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We didn't get a snowday... And we were all excited and all... *sniffles* The teachers even made us bring home all our textbooks and binders and stuff just in case... I hope they just forgot to update and it'll be too icy for the school bus...



Beast Wars...

I've been thinking about that show a lot, and its sequel, Beast Machines or whatever it was called. Man, I LOVED that show. I would watch it every day I could, and it was great. *sigh* It gave me my love of Transformers... I just wish I could find some of the Beast Wars toys I have. I certainly have some of the Beast Machines toys I got... Way back when, I would have my best friends from across the street (they've moved now) come over, and we'd set up these cities with big cardboard blocks I had



Nur.... Again...

I'm gonna go to school soon... I'm still sick and all, but see, I have a Social Studies essay to write and I can't miss that. Nuts, huh?



I Laugh...

...At all the complaints about the Mahri, because most of the people making them now will be screaming "ZOMG THESE ARE LAME THE MAHRI ROCKED ZOMG!" or something like that next year. Same goes for the people who whined about the Barraki. To quote GregF, "Most fan bases react to anything new with initial suspicion/dislike, until they get used to it and find the positives." And there are plenty of them.



Ouuut Siiiiiiiiiick...

I'm staying home sick today, I gots me a cold... *sniffle* I musta caught it at the airport on the way home... I've felt kinda low[er than usual] since then... Nur.... *COUGH COUGH HACK BLEGH!* *sniffle* On another note, I've finished Stephen King's Insomnia. Great, great ending. Also served as a pretty effective advertising technique, now I GOTTA get the Dark Tower books... *smorp*



Deal Or No Deal

I was on the bus before I got here, and I was joking with another bus rider. He said, "I thought $1000 was a lot of money... And then I saw Deal or No Deal." I joked that that should be an ad for the show, then we joked some more. He said, "I used to think 1000 dollars was a lot... And then I got my paycheck... #@&^!" I said, "I used to think 1000 dollars was a lot... And then my landlord knocked on my door." Yeah, I usually joke around on the bus... It's fun what one can come up with on the




*sigh* I can't remember what I dreamed... And I have to drag myself to the bus stop again soon... Hurrah.   I'm reading the Stephen King novel Insomnia right now, I got it on the way home from Florida. Great book.



Mad World

First off, some lyrics. The song "Mad World", and I mean the cover of it Gary Jules did.   --"Mad World", covered by Gary Jules. Anyways, that song's great. It's hauntingly done, really.   Anyways, guess who's going to be in his school's spelling bee? ME! WOO! I came in #1 in my English class. Hoo-ray.   First I had French, which was noneventful... Then I had IA, and it was the start of my new rotation so I was unsure whether I had Drama or Art, and I went around confusedly and eventuall



Back To School...

Vacation's over and I have to drag myself to the bus stop to go to the concrete deathtrap... Ah well, at least my mom's gonna be picking me up at 10:25 or so for a doctor's appointment...




I can't remember my dreams... On Monday while we were in Florida, we woke up, had breakfast at the buffet (mmmm... Pancakes...) and then we left Nickelodeon Hotel to go to Disney's Animal Kingdom park. We wandered around a bit, then we headed to Dinoland. We got in line for this time-travel ride thing, and the dinosaur we saw in the pic for the ride in one of our guides looked more like an emaciated toad with a long tail standing upright than a dinosaur. Turned out to be a Carnosaur or whatever.



Back From Florida!

It was fun! I stayed at Nickelodeon Hotel and went to various Disney parks... I went on a few rides I didn't like, but mostly it was good! Saturday was hectic. We were bustling around in airports, getting cramped in planes, waiting for our plane, had seating problems, etc. We arrived at the Orlando aiport, and took a tram to where we could be picked up by a Hertz bus, to go pick up the rental we would be using. It took a long time. We got the car, and drove to the Hotel. On the way to Orlando, I



Leaving For Florida Soon...

I packed some more stuff last night, like my sketchbook and a pen, books, DVDs, my DVD player, yada yada yada...   I had weird dreams. The first one, I was playing with this nightlight-like thing in my hands and readjusting the bulb, which had affects on this larger pole with a bulb outside, then I was in some sort of archaic library lit by torch, or I was with some sort of people/things, periodically appearing back in my room where the light was (and of course the window), then I finally adju




Yeah, I was a packing slave, having to scurry around gathering clothes for the vacation in Florida. Whee.   I'm listening to some Lemon Demon right now... Man have I gotta get one of the CDs...   I'm working on some... Strange... Artwork. Specifically, ninja toasters on mopeds. Just you wait. Maybe I'll get the chance to finish it, maybe not... It's hard, because I need a side view of a moped, and so far I can't find a pic... Nur...   *belch*   I'm sitting here, drinkin' Diet Coke (I snu



More Muzzy...

My academic classes were really nondescript... So let's skip to French class. We continued watching Muzzy, and it was odd... Muzzy and Jean (not Jacque, I made a mistake) break out of prison, and go to Sylvie, and Corvax (That goblin thing, I only just found out his name) has duplicated dozens of Sylvies accidentally, all of them hating Corvax as much as the original. Muzzy and Jean (Bob in the English version) did some weird little song-and-dance routine before they broke out, also... It was de




I rode the bucket of yellow scrap metal to the concrete death trap, and here I am using electricity.   I'm gonna be going to Florida soon, for a week or so. This will explain my absence, for anybody who's curious.



Gotta Be Catchin' Me A Bus Soon...

To take me to the concrete death trap. However, since it's so cold, I'll just be waiting at the door and I'll run out when the bus comes. It'll probably be ridiculously late again.



An Update To My Cot Art Topic...

Here it is. If you like dark or scary things, go check it out. I liked the drawings I just put in there; they were relatively good. I developed my character 'The Quiet Guy' with more drawings and I gave him a home (Empty City), I drew some weird things and more. Plague, the character from the Dead RPG, I spent lots of time working on. I liked the result. Bahrag Kal designed the character very well, I have to say. Plague's hat and mask were fun drawing, I used shading to give the mask dimensions.




You'll find out what the title is for in due time... After I had computer fun class, I went to Assisted Study. I got some work done there, mostly just asking questions about some Social Studies stuff. Then, I went to French class, where we worked a little, and then we watched a movie. This was one of those 'learning another language by having it condescendingly shown to you in an incomprehendable manner' movies. It started with an image of this big, blue-green fuzzy monster thing in a space ship



School Bus Eeeevil!

I didn't get a chance to blog earlier... Well I didn't have any dreams so okay.   Anyways, I went out at 6:40 this morning, to wait for the bus. I expected it would come soon. It didn't. I was waiting out there with my friend, and we talked and played around to pass the time. The bus still hadn't come. The sound of the wind resembled the sound of the bus, and we wondered constantly if it had finally arrived. It was very wet, cold, and icy so we thought maybe school had been cancelled. But we st



Just To Make You Think...

Suppose technology has gotten to the point where there are machines that are intelligent, and where a mind can be transferred into a machine, and where people can be implanted or upgraded with mechanical parts. Firstly, can an intelligent robot feel emotion or is it programmed? Does the robot have no soul because it is a machine? What rights does a robot with intelligence, emotions or not, have? If it has no soul, is it entitled to any rights since it may be safer to err on the side of caution s



Updated Me Blog

Made some changes, added a few links and stuff, just harnessing freetime to spiffen up my blog.     Anyways, last night I watched the Batman Episodes Feat of Clay and Joker's favor, plus a few others. They were great! Feat of Clay did a great job of remaking Clayface and giving him such colorful origins, and Joker's Favor was the origin Episode for Harley Quinn, one of the best characters on an animated TV show ever! Clayface was spectacular, and I liked how Joker's Favor was told from the acco



Snooooowday! Woo! Yes!

I HAVE A SNOWDAY! YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! It snowed overnight, as predicted, and I HAVE NO SCHOOL TODAY! WOO! So I slept in and relaaaxed... Mmm....     And I've avoided the commercial monster we call Valentines Day, too! WHEE! A snowday and none of that commercially brought on guilt crammed down our throats over not buying as much kitschy romantic junk as we could! HAHA!     I had a a weird dream... I was in The X-Files and I had to go do something strange and I remember




I'm kinda laughing at the reaction to the Mahri- I find it very apparent the sets were prototypes, and that the show organizers also put them together the wrong way. Lego really had to rush out the sets for display.     Got some homework done... I was watching Batman: The Animated Series before I had to go to an appointment... I was right in the middle of the first part of the great two-part episode 'Feat of Clay' when I had to leave for it. So now I'll be watching it very soon.     I'm cons



Road To Nowhere

I'm gonna post the lyrics to one of my favorite songs, "Road To Nowhere", by the Talking Heads. Coz I feel like I'm drivin' on it... Had a bad day... --"Road To Nowhere", by the Talking Heads... It's great, really.   Anyways, to let off some steam... ARGH! AGH! RRRRGH! NRRAAAAAGH! ARRRRRRRRRRGH! I had "one of those days" at school, and I think it's going to turn into "one of those weeks", as my luck usually has it. My day was AWFUL. The concrete death trap sucked out more of my dignity and



Morning... Nur...

First, to get something off of my back, 99.99% of the world irritates me greatly. There. I said it.   I slept in, kinda, by setting my alarm clock for 6:20 AM, instead of just 6:00 AM, coz I'd already packed my lunch. Felt good.   Sorry for the 'Screamy' story, I honestly can't understand why anybody objected, but since it's apparently unfit for this blog it won't happen again. Unless somebody puts on reality distortion goggles.



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