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Somehow Intelligent Monolougue After Midnight

Somehow I am still Premier. Did I really buy it this late? Or did someone mysteriously gift me some? Huh. If the latter: thanks! If the former: no soup for you!     So, as you may have heard, rumour's on the street I'm a Bionicle coordinator for BrickCon. I'm actually quite pleased I got the post and especially a Bionicle coordinator (I previously always thought the Administration somehow held a monopoly on it, but it came easier, and more forced, than anticipated. The things you learn!), and h



Blog Is Alive, Too

Prolly will redecorate the blog soon. Any ideas on what I can do to improve it?   Or how about the entries? I feel like I've fallen into the bland and typical blog spectrum, havong lost the luster that I feel made this blog a great blog about a year ago. Could be me under the weather, but whatever the case may be, I wanna fix it.   ~EW~



Camp Baker

So today I was interviewed for a staff position at Camp Baker, one of the best BSA summer camps on the west coast. We will see what they think of me later, but still...   On the note of the internet, it has beed postponed slightly because of a tree location, but when it is done they will retry to set it up, hopefully by monday.   ~EW~



Rpgs, Computers, And Parties

I've concluded my laptop had decided to be an oddly-shaped brick permanently. Sadface! :( Now I need to finish two essays on mom's PC that has an absolutely cumbersome keyboard that I am terrible at typing on. They're due Monday, too. Blarghasdfg.   OH! My Eagle Scout Court of Honor is tomorrow, too! You all are invited. Please come!   Also, Spink, Necro, HURRY IT UP IN KAEN! Face it, stubborn enemy general and loyal overprotective nurse do not make a good combination for negotiations. ;_;  



Because Ofa Certain Banner I Won...

Okay, so there is this thing called Blog of the Week. I won it this week. Big whoop.   Truthfully, I really cannot say much more. What made me win it? My Star Wars fandom? Was it my essays? Maybe my picking on Omi? Anyone could have a blog every bit as wholesome as I am proud mine is, and I hope the aforementioned criteria were not used as the main purpose of my winning the award.   What really makes a great blog is not the content, but the heart. Both of the maker and of the blog itself.  



Jamboree Troop Meeting Highlights

Chairman Laney:- "Parents, I want to take this moment to assure you we have the best, most highly trained, superbly qualified leaders of this [National Jamboree] troop." 1st Assistant SM Hudson:- "So... where are these replacements?"   3rd Assistant SM Schiller [me]:- "Patch trading is a very big thing at Jamborees, annnnd I jot got some more papers, thanks." (I was handed more sheets of info.)   1st Assistant SM Hudson:- "Patch trading is not to be done between yoth and adults and vice versa



My 11th Grade...

Hm, I guess I will tell you what my classes are for the '07-'08 years...   Bible Dictrines World History II Biology English/Spelling/Vocabulary/World Literature III Algebra II Spanish 1 (just for the credit ) French 1   I had my firt row of quizzes today. Surprisingly, they were fun. I aced them with limited turbulence. I certainly needed refresheers in my English classes, as I forgot the English word for humilitas (Latin for "anonymous"). That is, among other things.     Rather unevent



I Just Realized...

2010 doesn't seem to be a good year for my blog. Haven't really done a substantial blog entry all year long.   ~EW~



News From The Underworld!

So, what am I doing at this present time?   Why, browsing through a library, of course!     Truth is, I am a bookworm. I rarely have had time to read lately, being busy and all, but hopefully I will have some books to read soon-ish and the time to read them.     Why have I been so busy lately? Well, tests, essays, and my addiction to a MMORPG called Tibia. So, as such, there has been little time for BZP.   So PMs are on hold for the most part, the SWRPG is on hold also (though I'll try to g



Coldplay <3

I just wanted y'all to know that Coldplay is my one true musical love. <33   I feel that their music can speak for me in oh-so-many ways, describing me in one way or another at any given time. For an example, for over the last year, In My Place was my flagship song.     I felt lost, and that song was what could describe my very essence in trying to help but making too many mistakes.     The song Talk also proved to be a fitting song:         Politik is a piece of art, and the last thr



EẈ Explores Culinary Exploits With His Mother

My mother has the most amusing experiences at restaurants. She once ordered the soup and salad combo and had a potato chowder and a sesame salad. The soup was good, but when she looked at the salad, there were no sesame seeds in sight and it was sprinkled with bleu cheese, which she hates. She had it replaced with a tossed greens salad after a fiasco with the waitress.     My dad was a 'hospitality consultant' and an executive chef, even having his own restaurant for a time. He specialized in



The State Of Honesty

The State of Honesty - - - - - - - - - - Can you imagine a community where nobody can be trusted, everyone keeps an eye on everybody, and nothing is what it seems? Though easy to depict it, one cannot truly grasp the problems that would persist in such a case. Not even I, for that matter, but then, I don't have to in order to talk about it. The problem with such a community would be the fact that there is no honesty, a factor that would inevitably wreak havoc on the entire society as




First off, don't forget to look at my essay below.   Secondly, I now have 100.MBs broadband, so I'm good to go!   ~EW~



Ew's Poetry Archives

Due to the fact that poem topics in COT are largely ignored and can die, I decided to compile a single blog entry meant for all my poems to be added and stored for both future reference and commentary.   Newest ones come on top, the earlier works on the bottom. That way, when you look at the entry, *BAM!* there is the newest work. No scrolly-rolly to do.   Poems with topics will have a link.         ------------------------------------------------   Man's Vision     Under the glow each



Positive Attitude

This is a Scoutmaster Minute that I used at my troop's most recent Court of Honor. I did not make it, rather took it from a Scouting rescourse site and narrated it as I saw fit at the time, but this is the verbatim text from the site.     *   A good positive attitude can truly change the way you approach life, and your future. Let me illustrate with a short story.   A few years ago, there was a wildlife organization out west that offered a bounty of $5000 for wolves captured alive. Two f




“By jove, I’ve found it!” the archeologist exclaimed as he stepped into the tomb he had searched for all his life. He was an old man now, wrinkled face worn from years in the sandy wastes searching for something in what many called a fool’s errand. But now, as he entered the thing he had sought out for almost his entire time on earth, there was no pride, no “I-told-you-so” emotions, no enmity towards his ridiculers, instead he was overcome with the simplest sort of joy that rendered him speechle



Bzprpg G D Topic

I guess I spend too much time lurking in that topic -- I had a dream last night in which I wrote another sharply worded post advising* people to chillax and enjoy the game. I wonder what the next layer in this dream will be! I must go deeper!   * advise since I can't actually tell them to do anything.   ~EW~




I'll be MIA for a few days until Saturday evening, PST. Expect no activity till then.   ~EW~



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