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The Most Annoying Thing!

EDIT: Yeah, I had just finished posting this when, well... It got swallowed up by the abyss... Can't leave things out too long...     Lol, not my best work, but I bet it fooled you for a second, lolz   Also note the new holo-navigation. makes getting around much easier!!!   ~Giganuva Upsilon

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

Snakes Don't Belong On Planes

Generally, I don't see how Snakes on a Plane will do well. But what do I know? All the same, if it does do well, how are they gonna follow it up? They can't just put snakes on another airline's jet. Too repetitive. So, I've come up with a list of things they could do. Raptors on the Titanic (I would love to see Leo DiCaprio get Leo-DiCapitated onboard a vessel with no escape) Black Widows in a Barbershop (Classic urban legend come to life!!! (you know, the one with the spiders laying eggs in som

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

Buyer's Remorse

Ok, I have something I have to get off my chest. Just when I thought that we Americans were lazy enough i see something that sends laziness into a new low.   So I'm watching TV one night, i think i was watching either SciFi or Comedy central (maybe it was Adult Swim) when i saw a commercial that really ticked me off. Oscar Meyer has just come out with microwavable hotdogs that come with buns. Now, i don't know who the target audience is for this product, but i do know one thing: If you can't go

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

Subconcious Abilities?

The more I look at my Upsilon coat-of-arms up there in the top-left, the more I think it looks like Vladek's (knight's kingdom series) mask. I'm not as big a fan of Knights Kingdom as I am of bionicle. In fact, the only set of KK that I own is King Mathias. But all the same, it's kind of inspiring me to make some coats-of-arms for the remaining knights (and if I'm correct, "king" Jayko). Anyone else think I should do this? i might post them in a topic.   Would anyone be willing to see this? G

I'm Trying To Put It To Bed,

But my mind is restless.   These days I am finding it harder and harder to fall asleep. This is summer! It should be easy to sleep! It isn't, not recently at least. Just as I'm drifting off to sleep, my mind starts running about how I can make this and how I can do this. That's what I get for being an artist, I guess. Another thing that's adding to it, I guess, is that i just finished 2 weeks worth of game design classes. It taught how to use this software called Multimedia Fusion. The teach

Moment Of Silence (i Need Work!)

----I really want to do some graphic art right now, but I don't have any inspiration. I am seriously completely open to requests in my blog. This is like my own forum within the forums. If you need an avatar or banner done, i'm your man. As you can see, to the right, I've added examples of my work. I can do orbs, metal, text effects, and animations. I like to work from scratch. so please, if you need something graphic done, comment or PM me!!!   ~Giganuva Upsilon (In Need Of Job)

Inika Rush?

New! Important points are in bold for the casual readers!!!   Okay, so i was looking at BZPower's hot topics just now, and I find this one: Click here, i'm making this link really long so that you can definately see it. Now i didn't want to post this there, because, well, i wanted to blog =P   here we go: ----I remember a time when i would force my mom to run out to the store whenever a new bionicle came out. I don't really seem to do that anymore. It's not that I'm losing interest in bioni

First. Blog. Ever.

-----I just can't seem to get that song out of my head these days. I'll admit, the first time i had heard of Panic, I was watching MTV2. Their music video came up, and I was all, "Great. Just what we need. Another gothic rock band." So i just go on with my daily life. -----Then, a couple weeks later, i go to the store to look for a videogame, and my younger brother is with me. Now remember, I'm seventeen, and he's fourteen. So he goes into the CD section of Target. I walk out with nothing (blas
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