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I... Can...

Sing?   Me? Sing? No-siree and no way. I have a knack of going off-tune, flatting and sharpening keys and doing who-knows-what in breathing.   But, that doesn't seem to faze my classmates.   Lemme give the low-down.   I assisted my good buddy in her assignment to be the voice actress - making my voice go squeaky and 'cute', much like a plush animal talking. She would edit wherever necessary and produce it as her final product.     So I did. I had always played with my sisters with that anim



It's All The Same To Me

The Epic Critics have gone AWOL, so I've been doing the reviews of late. Sadly, our curator has been AWOL for too long a period of time. I'm thinking about a renewal of topic and *gulp* me becoming Curator.   Putting that aside, if I had any complaint to make, it was either of authors saying that 'i need a review becoz i lack reviews' or 'i am in desperate need of a review!!!'   No worries, I solved that problem. The fact that such a problem existed was also fine by me, but the idea of treatin



I Survived!

I'm never, ever, going on stage with sweaty palms again.   I think that was one of the excuses I could bring up to explain why 'Eternity' was not played at its best. What most musicians (not the professional, MusicIndustry-based ones that we all know, like Linkin Park, Norah Jones, and whathaveyou) say was true: In practice you're perfect, but that doesn't count on performance day.   But that did not apply to ALL the groups. There were some that were flawless, some that were mostly flawless,




I realised a folly I did back in the holidays.   Actually, a folly of not doing.   I didn't watch two movies, namely Music and Lyrics and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, that I could've watched during the holidays!   Now, school has started, and those two movies no longer play in cinemas.     Other than that, I'm trying to make it up. I'm going to watch 'Play! The Video Game Orchestra' - hopefully am going to watch it - in June, a while after my birthday. My good friend who introduced me to vi




My holidays have started on a sad note - I have been returning to school because certain classmates need to hand in work to me, and get 'tuition' on their assignments that were due just today. And tomorrow, I'm called back regarding the US West Coast trip.   And to think I was all prepped up for some relaxation after the hectic school term. For once, a late morning instead of waking at the crack of dawn, and maybe more time to practise for upcoming music-events or dig back into my hobbies...  



It's Still Alive... I Think

I refer to the poor Epic Critics Club Thread.   Or the club as a whole.   Two-Two has REALLY vanished! So have the other critics!   This does make for great RPG material, being that Jedi Gali and I look like the only living ones. We'd grab swords, shields and shoulder armour and go looking for our missing comrades!     But, yes. The current status of the ECC is not looking great. Someone get a resuscitator and pump her good.     And on life, I had a good time at CCA week today. My print-out



Sugar Pup

I really do mean that.   I found out today that Lucky has a sweet tooth. No wonder his teeth were going beyond gone!   I discovered this when I had a better look at his food bowl. I found grains of sugar all over his chicken.   He downed them all at an alarming rate.     It was a relief to see him back at his eating self after a spate of apathy towards eating, but this was the reason that contributed to his weight problem. He's now overweight.     Lucky, sugar puppy, if you weren't so 'dumb



The Final Run

The last week of the school term, and year, has arrived. Good grief, and the overload of tests/exams/stress/anxiety that followed was surmounting the previous stress I had with my O Levels.   And when Monday came, wham.     My keyboard test, one which I loathed, scored me 81%. Thank you, composers who created 'Route 66' and 'Wonderful Tonight' and all my prior chord knowledge! I made it!   Now, for far harder things to come. Tomorrow's a practical test in studio knowledge that I hope I would




1) Against the Machine   Today was a big day for me (What a way to start a blog post. ); I was going horseriding! In a place of scarce land and resources, owning a horse was a real luxury. Furthermore, it was really expensive to get the horse itself. I used to go riding for a while, but when my favourite horse died and the prices escalated, I stopped and forgot about it.   So when a holiday course, subsidised to a fair amount by the polytechnic, was offered, I hopped at the chance.   But fir



Of Makeovers And Fashion - What?

A good friend of Mum's was chosen for a makeover on this lady-talkshow - and timely on the same episode about fashion. Mum went, and I followed her.   I don't think I should've. I finally understood why people say that 'if you're in fashion, you're glamarous - or you're insane'.   It was something like the Tyra Banks Show - just with a smaller capacity of audience. The wonders of camera angles from six cameras made our thirty-odd audience look like the whole studio's entire capacity.   And an



A True Die-hard...

...student.   Today, I just realised how I was seen in the lecturer's eyes. It was enlightening!   I'm going to apply for a scholarship in the polytechnic and hopefully lighten the family's financial burden (no thanks to the home renovation and taxes).   Part of the scholarship application form needed, as you could guess, recommendations and comments from lecturers about the student.   So, with another interested candidate and I, we did Plan Infiltration - we barged into our lecturers' clas



Christmas Wishlist

Two miracles happened today.   One, a group member of the Debate presentation group fell ill to the flu bug. We did not do our presentation today. It gave us the chance to review our points and decide on how we were going to pacify our argumentative classmates.   Two, due to the abovementioned presentation, everyone in class was too tired to listen to anyone and anything, so the science presentation went to a dead crowd. It was a good thing as I was so tired myself that I bet I was incoherent



Two Presentations In One Day And Ill As Well

Some plague had hit the shores of my sunny little island. Somehow, by some unforseen reason, a flu bug is roaming the island and claiming many as its victims.   I happened to be one unfortunate soul of the batch, along with at least five other classmates and my lecturers, and a couple of others too. I passed it on to my buddy, and just today three more victims were down with sneezes.   What’s more, I have been assigned to be a leader of a group this week – THRICE.   I was chosen as the group



E-learning What?

Think about this:   What if you were told not to go to school? No lessons on campus, no practical, none whatsoever in school?   Instead, you are given a whole chunk of assignments and told to do them online?   How about doing that for a week? (And the week after that, back to school you go!)   That’s what I rooted at home to do for this week. E-learning week is what this week has been termed as.   It’s going to be so boring. The tasks and assignments given aren’t as much as the previous E-l



Shouting A Victory

I have successfully completed ALL my assignments - all those music-composition assignments that chased me up, down, and all over the walls and ceiling - they. are. COMPLETED!     Furthermore, I honed my prowess in HTML reading - a good friend of mine mentioned upon prompt that her blog was so dismally plain that she had long ago discarded it.   Upon resurrecting it, I assisted her in giving it a total makeover -picture slideshow, music clip of her own music (how awesome is that?) - under an



Ancient Treasures

Last Thursday, I bade farewell to my grandaunt, the unfortunate victim of a stroke. I had visited her on the Monday, or Tuesday, of the week she left. My home country bade farewell, on the same day, to a war heroine who knew me, and I wish I knew her as well as she did to me: Mrs Elizabeth Choy. She was a POW (Prisoner-Of-War) who passed messages and food items to fellow British POWs, and underwent torture for her doings. She's a remarkable woman, and we had such a loss.   Double whammy? Yes,



Music Critic

Now I can wear two Critic Caps.   I'm an Epic Critic here.   But now, for my school's magazine, I'm one of its two music critics.   Absolutely cool. I'm now reviewing 'Dreamgirls' for it's 'Soundtrack' section. It's a fantastic album, sound quality wise and some lovely songs that can be pulled out of the movie context and applied to life! But some tracks really need you to have the movie's knowledge in your head or else you'd be facing a turn-off.   I just need one more album. I'm doing cri



Bus Ride

“Oh, that one out of stock. Will come in only next week."   It was not much to ask people to speak proper English.   Ah well. This is, after all, the Little Red Dot. No where in its name did it say it was an English-speaking Red Dot.   And the acoustical music textbook would have to wait.   With a mumbled word of thanks, I left the store.     That was a bummer. Today's classes were only from eight to ten in the morning, and now it was approaching eleven. I had not intended to make the trip



A Little Will-power

Credit a DJ for his hard work the next time you enter a club.   They have a hard job.   Joining the CCA just proved how hard it could get.   For at least three weeks in the course, I’ve been the under-performer from the DJ class. I could throw in the pitch on the dot, but pairing the same instrumental together was too tough for me. When I stood up and heard very few skips in the piece, my mind blanked out.   What was the difference? Was the edited piece faster, or slower? How do I change it?



Ss3 Entry

I did my SS3 entry at one shot. I'm glad to say that the story seemed to write itself out, with thanks to the song and mood music.   I Hope You Dance   I loved that song ever since I heard it as a young girl, but I never really knew what it was until recently, when I stumbled upon a Ronan Keating CD my maid bought and she and I listened to it.   It's also my first try at songfic writing. Honestly, I don't think I'll get very far with the story, but it's bittersweet and is memorable as my fi



Help Arrives

She stoned.   Head and crossed arms on the table, she stared at the screen, its glare glowing on her face and her dark surroundings.   Dull eyes kept looking at the words, but more so at the lack of words.   Where were they?   The topic's been sleeping for more than a week, nevermind that Curator was not present, and hasn't been, for the while.   She was getting busy, trying her best to slip in the reviews from her blank mind. But - where were the others?   That was a question worth mull



Tiring Day

The wooden door swung open to reveal an empty room, much to her delight. She had a most tiring day, dealing with her music assignment with it blasting her ears off twice after both lecturers adjusted the volume of her headphones to unbelievable intensities.   After her ears were 'boxed', the music assignment done, she found herself with enough time to complete her assignment. Taking the advantage, she settled herself at the Mac and proceeded to work on the report that was to be handed in with t



E-learning, Day 3

So the count goes...     T: +3, -6   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = 3/4 done MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = 1/8 done ET (Ear Training) = DONE ACTS (Acoustical Science) = yet to start CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE SS3 Entry (You should know what this means!) = An idea blooms. Electone Exams Practice = Sight-reading is down the drain.     There's PROGRESS!   And... *points



Malaysia Trip: Makan Makan Part Two

The lark may as well have been the closest companion to my body clock.   At six-thirty, still in the dark of the morning, I awoke, and went back to sleep again.   When I woke up once more, it was seven-twenty, and the sunlight peeped in at the corners the curtain failed to cover.   Sunlight. Seven-   BREAKFAST!   Trying to get about the hotel room as quietly as I could (since the second occupant was still resting), my fumbling hands and hindered eyesight (thanks to triple-folded eyelids, a



E-learning, Plus A Little Promise And Musings

To make myself feel good about today:   T: +4, -5   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = DONE MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = 1/4 done ET (Ear Training) = DONE ACTS (Acoustical Science) = yet to start studying CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE SS3 Entry (You should know what this means!) = An idea blooms. Electone Exams Practice = Sight-reading is still down the drain.   If you did a



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