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Entries in this blog

In Memory Of Esne

Sorry I missed two entries. Various things delayed me the first week, but this is what delayed me the second week. If you've followed this blog long, you remember Esne from the memoriam entry for Penny, our golden retriever who passed away two years ago. Last Wednesday, Esne passed away as well. Esne was a Brittany we adopted. We usually called her "Ezzie" or just "Ez." Her previous life we don't know that much about, but she was owned by a homeless woman and lived in a car. She was alre



In Honor Of Penny

I've had the Post New Entry page up here for a few hours trying to figure out how to begin this... I guess perhaps this is the best way to do it: I don't know. When I said the Dreaded real life was attacking, I didn't realize it was attacking this strongly. One of my family's two dogs just died Monday, Penny. Golden Retriever, only 9 years old (compared to an average 12). We got Penny a few years after our last dog, Duke died (he was also a Golden, and lived to an amazing 15 years). She was



Importance Of Faves

I wasn't planning to do a blog entry today, but someone recently posted a topic in which they expressed an opinion about types of topics that was so flagrantly, disturbingly (to me anyways ) wrong, and enough people actually agreed with it that I felt I might as well copypaste my post to here in the hopes that maybe one or two others might read it.   Member's name removed in this version; it's the idea that I want to attack (and utterly eradicate ), not the member.   Please learn this, love



I O N: Home Makeover, April Fools, Wii, Twisted Island

Random occurances, updates, and interesting stuffishness: I have decided to change my "every entry has a banner" tradition, and say that update entries like this will generally not have banners. It takes time. But major entries will always have banners, if I can help it. 'Twill make it easier to fulfill the "weekly blog" rule. These will be called "ION" entries -- "In Other News."  Twisted Island has been re-begun, and the Paracosmos Tapestry Collection Topic re-revamped. Now all that's left



I Am Powerpoint Mapmaker

I may be the only person on Earth with this job. I have/am getting a new task as part of my newspaper delivery job that I can get paid for. It's a great example of irony, because I am now making maps for the deliverers with Powerpoint. It's like the fusion of the main character of my Paracosmos RPG -- a Ta-Koronan mapmaker -- with my coolified artwork, and real life. XD I had made one for our own half-a-zip-code a while back and just revamped it, that shows easy-to-read dots for the DNDs



How To Disagree Well

Yo yo yall. Longtime readers of my blog might recall I have admitted that I have a problem with being condescending when disagreeing, and that I'm trying to improve. Well, I have something to report. I'm still struggling to find the right words to describe it, but I think at last I know what "it" is. I've tried to put it into a very concise list of "rules." I'll list them by themselves first. How to Disagree Well 1 Listen fairly 2 Avoid negative labels 3 Be concise 4 Speak yo



How To Contact Me

Just a quick note -- anybody that needs to PM me about anything classified (hint hint, you-know-who-you-are ) but can't, feel free to send an email to:   bonesiii@gmail.com   And let me know your member name when you use this.   I'll try to actually check it everyday.   Otherwise, yall may comment here or in my profile comments for the time being.



How To Avoid Frustration

From time to time, BZPower gets an influx of so many new members, and older members who are aware of major goings on move on to other things. Turnover, it's called. People in general also tend to make some common mistakes before they learn better -- but we can help them avoid such mistakes by telling them the lessons we and others have already learned. We can also do it with humor. Which brings me to the first point of this entry: to give a big shout-out to Turakii's very wise entry here.



History Of Violence In Bionicle

Today, the Bones Blog provides some much-needed perspective on the issue of the "violence level" in Bionicle. Often lately members have made false claims about certain types of "violence" nowadays compared to 2001 or other years. So I'd like to provide a list of the real story on the history of violence in Bionicle, subject by subject. This will be set up like a Myths and Misconceptions article, listing the subject or accusation that is false in bold then the explanation following. Note, tha



History Of Technicism Vs. Bioniclism

Today the Bones Blog brings you the text of the most important history of changes in Bionicle, with small modifications since posted several months ago on the forums. This is intended to provide the context for a major change in Bionicle that is often cited, but rarely understood, by complainers/nostalgics. For the sake of clarity, the two major styles will be referred to as "Technicism" and "Bioniclism." 2001 LEGO assumes, incorrectly, that Bionicle will be popular with Technic fans, so m



History Of Set Gimmicks In Bionicle

Reminder: The Pet Peeve Contest is open till November 29. Today the Bones Blog brings you a feature on "gimmicks" in Bionicle sets through the years. This is a common subject in debate topics, often with a "gimmick" being implied to be a bad thing, and also often portrayed as something new to Bionicle. But even the definition of "gimmick" is subjective, and the definitions usually used/implied also apply to much older sets -- so what's the actual history of gimmicks in Bionicle? What



History Of A Dromer

When ya see a topic in LGD about the LEGO Drome Racing game, and don't see your name mentioned anywhere on the first page... it's a good sign you're waaaay out of it, lol. Many of you newer members probably don't even realize who I am when it comes to the drome. So today I thought I'd take a little zoom down memory highway... When the drome first came out, I logged on, because I love racing games, almost as much as battle games, so I thought, eh, why not? Might be fun. I was a little surpris



Help Wanted; Myths Article

I love blogs. Great way to organize you folks to do my work for me. (Kidding.. mostly...) *ahem* Well, after being busy for a couple months this spring then working on tons of S&T projects including the Contest which is only just now wrapping up, you all have noticed I'm sure that there haven't been any more Myths & Misconceptions articles for a long time now. There's tons of need for another one, but now that the search engine is offline for us FLs too now, it's gonna be hard to



Half An Apple Tree, Half Computer Power

Did you know it's possible to down an apple tree -- or half of one, at least -- merely by the weight of the apples itself? It is. Here's the reasons I have been very inactive in recent weeks: 1) Half of the apple tree in our backyard fell down a few weeks ago. Remember I said I was dogsitting? Exactly one day after the dogs went back home, the tree fell. During that week before it fell, I had spent hours upon hours trimming the low-hanging branches, cutting off tons of weight, and then



Guests And The Server

Okay, this is super simple. Please listen closely. Viewing as a guest saves bandwidth. Viewing as a member takes more bandwidth. Because pages loaded for members have to load some extra features like control panel links, new PM notices (or just checking how many new messages there are), member settings, etc. Many of those guests are members, who are viewing as a guest to save bandwidth. Plus, lurking before joining to get used to the rules is wise. So enough with these nonsensical



Graphics Correction

Previously I said I'd do krana for my FCG entry (and put the graphic of them, Bohrok, and "Kofo-Visorak" up for yall to use too), but Bohrok are taking so long to make, what with dogsitting and all, I'm not gonna have time. Instead for my entry I will have a single type of mutated krana used in every Bohrok.   (Storywise, I DID say these Twisted Island Bohrok are mutant Bohrok. But I'm drawing them essentially set-accurate, so it will now be the krana that will be the mutants, not the Bohrok t



Good And Evil: Points Of View?

Okay, this is partly just an excuse to have a blog entry. But also I wanted to put my answer to the above question here in full. Gravitan asked me about this in my profile comments but the answer looks way too convoluted split up into 400 char segments.   But in all seriousness, this is a topic many have brought up, and it is VERY relevant to Bionicle -- the answer is one of the core lessons that Bionicle teaches. On a Bionicle fansite, it's pretty important that we recognize that.   So here w



Goblin Sharks

I HAD NO IDEA THESE THINGS EXISTED!!!!!!   They're awesome!   Look them up. Cool.   But how is it possible these things aren't all over Shark Week and school textbooks and the like, unlike Hammerheads whose alien awesomeness is all over the place?   This must be corrected at once.       In Other News:   --Working half on taxes right now, and ten halves on writing the next Paracosmos story, The Perfect Cage. I almost have the theory that I write better when I'm supposed to be doing something e



Gali's Real Mask

Since most people are still judging Gali's mask by the prototype from Toyfair (shown below), I thought I'd do a quick entry showing the real mask, which you can see above. Cred to Wrinkledlion for finding this. Hope this helps you judge better. (Personally, I like this a little more than the Toyfair one. The lines seem more consistent, and while I like rubber masks, it looks like it would fit in quite well as a new mask power among the Mata Kanohi, which I liked. I still see [almost] no r



Full Bp Rpg Available N O W -- The Map Of Mata Nui!

B P: The Map Of Mata Nui -- RPG Version 3 Available Now ! Best in-map battles yet, minigames, graphics, and full storyline! It's finally available! The game designed with fun in mind, mystery, very advanced code for RPGMaker, and now the full storyline available! Go play it! (It's still technically a "skeletal" version, since there's minor stuff still unfinished, but the storyline and frankly far more game features than planned are available NOW! )



Friends Can Disagree

(Most important points are bold.) If there was ever a "title says it" moment for blogs, this is it. But as simple as the statement "friends can disagree" is, it is shocking how profound and almost universally unknown it is to so many people. Whether on BZP or real life, people often start avoiding each other when they find out they like different things, or don't see eye to eye on things. This is wrong. Now maybe there are situations where this is all you can do. Being friends, even in



Focus Groups

Enter the Powerpoint Face Contest by May 15! Today the Bones Blog brings you a short interview with Greg Farshtey on the subject of focus groups, an often-misunderstood concept lately. What are the facts? Bold is for important points. Blue is me, black is Greg. The Q&A bonesiii: I've noticed lately that one of the cookie-cutter arguments complainers are using has been the anti-focus groups one. [someone] just claimed in a topic for example that focus groups just like whatever L



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