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Limits And Antics

We have officially begun dealing with limits in Advanced Algebra. This is awesome.   Meanwhile, we continue to read Ovid's Daedalus and Icarus. Cicero is easy after you get used to him; this is much harder, not least because it's in verse. But also much more fun. Whee!   The most entertaining part, however, was when we noticed a Freshman's purse sitting on a desk, and we got the idea for the entire Latin class to get up, walk out of the room, and go through the school until we located its owne

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Loa Vinya

Happy new year! Again! This time it's the Elves'.   "And on the day of the New Year of the Elves, Celeborn and Thranduil met in the midst of the forest; and they renamed Mirkwood Eryn Lasgalen, The Wood of Greenleaves." ~ The Return of the King, Appendix B   Again requiring a conversion from the Shire-calendar date of April 6th to April 7th in the Gregorian calendar. Loa literally means "growth" but is generally used to refer to one year, whereas yén strictly speaking means 144 solar years, b

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

I Can Never Have A Normal Job Now

I just realized I don't think I've blogged about my summer job at all this year. Huh. But then, I haven't blogged too much in general.   Anyway! I did the same thing as I did last summer, working for NYPIRG (the New York Public Interest Research Group), canvassing again – going door-to-door, for those not in the know – raising money for environmentalism and other awesome things like that. The difference being that now I'm better at it, so it took me three weeks to earn what I did in the month a

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Quest For Lost Dreams – Chapter 12!

Yes.   You heard me.   Quest for Lost Dreams has finally, finally been updated! A combination of sunlight, snow, and listening to the Dead Man's Chest soundtrack inspired me to finish the new chapter this morning, which has now been posted! *bounces around*   The epic itself is in a bit of disorder at the moment, because I'm going through all the old chapters and editing them – I've gotten great ideas for backstory and Éa-Nui history lately, then some even better ones for Hahli's past last ni

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


Bwahaha. They are finishèd.     Yes, Kayvee. With a grave accent.   See the topic for the other five! Including Gahlok Va doing yoga, Lehvak Va doing a somersault, Kayvee and Pahrak Va inspecting the camera, and Tahnok Va being abducted. Whee!   In other news, Friday the Thirteenth was a very enjoyable day for me, as always. I finished writing a story about witches, a cat, and a swimming pool that I started last summer. Then I received a very useful Bricklink order, too, including a number

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Love Of Wisdom

I swear, my class was not that titchy last year when we were Freshmen.   Really, we weren't! Half of their class are so small... (No offense to any Freshmen who may be reading this.) And meanwhile, I have to get used to the fact that the Sophomores are now Juniors and the Juniors are the Seniors. When people don't change much over the summer, it's immensely difficult to picture them being a grade higher.   ... And yes, that includes myself. Being a Sophomore is weird. Mainly in having a class

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

So It Ends

I had meant to make this entry longer, but time slipped by too quickly. I don't want summer to be over. School will be interesting, and fun, but there's still so much I want to do before going back... But ah well. There's still time to do it, even if not now.   Farewell, good friends, thus summer ends, adieu, adieu, adieu... ~ ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


It should be noted that the word "inferno" originally had nothing to do with fire.   It comes from the Latin infernus, referring to something from below, which in the neuter plural form was used to mean the Underworld. It came to mean fire through Dante's Inferno, although I assume the title originally referred to the location and as a place for the dead.   So it should linguistically be Bionicle Legends 2 with the title Inferno, as Jaller and company pass through Karzahni, rather than BL5, wh

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Covered In Paint

There's paint all over my pants at the moment... which is what comes of sitting on a floor with little half-dried paint droplets all over it. And my hands were the same earlier.   But this is fun. I painted a brick wall backdrop today, and I wanted to stay and do another one, but my dad had been waiting for me for a while and I figured it would be rude to make him come back later. Still, at least I was able to actually contribute something!   I should do set crew more formally than just showin

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


It was almost 50ºF here today... When it's been in the teens and twenties for the past week... Which means that the snow is melting. What's left of the icicles is dripping steadily downward. And it really feels like the beginning of spring (which is annoying, because we only got a full blast of winter last week).   Otherwise I've been drawing all day – not my AC13 entry, which I really ought to be working on, but instead a portrait of Hahli. (Matoran form, of course.) A landscape portrait, if t

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


I think Takadox is hypnotizing me.   I've been wanting his set more and more lately. Maybe it's because of his new armor color. Maybe it's the fact that dark blue and ice blue together look totally awesome lit from the back. It's even managed to overrule the black body and red thorns.   Ehlek is looking great, too. I love that new blended shade of green. I wish his whole set came in it. It looks like a swirl of teal and lime... (Thanks to Takua95 for the pictures!)   And I've even fallen for

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Vezon And ... Ninjo

'Nother update today: Most Recent MOC box added, inspired by the block of the same name on Sméag's blog. At the moment, Ninjo Inatu's occupying the space, and since his topic is still alive, I wouldn't mind if someone reviewed him ... *cough*   I also whipped up a sprite of Vezon last night:   Never underestimate the power of inspiration. I built the Staff of Fusion last night (all in silver, not having Vezon & Fenrakk), felt like spriting it, did so, and then made a sprite of Vezon, sin

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Book Of Days

I have returned!   ... Actually, I've been back since yesterday at approximately four in the afternoon, but I didn't feel like blogging then.   Overall it was an okay weekend (encompassing Thursday and Friday) ... We stayed at a bed-and-breakfast next to a lake, which was a really cool place – there was forest all around the lake, and we had a pier and boat we could use. We didn't use the latter much; the only people who did were Sonya and Josh when they went out to play cards in the middle of

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Of Memory And Trees

Well, it's been a while.   Not only since my last entry, but since this blog started, too – August first was its one-year anniversary. In celebration of that, I've redecorated The Memory of Trees in an MNOLG theme, and more is to come...   As to why this didn't happen two and a half weeks ago, then: there are a lot of reasons. One, the forums were still offline, so there was really no point in my doing anything. I also was still in rapture over having acquired Hahli and Matoro Mahri and was un

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

All Hallows' Eve

Double, double, toil and trouble, Fire burn and cauldron bubble ...   That's right – today is Halloween. And Macbeth is the obvious thing to quote. It's grey and windy up here, excellent Halloween weather, were it not for the fact that it might lead to rain. As it is, though, it's very haunting and foreboding. Maybe I'll finally finish my vampire story. Fitting night to do so.   I've been quite busy lately, hence my general absense from BZP – Friday was my school's Halloween dance, then I had

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Off Again

Just posting a quick entry to say I won't be here until around the 23rd. Going down to Delaware again – for Christmas this time – and I won't be on the computer. I do enjoy going Christmas shopping and wrapping presents and everything...   We had been planning to leave tomorrow, but what with the forecasted blizzard we decided to leave a day early. I'd much rather have left later, since I would quite love to be here for a blizzard (*loves snow*), but prior engagements made that not an option...

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Pictures Pictures Pictures

New staff picture! Yes, with blue skin. I'm quite fond of that one, actually... Semi-new bio, too, if you're interested.   Second-to-last day of summer... Still have to finish that AP Euro essay (something like two paragraphs left), but at least I don't have to do anything for English. I still want a tablet, by the way.   But I'm coping... ~ ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

We Didn't Die!

No. No we didn't. Thank goodness.   This week was (and still is) Spirit Week for my high school. As usual, each day of the week there's a theme, but each class also has their own theme. Not only does my class work terribly together, but we're also the smallest class in the school. The Juniors have almost twice as many people as us. We were expecting our class skit (based on the theme) to be terrible, and rather certain that we'd come in fourth place as we've been most of the week.   Our theme

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Dekar's Identity Crisis

So, exactly what kind of a Matoran is Dekar, anyway?   Greg decreed that he is a Po-Matoran. However, Shop At Home originally listed him as an Onu-Matoran. But despite all corrections to the contrary, I much prefer him as an Onu-Matoran.   For one thing, Po- and Onu-Matoran have often been ambiguous. Tan and black were shared by the two in the MNOLG, with medium orange going to Onu-Koro (the Prospector, Azibo, and Nuparu, for example) and dark orange to Po-Koro (where dark orange was the trade

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Mahri Madness

I'm currently having fun in Chaos in the Deep. I've been rebuilding Tiome into a sleeker, lighter form to be more aquadynamic, so I hope to have that up before I leave (but I'll still be sort of around) on Thursday. I could really use a dark grey Kaukau; all I have in the way of Tiome-ness are white and orange, and white is for Tiome Inatu, and I don't want to use orange on this form...   I also made a slew of avatars featuring the Toa Mahri recently, which can be viewed by clicking on Kongu be

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

... I Live.

Well. I haven't blogged in a while, the result of a combination of Thanksgiving break followed by an uncertainty as to what to actually blog about ... As to which two solutions came up today.   First in the order of business, the results for the SSC3 have been posted (since a week ago), so go check them out. Among the Honorable Mentions were Kay, <dd>, and Takatu...   Second, Thanksgiving was very delicious. My cousin's uncle (not sure what the term for that relation is), who is a chef,

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Blue Moon

There's a Blue Moon tonight...   Second full moon in a month, for those who don't know – a rare occurence. Some calendars will list this full moon as being on June first, but they lie. The full moon occurs this evening, making it the second one in May! It's getting near the end of being a real Blue Moon for me over here on the east coast, but those further west still have time to go and bask in its majesty. (If they're interested in such things.) It figures, of course, that there's heavy cloud

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Studying For History

So I have my AP US History midterm tomorrow. I was going through my notes last night and came across a variety of phrases I had forgotten about: "And what happened in 1688?" "The successful conquest of England by the Dutch." The Lobsters are coming!"I've stumbled upon a metaphor!"the Grand Duchy of Rhode Island"I feel like a part of any history class is missing if you don't talk about the French Revolution.""Anyone have a question?" "... When do the bagels arrive?" Somewhat ironic and annoying

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


Backstory: One of my friends has the Fallingwater set, so I've seen/played with it a lot before now. Always thought it was a great set design-wise, but kind of lacking in the visual appeal area. Now, I'm on vacation, visiting family, and my uncle got my grandfather (who is an architect himself) the Fallingwater set as a random present, so he (my grandfather) had me come over and build it for him today. It took a long time.   Back to the present, and having looked at all the photos of the real F

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Helryx And The Shadowed One

New short story! Please go read and hopefully review it.   It's really a scene more than a full short story, a reimagination of the time Helryx appears on the deck of the Shadowed One's ship and stops him from destroying Xia. I really didn't remember how the original scene played out, and only looked it up as I was writing so I could get what happened correct. But I kept my initial image of it, wherein Helryx had enlisted the Dark Hunters anonymously and, since I had forgotten about them, the T

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

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