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Hey Hey Hey

What's the temperature where you are?What do you consider to be your knack on BZPower?What's your niche for your knack on BZP?Isn't alliteration fun?Do you even know what alliteration means?



And Then There Were Five

What's your favorite season?If you had to have an accent other than your current one, what accent would you choose?Are you well-versed in the nomenclature of ionic compounds?Most annoying commercial currently on the air?Truth be told, am I the only one who can pull off the bold Comic Sans thing and still look decent, or are there others?



Work Work All Day Long

Punchin' that clock dusk 'till dawn   Um, yeah, convenient way to both include Alan Jackson song lyrics and tell you guys that I'm more busy than ever. Just a few tidbits...   ...Working Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday this week ...Having a month-late party for my birthday in like two weeks. Sorry, you'd not invited D; ...Economics course starts tomorrow.   Also, adding another girl to the top of the list (should have mentioned this a couple months ago). She's currently g




So I get a phone call from USPS this morning telling me a certain Byron Foret never picked up the print from the post office. According to the woman, it arrived 8/22 and sat there five days before they gave up and sent it back to me. But this begs the question--why were they waiting for KIE to pick it up at the post office? Why didn't it just go directly to Todd Webb? GRAH.   Maybe KIE can shed some light on the situation. I won't PM him until later, though--he's going though so much with the e




I'm so tired. Yesterday:   Wake up. Eat a bowl of cereal. Shower. Drive to church (30 miles away). Be at church. Wait though parent meeting about youth group. Go out to breakfast, return to church. Rehearse for church picnic gig. Play at church picnic gig. Wait at church. Rehearse for youth worship band. Play for said band. Wait. Come home.   Legs. Aaaaaached. Last night.



Sweet 16

August 30th...   ...is the day Chibi Onua joined BZPower...   ...the day Creator of the Kanohi was born...   ...and is my birfdai. =D



The Girl Repor & The Monday One

I can't figure out whether or not this one girl I really like and actually have a pretty good shot with is interested in/seeing this other guy.   Why doesn't this put a damper on my mood? Well, this guy isn't really, in my estimation, competition, shall we say. You know, like, he looks 12 even though he's not and... yeah. That kinda guy.   Also, I'm conducting an unscientific blog poll. After all these years, do I dare change my posting font to this? See, I've made a few posts in the past cou



[0.o] Contest #2!

Not.   Man, I love the weather today. It's like Fall. ^.^   Tuesday five! When does/did school start? Did you go on vacation this year? What's the temperature outside? Which term do you prefer--Fall or Autumn? Brown, yellow, or orange?



Goodbye Entry

*mourns*  No, but on a more serious note, I'll miss you, Exo's blog. You were my blog's best friend. Now we can't set up play dates for our blogs! Woe is me. They grow up so quickly.... *sobs*   Now who do I compete with?



So Much For Driving It Through

...because I just got back less than an hour ago.   What does this mean? Why, time to review my new purchases, that's what!   Takanuva In a perfect world, fan reviews would completely skip over description of the packaging of a set. But alas, a perfect world this not.   Takanuva's box is pretty standard... other than its sheer size. In my mind's eye, I'm seeing pictures of Steve Irwin wrestling this box deep in the swamps of Australia, telling his cameraman that it's a "big'un, mate."   T



Le Gasp!

Well, despite not being able to find our four-year-old Disney Parkhoppers to use and only getting two days at Sea World and one at Busch Gardens out of our week-long passes to both places, the vacation was a blast. While now we (and by we I mean my mom especially) are now definitely starting to think we should do Disney next year, the whole concept of a play-it-by-ear, hang-out-ish vacation worked well. We pretty much spent most of today at Downtown Disney, where I picked up Antroz and Solek, th



Here You Go Byron

At long last, I was finally able to get my Pohatu Nuva piece printed. It's a 5" x 7" glossy print I got from a photo kiosk at a drug store (they didn't have matte in the right size), and my pen gave out on me while I was signing it, so it's not INCREDIBLE looking, but it will do. And I got a frame for it. Am overnighting it from Florida to Maryland which, for those of you non-Americans, is like... far. But it's done, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.   Yeah, this



Lol, Hurricane

Well, I'm here in Orlando, and so is Fay. So it's... stormy. >.>   But I'm still in a good mood. New college course started yesterday, and so far it's awesome (Theology 104). Got Takanuva, Tanma, and Kopaka Phantoka from the Lego store in Downtown Disney last night, and so far, they're a blast. Takanuva, while personality-wise in no way resembles his former self, is a massive solidly-built Technic-rich marvel. Tanma, in spite of his lack of complexity and abnormal stature, is fun to have



[0.o] Contest #1: Winners!

Drumroll, please... and the winners are... "How To Make A Comic Panel" by Tahuri "Hahli's Sixth Sense" by Nikira "The Great War of Theodosia" by Lehatu Michael Phelps Now, let's consider prizes. I would be able to mail out physical prizes, but I imagine many of you aren't comfortable with that, so I won't. All three winners will thus be receiving virtual prizes. Feel free to throw ideas at me in this entry as to what would be nice (potential ideas: custom art, custom avatars & banners, gho



[0.o] Contest #1: Final Poll!

Yay!   Please remember while voting to judge all aspects of an entry. Due to the size of this contest, it has potential to become a popularity contest which should be avoided. Be fair!   The entries are as follows:   Sprite: "Yup" >> Page 1   "How To Make A Comic Panel" >> Page 1 Hand-drawn: "Hahli's Sixth Sense" >> Page 1   "Funtoka" >> Page 1 | Page 2 Other/Computer-assisted: "The Great War of Theodosia" >> Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Back page   "



[0.o] Contest #1: Preliminary Voting!

Welcome, viewers! If you're reading this, you're either severely off-track after meaning to click on Omi's blog, or you're anxious to get your vote in for the Comic Contest.   Unfortunately, due to the quantity of entries, I'm forced to split Hand drawn and Computer assisted and merge CA with Other. The categories are now Hand-drawn, Computer-Assisted, and Sprite.   Please remember while voting to judge all aspects of an entry. Due to the size of this contest, it has potential to become a popu



The Scoop

Here's the scoop on the goings on with the new things happening as I attempt to stuff as many pointless modifiers in this sentence as physically possible.   The good news: I'm leaving for Florida on Friday. Will be there for a week.   The bad news: My to-do list for things before I leave is a mile long, and on top of that, I'm working. And I have a want-to-do list. So my activity online this week will be limited to the following: Posting my Generic Quest comic. It's about 2/3rds done. Posting



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