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So I get a phone call from USPS this morning telling me a certain Byron Foret never picked up the print from the post office. According to the woman, it arrived 8/22 and sat there five days before they gave up and sent it back to me. But this begs the question--why were they waiting for KIE to pick it up at the post office? Why didn't it just go directly to Todd Webb? GRAH.


Maybe KIE can shed some light on the situation. I won't PM him until later, though--he's going though so much with the evacuation.


Anyway, my new hours for the month of September are 4-8:30 Tuesday-Thursday. It's better than having to go in at 10 or 12 like I was before, which meant squeezing in my workout before then, but now I go hungry until I get home--and any school work I don't manage to get done before work I have to do after, which means I'm going to bed way later than my body would like. So as you can imagine, I'm exhausted.




EDIT: It seems to me that they attempted to deliver it the 22nd, then actually brought it back to the post office instead of leaving it like any sane mail carrier would, then tried again yesterday (bear in mind, the flat rate envelope says urgent overnight delivery on it), then gave up because Todd/Byron didn't come in to pick it up (which they wouldn't anyway, since it was past the MoC deadline). Didn't come in to pick it up? Their job is to deliver things. What has this world come to? >.<


So it isn't KIE's fault or anyone else's at Brickfair--it was USPS. Never. Again.


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