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Move To The Beat, Bounce To The Beat

What you probably know about your local Giganuva Upsilon is that he spends a lot of his nights drawing and/or playing Metroid Prime Hunters. What you probably didn't know was that he writes raps.   I recently wrote the following rap about the depression and rebirth in my life.   Please enjoy.     Yeah, for the sake of younger viewers, I had to *-out about three things. Not my usual sailor-speak in this one, lol.   Questions? Comments? All welcome.

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

Life Hits You Hard.

Wow... This... This just blew my mind... I just found out that one of my best friends... his dad... just... died during the night... This isn't even my dad... But I knew this man, and he was a very kind person... He didn't deserve to die... not yet... Death strikes when you least expect it. I never thought that I would feel this way when someone unrelated to me died... But, I mean... well, I am deeply saddened... I dunno... I can't type anymore... I guess I'll leave this like it is for no

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

I'm Trying To Put It To Bed,

But my mind is restless.   These days I am finding it harder and harder to fall asleep. This is summer! It should be easy to sleep! It isn't, not recently at least. Just as I'm drifting off to sleep, my mind starts running about how I can make this and how I can do this. That's what I get for being an artist, I guess. Another thing that's adding to it, I guess, is that i just finished 2 weeks worth of game design classes. It taught how to use this software called Multimedia Fusion. The teach

A Challenger Approaches

Sorry, couldn't resist the Smash Bros. reference...   anyway...   TEASER TIME!!! I CAN'T HEAR YOU, BK BROILER!!!     I'm not going to release who this is until I'm done, but I can say that he is somewhat different from Upsilon. You may also notice that I like to do the "parade rest" pose a lot. Don't blame me, blame the military. Check back soon for the final product!!!   ~GN (Y)   And BTW, please, if you know who it is, please don't tell anyone... guesses are welcome, however.

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

All Fast-paced Music

sounds better at 1.4 times its speed. Thanks to my new compy, I finally have Windows Media Player 10. I'm serious. you put rock or rap in there and you can easily turn that into rave music.   Buy a subwoofer! try it at parties!!!   ~GN (Y)

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

First Draw Against Kohaku Ever!

I played Kohaku on MP:H last night and amazingly came to a draw against him!!! I usually lose horribly to him, but i mean this is a personal accomplishment. Kohaku is not a supreme ruler, lol.   ~GN (Y)

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

Snakes Don't Belong On Planes

Generally, I don't see how Snakes on a Plane will do well. But what do I know? All the same, if it does do well, how are they gonna follow it up? They can't just put snakes on another airline's jet. Too repetitive. So, I've come up with a list of things they could do. Raptors on the Titanic (I would love to see Leo DiCaprio get Leo-DiCapitated onboard a vessel with no escape) Black Widows in a Barbershop (Classic urban legend come to life!!! (you know, the one with the spiders laying eggs in som

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

Are You Hot?

Go turn on DAT PHAN!!!   That's right, Dat Phan, the winner of the first season of Last Comic Standing, is coming to LSU for a FREE concert TONIGHT!!!   You know I'm going! Hopefully, I can score some piccies for y'all to see.   But dude! DAT PHAN!!!   Anyone who's never seen him perform, google him. He's hilarious!!!   ~GN (Y)

Pakari Master of Limn

Pakari Master of Limn

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