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Bzp Debate Terms Guide

In most debates, most of the "disagreements" actually arise because one side or another (or both) fails to clearly define the terms they are using. This is a continuing and profound problem on BZP that I run into often; and often I find myself needing to repeat myself over and over as new debate topics pop up with members posting in them that missed the last topic. Gets tedious, so here's a basic dictionary of the debate terms most important to Bionicle debates on BZPower! [Note: I maxed out th



Next Blog Contest?

[Pretend there's a banner here! It says, "Bones Blog"! ] Should I do a MOC contest again this time? I know I said I've do the Makuta Jeopardy thing soon a long time ago, but there has been some trouble as Teridax has been killing Makuta left and right. Makuta DoomAH, who had offered to host it, has been taken to a refuge of Evil Lord Survurlode outside the Matoran Universe. As such I have been unable to contact him for an interview or to arrange this contest. In fact, we don't know for su



Coolology: Autum Nleaves

Yes, I spelled it that way on purpose.     As a sequel to my Visual Guide to Cool, today the Bones Blog brings you a collection of leaves found in my yard and around my neighborhood while dogwalking in the last two weeks. Study these leaves closely -- they'll be on the test. I mean... they roxor...     With the exception of three "leaves", including the pine needles, that I plucked from trees and bushes in my own yard, all of these were found on the ground. Then I scanned them in my scann



Unseen Chapter E I G H T

Today the Bones Blog continues with the final few chapters of Unseen, the Bionicle Paracosmos short epic slow-reveal of the winner of the Monster Mystery Art contest. Chapter 8 is 8 pages long, rather than the 6 average of the previous chapters. There will most likely be three more chapters plus an epilogue. Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Chapter 8 Taureko and Mohrook have just been blasted out of a Coliseum window by the Trickster villain, after trying to send a citywide



Criticize My Posts Here

Okay, so a lot of people wanna talk about my posting style, and VB polls and Hero Factory topics are not the place to do it. I already have a blog entry where yall could post comments like that, but then that's a blog entry that dwarfs most of the posts in question, so yeah. XD Whine here.   (I mean... comment here. No whining. )   In my defense, usually all I'm doing in terms of length compared to others is responding with about the same amount of content that others use. But they tend to sp



Rational, Practical, Statistical, A Guest Essay On Theories By ~shadow Kurahk~

Today the Bones Blog brings you a guest essay by ~Shadow Kurahk~ on the topic of S&T theories. He suggested the theme in a PM, and I offered to host an essay by him on it if he wanted to write one. He did, and here it is! Rational, Practical, Statistical, A Guest Essay on Theories by ~Shadow Kurahk~ Theories are almost certainly the center of the BIONICLE fan base nowadays. Though, I'm not just talking about all the theories that are out there. I mainly want to talk about those



Complaint Topic Archive

Love or hate it, complaining is an important aspect of Bionicle discussion. It's always possible that real problems could exist, and constructive criticism might bring it to LEGO's attention and help Bionicle's health. The Bionicle fanbase has a unique relationship with the franchise it follows because the LEGO company is very interested in fan input and correcting such errors. In the past we have helped with such things as clone sets thanks to this. As such, the ability to complain is a privele



Track Blog Toolbar Code

Today the Bones Blog brings you a quick blogging tip; some simple code to put near the top of your blog sidebars that can help you "hook" readers better. Why Should I Care? Well, if you don't have a blog, you might not, but if you're a blogger on BZP, you definately should care. Every blog should have tracking options in a sidebar content block. If I've just entered a blog I've never read before, and I like it, I should be able to click a button that lets me keep track of the blog in th



Tren Krom, 3cool Monsters Art Topics, Contest Updates

Random Cool Monsters <-- Could use replies, and includes two monstrous avs. Also: Tren Krom! Wallpaper, Banners, Avs! Powerpoint Face Contest is now closed. I'm PMing winners to ask them to send me the .ppt files where necessary to make the avatars. Without revealing their names just yet, this contest turned out so well it's been more about deciding who has to lose than who won -- Ojhilom and I decided that we had to judge winners by anybody that's over a certain level of quality, rat



Ogd Reference, Mata Nui, Monsters, Etcetera!

Updates:Krakuaofsonics and I have been discussing ideas about a possible reference system for Greg's answers. BS01 already covers the essentials, but what about those common but not-so-essential questions that people keep asking Greg over and over and over and over? The problem is that Greg has to spend Various attempts to fix this problem have been proposed, even tried, but nothing seems to last. Is there a good way to fix this? Or is the OGD as good as we can do, other than of course Greg doin



Enigma Pacman Available For Download!

Bionicle Paracosmos: Enigma Pacman Inspired by Pacman, taking place in the Bionicle Paracosmos location Twisted Island (from my fanfics), this is a one-map arcade game with a short "Adventure Mystery" storyline. You play as Enigma, a good-guy shapeshifter, collecting energy fruit to get Attack Mode, and earn points to earn more Attack Mode forms and other unlockables. The storyline parts can be skipped and played later if you prefer to get right to the gameplay. After the story end you can



On Mystery

Recognize that console? I'm sure if you haven't figured it out before you now know I'm a huge fan of Lost... well, I'm not one of those people that decodes every little hint and writes tons and tons of detail on what it could all mean -- I save that for Bionicle. But the show is just awesome. That season finale, man, that rocked! What I love about Lost is the mystery of it (as well as the coolness...). Sometimes I wonder if they borrowed half their ideas from Bionicle -- the idea of a myst



Unseen -- Chapter 1 -- Monster Mystery Results

Today the Bones Blog brings you Chapter One of this Bionicle Paracosmos blog-exclusive "Adventure Mystery" short epic, which serves as a slow-reveal of the winner of the Monster Mystery Art contest. No need to read previous stories to understand it; if you want to though, see here (this story does contain Mindfire spoilers -- my Epics-Contest-winning murder mystery; that would be a good single story to read before starting this). Bionicle Paracosmos Bonus Episode #4 unseen Chapter 1



Altacosmos Chronicles

The two lost in the Dataclysm are back (well, the second, as a short epic, is not fully posted yet). Both have been improved from the original.       AC#3 is coming soon.



Bah Humbug

Obviously I failyoord to keep up the weekly blog thing these past two weeks. Been even more busy than I thought and I just won't have time. So for the time being I'm declaring a mostly-total break from BZP. Will try to still answer simple PMs and contest questions and the like. Still hoping to have all this stuff done by end of April.   Also don't forget about the Blue MOCs contest which is still open!



Shard Moons, Bionicle's Likely Return, & More

------------THIS ENTRY BROUGHT TO YOU BY------------ ---------------------------------------------------- Moar uppdaytz:EMC#7: Shard Moons -- go and post! Your task? Describe the elemental moons of the EM planet Clysmax. We'd previously had this as an open question in the Discussion topic, but now we've turned it into a separate mini-contest. Go! Why Bionicle's Return is Likely -- GD essay topic. Go read and take it to heart! Bionicle is actually quite likely to return! Just not rig



Monster Mystery: Chapter 6 Of Unseen

Today the Bones Blog brings you Chapter Six of this Bionicle Paracosmos blog-exclusive "Adventure Mystery" short epic, which serves as a slow-reveal of the winner of the Monster Mystery Art contest. Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Chapter 6 In a dark tunnel under Le-Wahi, I was running for my life from the Unseen Monster… Hujo managed only one thought as he ran in terror, as sounds of stomping on broken glass shards echoed throughout the chamber… as an unimaginably deep-pitched



Attack Of The Dreaded Real Life

Well, this semester of college has started up, and now that the first week is over and I have the syllabi and such, I can officially say that I am going to be absolutely swamped. Just a heads up guys that I might not be anywhere near as active as y'all are used to--it would be appreciated if people keep that in mind when considering PMing me about things not vitally important or whatnot. At this point I'm just hoping I won't have to resign from any of my BZP duties, though I'm almost sure s



Another Tiebreaker, S&t Moc

Irony of ironies, we've got another tie for last winning place in the MOC category. Only one of these two can win. Post which one you want to win. You have until 11:00 PM EST today to choose. Dancing Barney: Fencing Scimitar Dorek: Xian Energy Extraction Rifle



Prelim Deadline 3-day Extension

Since Lord Survurlode temporarily conquered BZP last Thursday, the voting period deadline for the S&T#2 preliminary polls is being extended to noon EST Friday July 21st. Paracosmos fans, note that the lastest update to the RPG Part 1 is available for download now. Today I'm trying to get through my inbox... *dives into giant mess of PMs*



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