     I really don't like the Comedies forum nowadays, not that I ever really glimpsed at it before. It's tacky. Filled with 'Toa at *insert predictable location here*' and 'McWhatsits' and 'Ask *Insert name of Bionicle character here*' pieces of garbage. Ragh. Comedies should actually be funny. They aren't original,



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