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New Year's Eve

Every year, on New Year's Eve, we will finish the dinner, listen to some waltzes, stay up a little late, and then   power outage.     I'm eager to see if this trend will continue in a few days.   ~EW~



Water! Running Water!

Don't ever take running water for granted until you've lived for at least a month without it. Kinda like what we went though. Showers once a week, stinky bathroom, sink full of dishes...   But we have running water for now. Creek has enough water now and tanks are being filled up now. Woo.   ~EW~



I'll Get A Car [ Finally ]

We didn't get the Land Rover.   We didn't get the Volvo SUV.   We didn't get the Smart.   But we're going to get a BMW sedan for me.   A remodeled car with a new engine, it's a steal for $2K.   ~EW~



Randum Rawr

Okay, so the following is the result of me going all silly after Nukaya and I talked about using our college education to make a business with some friends.         And so, here it is. =D   ~EW~




I'll be getting a car this weekend. Or is planning to.   It be a yellow and black 2003 Land Rover Freelander sport utility mini-SUV. It's got everything I need for when I am doing outdoor treks, and all we need for towing or transporting. So yay!   ~EW~




I'm... orange?? How did THAT happen!?? I swear, those oranges Mom gives me a slightly tangy, but...   ~EW~



Private Profile

So you're browsing a blog entry, right? You see a comment by a user you're not familiar with, k? So you, like, click on their name and there's that dropdown menu; with me? Among the list of options, it says "View Public Profile."   This makes me wonder: is there such a thing like a "private profile?" If so, where is it? Please tell me-- I want to know more about me! Imagine the information stored in the "private profile!"   ~EW~



Stay Off The Roads!

EW coming through.   Vroom vroom.         (Yeah, kinda sad that I'm juuuuuust starting to drive; I've had my permit for months! )   ~EW~



Did You Know?

Squirrels mate for life. So, if you ran over one squirrel, it would only be right to run over the other one for the sake of honor, cuz you're putting the mate out of it's mourning.   ~EW~



Eagle Project Update :)

So I finally have something to make a halfway decent entry about, lol.   Just an hour ago I met with the City Parks Commitee to adress my want for an Eagle project (something I must do to earn the highest rank in Boy Scouts). Things went fine and my speaking was fairly well done, and I will be meeting with the parks specialist on Friday. Looks like the best choice is for dugouts at the ballpark and benches to watch. Well, at least I have something in my agenda for my Eagle badge.   ~EW~



Positive Attitude

This is a Scoutmaster Minute that I used at my troop's most recent Court of Honor. I did not make it, rather took it from a Scouting rescourse site and narrated it as I saw fit at the time, but this is the verbatim text from the site.     *   A good positive attitude can truly change the way you approach life, and your future. Let me illustrate with a short story.   A few years ago, there was a wildlife organization out west that offered a bounty of $5000 for wolves captured alive. Two f




Okay, so I have GIMP... And I may be able to do simple things with it, but anything beyond putting text on an image and inverting it and all is beyond me. Anyone a pro at GIMP and wanna tutor me a bit? xD (It's a few projects for the blog contest.)   ~EW~   Edit: Nevermind, a friend helped me out. xP Thanks, though.



Everybody Now

People all over the world (everybody!) Join hands (join!) Start a love train, love train People all over the world (all the world, now!) Join hands (love ride) Start a love train (love ride), love train!   ~EW~



More Shtuff... *come On, Applauds!*

So, yesterday I noticed that my lappie also has that newfangled voice recognition program where I can dictite to it by voice and it will respend. It still needs training, but it can prove useful. It will normally confuse words like "noob" to "move", though...   On another note, uh... there is nothing else to say... OH, WAIT!   I bought the From Yesterday music vid from iTunes and am the happy owner of a fabulous vid with a band, a Chinese Emperor, 1,000 guards and a swordfight. So, to me, the



Friday Update

Monday had a very fun evening. 8D The Macadamian blog fad was surely one of the most fun times I've had on this site. I remember I opened up B6's blog entry and read where he called it a fad, and I was like "Waaht?" Then I looked at the blog homepage and saw entry after entry titled "Macadamia Nuts" or similarly-themed, and I suddenly realized what I'd done. One of the best moments evar. xP   Tuesday was uneventful.   Wednesday was, of course, Veteran's Day here in the USA, and as a Boy Scout



All The Animals...

Out in them thar Oregonian hills, there is plenty wildlife.   Plenty.   Deer in your headlights, rabbits in your yard, birds rustling in your thisles, cougars pounsing your neighbor's cattle, bruins roaming the woods, coyotes howling through the night...   Wait, what?     For the last few months, there have been all of the above. Neighbors have seen a cougar, or even a black panther, in the area, and at least one cow was injured by the cat. We have hunted the animal, but with no success. Sa



Ew? An Artist?

Recently I have looked through my room and found my old case of pencils, pads and erasers, all still proffesionaly packed in their slots and places.   Truth is, I am an artist. I may be a little rusty, seeing as it has been a while since I picked up my conte' or B2, but I can warm up a few times and start working again.   I draw pencil and pen nature scenes, sometimes with a splash of color, and use the more orthodox things of art rather than the newfangled things. As such, sadly, the only w



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