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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, BZP. I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday.



Save My Sanity

Or at least what's left of it.   Yes, I am talking about topic revival. I mean, even Omi knows it's evil. It has to be a direct spawn of the devil. You kill it, and it just keeps coming back. However, we can fight topic revival. Oh yes. JUST DON'T REVIVE TOPICS! Here, I've even composed a list of topic revival periods in every forum. Well, I did this months and months ago, but it's still accurate. Please, help me out here. I still have a contest to assist in, I can't be dying on you g



Deck The Halls

Official BBC Contest #39: Deck the Halls!   Yeah, it's here. Yeah, it's awesome. Yeah, I've gotten 31 PMs related to it. Yeah.   A few things need to be said, though:   1. Please, please, please ask all questions in the entry topic. I hate PMs, and rule number two even states that you should ask all questions in that topic. 2. If you see an entry that you feel doesn't meet the requirements of the theme, then you should PM a contest staff member (Tufi Piyufi, -Shannara-, or myself). How



Name Change

So I was a bit bored one day, and decided that my username needed a little spice. My solution? Add a dash to both ends of my username. I was pretty unexpectedly made an ST before I got the chance to remove the symbols myself. So I just stuck with them... Until today. Decided to ask one our friendly neightborhood admins for a name change, as staff members don't even have the option to change their name in their CP, to avoid confusion. And since it was just a matter of removing two little s



How To Handle A Spam Topic

After a recent turn of events in COT (not naming any names, and neither will you), I think it is finally time for this blog entry.   So a member makes a spam topic. What should I, as a BZPower citizen, do? How can I help?   1. Report the topic. 2. PM or IM an online staff member that can handle the situation. 3. Reflect upon your good deed.   It is very important to also note that you should never post in a spam topic. Ever. Ever. That will do nothing but encourage others to post, and



360 Or Wii?

I dunno. I just dunno. I want to get one of them, but I don't know which. And no, both isn't an option. Now, if Santa would bring me that darned money tree that I've been asking for the last few years, then it wouldn't be a problem. Only thing is, Santa doesn't like me anymore... Apparently Dasher (or was is Prancer?) found something in the kitchen other than cookies and milk, and Santa wasn't all too happy about the present he got on his lap. But I really need to know...   360 or Wii?



Say Hello To My Little Friend

Now, understand that I've been using the AOL browser for 3+ years, Which is not something you want to brag about. And since I've upgraded to DSL, I've been using IE 6. I was feeling 'meh' about it, so I upgraded to IE 7 yesterday... Didn't like it. At all. Now, a few months ago, I downloaded Firefox, just to try it out. Turns out that it's painstakingly slow... Like all browsers are using dial-up. But I don't remember having against the browser. So I downloaded it again yesterday, and I



New Topics And Such

So Barraki pics are scanned from the back of the small 2007 set instructions this weekend. Which means that not only do we have pictures of them that aren't leaked, we have even better, detailed pictures of them. Which is very cool, and great for BZP. Naturally, these new sets are going be discussed on BZP. The solution? An incredibly awesome Official Barraki Sets Topic, made by somebody equally (well, maybe a tad bit more...) awesome. If you have any suggestions for it, please do suggest



Metal In Yer Mouth

It's no fun...   Now, some people over-exaggerate on how awful they are... It's true they're ugly and annoyoing, but that's all, I promoise. Even the so-called 'pain' experienced is more annoying than hurtful. Your mouth is a bit sore for a few days after your visit, eating can be unpleasant, but that's about it. I promise. Life goes on. I've had them for 3 years now. Luckily I've only got a few more months left with them.   But is it ever so unconfortable to sit in that reclinable chair



Completely Off The Wall

First they threw me in Software, and I suppose they then figured I'd make a better slaveFA in COT.   Anyways, I think I tidied up nicely, dontcha think?   And I can't forget to say hello to my new COT homies! Looking forward to working with you guys, should be fun!



My Blog Is Dying... Among Things

Yes, my blog was sinking into the bloggie abyss of bloggie dung. Or something of the sort... I didn't want to get too close, dunno what exactly that stuff was. Anyways, figured I'd pull it out before he comes down with one of them diseases. Last thing I need is for my blog to be high on those Fleming meds. That pharmaceutical stuff isn't cheap, yanno?   If all goes well, I should be updating this here blog more frequently (every day, almost?) starting tomorrow.   Also, I need to pick a s



Ohh Ohh It's Cooooooooold!

Finally!   Rarely do you get a nice day here in South Florida. Well, not unless 'hot and miserable' floats your boat. And for me, the boat doesn't float, but it rather sinks to the bottom of the ocean and rots away. You can walk outside for a mere minute and be sweating. Now, add a few hours of time and extraneous work into the mix. Sounds like great fun, right?   Today's high is around 76. Normally we'd be lucky for that as our low for the day. Right now it's 63, and it was 50 early th




Man was this week hectic. And it's not even over yet. Mid-terms on Tuesday and Thursday, with the PSAT in between on Wednesday. Huh? Yeah. It wasn't fun. Things went a lot smoother than expected, though. Way too smooth. I just hope I end up with a good grade on my Algebra II mid-term. I need an 'A' or 'B' to boost my 'C+' to a 'B'. And if I got anything lower... Guh. How I ever hate tests. I never do as well as I should on them. I dunno, I just blank out sometimes, and it doesn't co



Sooner Or Later

Sooner or Later - Breaking Benjamin   I want a normal life Just like a newborn child I am like a lover hater I am an instigator You are an oversight Don't try to compromise I'll learn to love to hate it I am not integrated   Just call my name You'll be okay Your scream is burning through my veins   Sooner or later You're gonna hate it Go ahead and throw your life away Driving me under Leaving me out there Go ahead and throw your life away   You're like an infantile I knew i



Dial It Up

HAHA. Right. I hope I never have to hear that sound again in my life.   Tommorow, my five year era of dial-up finally ends. I've been using it since obtaining my first family computer in mid 2001. I can't wait until I come home tomorrow from school. But with my luck, something will go wrong and by house will be burned down or something equally tragic while Bellsouth is hooking up the fiber optic stuff or whatever it is that they do. It'll be like one of those dreadfully depressing stories



Advances In Technology

I called around to several stores the night of last, and found two stores that had the new iPods in stock. Target, who had three white 80GB's left, and Best Buy, who had everything. Naturally, I went to Best Buy. After waiting in a rather large line just to pick up the iPod, I had to wait in another even larger line to pay. Malls and shopping centers are always so hectic on weekends here. Anyways, I ended up with a brand new black 30GB iPod with video. $250 later, that is. But I really t



Very Quite Possibly The Worst Day Ever

I would say something along the lines of "It started as a normal day..." but it really didn't. Today was "Professional Studies Day" or something that all high schools in my district had the option of having. Whether or not you have it was based on school vote. My school voted for it, although I think not many other ones did. What this day serves as is basically an extra early release day each month. Meant for "study", I guess. I get out at 11:32 as opposed to 2:54, so all is good.   Wel



I Have Problems

Yes, I do. Luckily I also have some solutions.   I've been making money for over a year now. My job rules. Alright, so I'm lying through my teeth. But it's either Publix or a fast food joint (Burger King would be the closest) and I'd rather not be flipping burgers. But who knows -- maybe Than can tell me that it's not as bad as it seems. Regardless, fast food employees don't get tips, while I do. And believe me, you come in contact with some of the more wealthy people. And around the ho




Vicarious - Tool   Eye on the TV Cause tragedy thrills me Whatever flavor it happens to be, like... "Killed by the husband" "Drowned by the ocean" "Shot by his own son" "She used a poison In his tea... then kissed him goodbye" That's my kind of story It's never fun till someone dies   Don't look at me like I am a monster Frown out your one face But with the other Stare like a junkie Into the TV Stare like a zombie While the mother holds her child Watches him




I think I slipped.   Yes, I think I slipped.   Or did I? For some reason, I'm quite confused.   Or am I? Somebody needs to sort things out.   -Kex



Ruthless Toothless Goes Puffin Hunting

Sorry, no redneck home videos At least, not in the blog entry, but I do have some.   As I'm sure you have to know by now, I'm currently working on my Project b/b/c. In the rare case that you don't know about this project already, I'll briefly explain.   Each BBC Forum staffer and a select few other members will have a MOC made in tribute to them. Thus far, I've only completed one MOC, Stasmic, in tribute to Schizo Kaita. I have several MOCs in progress, but none that are entirely compl




I've posted in plenty of colors in my time here on BZPower. Black, lime green, blue, steel blue, gray, crimson, orange, teal, and, of course, purple. Maybe even some more that I'm forgetting about. A few weeks ago, shortly after the spider-staff, I thought about dropping the purple. I actually did go a day or two with normal black text. It just didn't seem right. So I went back to the purple.   Just a few moments ago, I had one of those sudden, random thoughts. I asked myself, "Drop the



The Diary Of Jane

The Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin   If I had to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask Would you like that? Would you like that?   And I don't mind If you say this love is the last time So now I'll ask Do you like that? Do you like that?   No   Something's getting in the way Something's just about to break I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane So tell me how it should be   Try to find out what makes you tick As I lie down Sore and sick Do you like t



Here To Stay

As you have probably noticed in the past week or so, I've been changing my avatar and banner very frequently. Several times a day. I'm very picky, and it has to be perfect. I take unusual pride in my avatar and signature. Dunno why, I just do. However, I have vowed to keep what I have now for at least a week. Yeah. An awesome avatar, with equally awesome lyrics. They're staying.   -Kex



Me, Myself, And A Sledgehammer

As I mentioned in a previous entry, my house is currently being renovated. Not just something minor. I'm talking transforming a 2-1, living room, kitchen, and porch into a 4-3, living room, family room, kitchen, 2-car garage, porch, and pool.   There's a lot of work going into this. My dad's doing the entire thing himself, only receiving help when absolutely neccesary. I don't think you realize how frustrating it is when you tell people to move the pile of dirt on the left side of the hou



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