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I have two pairs of brand spankin' new, so-white-they-make-your-eyes-water-in-the-sunlight sneakers.   WHAT SHOULD I DRAW ON THEM?   I'm leaning towards dinosaurs, the four seasons, or all the things I'm fangorical for, but I still appreciate/want suggestions.   (Tenthennial Postiversary)  




For one dollar and ten sweet minutes of taste-bud tangoing, it's so worth the repetitive jingle and the noxious truck fumes and crossing the searing street barefoot.   (FYI, the joke on the stick is "What's the most important thing you need to go skateboarding?"   (The answer is: a skateboard. DUH!)  



Dead Meat

...is what my brother will be shortly, because he's only had his license for a little over a week, and he got into his first car accident today.   This morning he dropped me off at work and borrowed $5 for gas, and he told me that his friend's mom wanted him to pick up a car part in a town about an hour away (without traffic) from ours. She was going to pay him, and since he wanted to earn some extra cash he didn't tell my parents he was doing it, nor did he ask to borrow my dad's car. So when



Poofy Bouffant Lady

So there was this lady who came up to my register last month. She had this big poofy hairdo that looked like a red, upside down beehive and had large-rimmed glasses. Must've been in her fifties or sixties. So anyway, she comes up to my register with a shirt with a $20 tag, but she apparently left the other $10 bill she thought she had in the car, so she was upturning her purse onto my counter to scrape together whatever money she had in there to pay for the shirt. She even borrowed two dimes fro




I can't draw 'em but I sure am licensed to drive 'em!     I'm more happy that I actually got to take the test than passing, after almost two whole years. I don't really need to drive in the city, but I've run into so many ridonkulous setbacks since I got my permit in 04 that I'm still in shock. On the downside, now I'll have to chauffer my sister places... in my mom's poorly drawn minivan.   And I don't care if my brother technically passed his test five minutes before me, we still got our l




This entry was brought to you by the letter Omicron   For he's the most amazing of Greek letters.   Everyone go tell him that right now.  




There's a song I've been listening to a lot called "Summer's the Worst" by Michael Leviton. I first heard it on They Might Be Giant's Podcast 5B (and saw him perform it live when I went to see TMBG in concert back in May) It's a very melancholy tune, kinda retro-50's bathing suits in my mind (I don't know why), but he utilizes the xylophone and the ukelele nicely.   To contrast the title, I was sitting out on my deck today because it wasn't 90 plus degrees outside and we have very nice deck cha




Look what came in the mail this afternoon!     That's a T-shirt design called "Stat City" and the shirt arrived right when I was getting dressed. I can't link to the site itself from BZP (due to forums and innappropriateness and stuff), but it's a very awesome place where people submit their own t-shirt designs and other people vote on them, then the designs with the most votes are made into shirts and the winners recieve cash and gift certificates as well as having their designs printed. It'




Okay, so I work in retail. Marshalls to be specific, which sells department store wares (mostly clothing) for closeout prices. I've been there for over a month now and it's working out okay. My best friend works there with me, I've made a bunch of new friends, and gotten my first paid commission of the summer from my bosses. I have a 10% employee discount (soon to be 20% for three days yay!) which my mom LOVES because Marshalls is her most favorite place in the world to shop. And I've gotten som



Entry The First

It's been three years since I got my first Bionicle set (Thursday, July 15th, 2003 my mom bought me a Lehvak) and almost the same amount of time that I've been a member of this site. The impact that both have had on my life have been... phenomenal. BIONICLE almost instantly became one of my biggest inspirations as well as the subject of so much creativity; the amazing tribal island of Mata Nui and it's unique people, their wisened elders and their heroic guardians, and the mysterious secrets has



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