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So, I went to Blockbuster with my mom and I rented Terminator and Terminator 2, which are some of my favorite movies. I stayed up late and watched Terminator on my DVD player, in my bedroom. Woo. The special effects are still very good, it didn't need any embellishing at all. And I'll watch T2: Judgement Day later today... Yep, I'm up in the middle of the night... Caffeine is my bestest friend now. Also, I figured I should watch those films again (though I haven't seen T3 yet) since the rights to the Terminator franchise have been bought, and a new movie is in the very early planning stages. Y'know. I just felt like it, and I couldn't remember any good movies my friends recommended.



Anyways... Friday was eeeeeeeasy. We had a music assembly that lasted about two periods, starting at first period, and then we had really short classes that were extremely easy. I had to give my presentation in Science class, and it was fine. Then, I had French, where our class watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the 1971 version) dubbed in French, with subtitles... There were some bad dubs, but mostly the translations were fine. They accidentally translated part of a song, but they weren't supposed to, seeing as the French equivalent for the lyrics doesn't rhyme.


Then I went to Drama... That was actually boring. Very. Very. Very. So. Very. Incredibly. Unendingly. Dull. And. Boring. Boring games. So very boring. Horrifically dull. Made my brain scream inside my head and try to claw its way out, but it realized it was safer, albeit more bored, inside my skull.


Then I had to see the school counselor, like I do every Friday, last period. This time it wasn't very pleasant. He was really being irritating. I pretty much cold shouldered him, and gave him this angry glare for over twenty minutes and thought various things I won't bother to reprint here.


Also, one of my spacers accidentally came out. Nuts. It'll be put back in Wednesday, my mom made an appointment. I called my mom on the phone immediately after it came out in class.



Today's irreplaceable kernel of wisdom, kids:


"If it weren't for cynicists, optimists would still be lining up at the cliffsides and trying to fly by flapping their arms, believing that this time it would work."


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Ugh, I hated braces... The first day I got them on, three of the things popped off my teeth...


I haven't seen T3 either, but I heard it wasn't very good...

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Ugh, I hated braces... The first day I got them on, three of the things popped off my teeth...


I haven't seen T3 either, but I heard it wasn't very good...

No, don't say that about T3, it's a good movie...

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