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Terminator 2



I watched T2 on Saturday with my mom, and it was a great movie. I've seen it before, of course. I loved the plot, characters, action, humor, and special effects, which all hold up to this day. Robert Patrick was great as the T-1000, plus the scenes with the Terminator and John bonding (I watched the extended cut) were really good, and in the end when the Terminator made a thumbs up as he descended into the lava was great... And then I stayed up late and watched the original Terminator movie and T2 again on my DVD player. Wheeeeeee. And the next day I got Terminator 3 from the Blockbuster and watched that. And watched it again later that night.


In other news, a ton of my spacers have come out... I'm getting really annoyed, it's so stupid... They aren't worth the trouble and now since I have to have three or four of them reinserted, they won't even do anything. Argh. Stoooopid spacers... Ah well, at least they won't be as bad as braces...

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