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The Arrogance!

To all those I've hurt, offended, or just plain troubled: I'm sorry, I'm such an ignorant, arrogant fool. I am sometimes assertive and domineering cuz that's how I mask my real sense of insecurity and nervousness.   This issue actually goes much deeper than that, but I won't go in detail about that here in my blog. If you really want to know more, then contact me and I might just talk about it.   On another note...     ~EW~




I woke up this morning and noticed I was only a Premier member with 3 proto boosts. Then I saw a PM pop up, and clicked the link.   When I read the PM, it said that Bix did not like the subtitles of either of my TBRPGs and deducted 1 proto point for each.   At least, that's how it went in my dream.   ~EW~



Ew's Poetry Archives

Due to the fact that poem topics in COT are largely ignored and can die, I decided to compile a single blog entry meant for all my poems to be added and stored for both future reference and commentary.   Newest ones come on top, the earlier works on the bottom. That way, when you look at the entry, *BAM!* there is the newest work. No scrolly-rolly to do.   Poems with topics will have a link.         ------------------------------------------------   Man's Vision     Under the glow each



08 In Review

Year two-thousand and eight (edit: whoops!) proved a wild and yet wonderful year to me.     It all started with the Times Square ball dropping nearly a year ago, signaling the start of the year. January was rather boring, to be truthful, though my first time staffing a Boy Scout activity was nice, as I enjoyed warm enchiladas in the snow while others huddled around Cup o' Noodles. What a wonderful Klondike.   February was a droll, though there was a happy moment when Dad found that his bladder



Happy Day

With that day coming fast, I just wanna wish everyone a Merry Turkii Eve. May your days be filled with colored eggy goodness and lots of scary crossdressing goblins down the street and with overweight strangers in your house that your kids just love to see. The moms and dads, with their special times, holding fourleaf clover over their heads as they share a passionate kiss and a box of chocolates, will lead the parade celebrating independance as the crystal ball decends over Times Square.   Ah,



I Gotta Feeling

So, yesterday was a really, really good day for me.   We got up semi-early so mom could renew her driver's license, and her new mugshot looks terrible (she said she almost looks like a witch in the pic; now that's a confession). We picked Dad up and drove to Eugene, but before he went to his doctor's appointment, we went to my Boy Scout council service center and bought a few things in the store, namely a new uniform shirt for me (now I won't have commissioners yelling at m for my "improper un



Fall S W R P G Preface Epic Preview 2nd Iteration

294 ABY Ilum **** The caverns of Ilum. Hidden under the white mountains, once a haven for Jedi seeking solace or precious gems for their lightsabers, had been a desolate and hidden sanctuary for decades. The temple had been the site of a hundred murders and a vortex of dark side energies, while the caves were sealed off for reasons unknown. Usually, a single Jedi would stand watch over the semisacred region, keeping the gates shut and the temple sealed, but he was nowhere to be se



New Boy Scout News And A Rant!

The last few requirements for my Eagle Scout rank are my project, completing my Personal Fitness partial and finish my Cycling merit badge.   Yesterday, I did work for the latter.   Most notably, I cycled 26 miles.   <has sore legs>   D:       On other news, last thursday, at my BSA meeting, I was finally appointed a junior assistant Scoutmaster, meaning that I am now a part of the upper tier of leadership in my troop. Which, of course, also means I won't have to be putting up with



Thoughts About The New Staff Group

For those who still do not know, Link.     I have been trying to get this made for quite a long time. I am very glad to see it finally done, cuz I have felt it a needed part of the community since my joining, almost. In addition to the idea finally being done, I think the people chosen for this position are excellent, and the idea of having the Doll Sisters (Turakii and Macku) together as a daughter/mother team was also much appreciated by me. I could not have thought of better people for it my



Camp Baker

So today I was interviewed for a staff position at Camp Baker, one of the best BSA summer camps on the west coast. We will see what they think of me later, but still...   On the note of the internet, it has beed postponed slightly because of a tree location, but when it is done they will retry to set it up, hopefully by monday.   ~EW~



Sugar From The Sky

For the last two days I was on leave because I was on a winter snow camp. (For those in the BSA, you know it as Klondike.) 'Twas great fun, seeing as I was not running around solving puzzles and was instead a staffer. So, I was just sitting around grading people for throwing snowballs out of a lacrosse stick in my station instead of getting soaked, cold and miserable (as T 404 has a gift at doing xD). Plus, I had a hot lunch cooked for me as opposed to sitting on a tarp eating cups of noodles.  



Heads Up

Hey y'all. Just a little nudge to ya that them thar COT RPG Topics are back. Woohoo!   Yeah, it's been a long time but we are back and ready for judging. Feel free to submit your RPGs and let the fun begin.   ~EW~



The Seasons

In the summer, I can't imagine having to wear layers of sweaters and jackets and still being cold.   In the winter, I can't imagine being comfortable in just a tee-shirt and a pair of shorts.   And in the spring and fall, I'm just confuuuused.   ~EW~



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