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Blue Moon

ToM Dracone


There's a Blue Moon tonight...


Second full moon in a month, for those who don't know – a rare occurence. Some calendars will list this full moon as being on June first, but they lie. The full moon occurs this evening, making it the second one in May! It's getting near the end of being a real Blue Moon for me over here on the east coast, but those further west still have time to go and bask in its majesty. (If they're interested in such things.) It figures, of course, that there's heavy cloud cover over here tonight...


Not that the moon is actually blue. But it's still cool. The Witch's Datebook describes it as a potent time for spellcasting, and that spells case by the light of one Blue Moon are said to last until the next. Fitting, of course, being a full moon in the first place, and augmented by being the second in the month...


Good time for the Astrologer to be doing something... I could easily see her at the Ta-Wahi cliff with the telescope focused on the blue moon, the night cold and still around her, power in the air...

~ ToM

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