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Bloggie Month Follow-up

As all of you who have been paying attention know, I took last month off of writing the Blog of the Week (you know, that thing on the front page that seems to generate very little feedback). The time off actually started the week before Thanksgiving, but that was more in the way of timing than pre-planning it. Anyway, for the month of December, I decided it would be nice to allow the Blog Assistants to pick and write about their pick for each week. It really started as a half-hearted comment, bu



I Have A New Lap

Top.   Woohoo, I so needed a computer upgrade, and I've been wanting a laptop for some time. So it works out.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



They Won Super Bowl 42!

Holy cow! That was some awesome Super Bowl XLII I may or may not have watched at this point; I still can't believe ______ won. Oh, no one will forget that particular play-- yeah, you know the one I mean. Also, remember that point in the ____ quarter when that player did that action? And can you believe that _____ penalty called against the _____ team by that referee? It makes me so mad! What's wrong with that referee!? On the other hand, I might be overreacting just a bit.   Then, of course, ho



Come With Me On A Roller Coaster Ride... Or Not!

I now have a dream to ride every roller coaster known to man, two known to monkeys, and one known to a Tibetan grasshopper named Carl. Okay, I made that last part up... the grasshopper's named Steve; Carl is his cricket friend.   Anyway, as you know if you've been paying attention, I live in Texas, home of the original Six Flags: each representing a country who has "ruled" over my state: Spain, France, Mexico, US, Confederacy, and Texas. (Yes, we were our own country once.)   But I'm not writi



Quit Posing As Me

I want to complain about and to someone pretending to be me. First off, quit trying to look like me because you're not! It irritates me that no matter what I wear, he copies me, especially since I like to be original, but if he copies me, what's the point? Can you imagine my dismay when I make a face and this guy makes the exact same face as if to mock me. Gah, I'm so flustered about this horrid knock-off, I can't even think clearly.   You know what, person in the mirror, just stop it already!



People Are Insane!

Yeah, that sounds bad, but it's true; keep reading and see what I mean.   As you may know, this year's big ticket item is a tenth anniversary special edition of a red, furry, annoying little monster that laughs. If you don't know, I'm talking about the Tickle Me Elmo TMX. (X is for extreme: it's so original... like XGames and a bunch of other Xtreme things.) Anyway, what's stupid is this thing retails for $40-50, but people are willing to pay in the thousands for this item: someone paid $10,00




I finally have it.   Endure was such a pain to get.   Advice for Endure: Teamwork and communication. It might take a few tries to work with your teammates and know the terrain/enemy drops. Choppers on Lost Platoon also help. The people I was playing with and I ended up with about 20 lives by the end of the 4th set; after that, we took it less seriously.   ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



Abbreviated Circumstances

Okay, for some reason, "Net Speak" has become so prominent and so confusing, that it (like the English language) is often incorrect what one person is saying and another is understanding. We use acronyms and initials for everything from video games to music to television shows (MP3, anyone?); what it should really be called is "Lazy Man's Conversation."   While there are a few acronyms that are so unique they can only stand for one group of words, there are also a lot of other acronyms that can



Casual Vs Hardcore

Over the past few years, people who play video games have generally been classified into one of two groups: casual gamers or hardcore gamers. While there is no definitive answer to what fits each group, it all really comes down to investment in each video game one plays. While a casual gamer might play something quick with a little free time, a hardcore gamer is probably more likely to stick with a few games at most until everything possible within the games' rules is accomplished (or some self-



151... 251... 386... 493!

Oh lovely, I was planning something for the BZP Frontier League site. I go to login, and now this happens. After all that time I spent on the site too.   Yeah, I even tried the links, but they've been changed. So if anyone has the information that was originally on the site, let me know. Otherwise, I might have to start a new site from scratch.   Sigh, with or without COT, we're still planning to have the league... I just don't know about the site right now: it took so long to make what I ha



Replying To The Title

Is it just me, or does anyone else have the urge to make a post based on the topic title and nothing else when the topic seems different from what the title first appears to be? Alas, 'twould be spam, and I don't advocate such behavior. I think of title responses, but I don't advocate actually posting them unless there's something about the actual topic.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



My Two Year Plan

I get to be the best man at my best friend's wedding in about two years.   And tomorrow he begins basic training in the army.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



This Looks Shopped!

It totally is, but it's still pretty cool.   I have full access to the Adobe suite. Time to make some masterpieces, but first to get some work done.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Get Off My Lawn!

I worked hard to water my lawn, and now you whippersnappers are ruining the grass. *Shakes cane*   ©1984-2012 Toaraga EAM



Kill Batman!

I want am going to kill Batman. He won't know where or when or even who I look like, but I'll do it if I can just keep myself together.



Houston, Wii Have Launch!

If you can't tell by that terribly annoying pun, I now have access to playing a Wii at home. My brother and I stood in line for nigh eight hours to get a Wii during launch hour (Central Standard Time), and it was worth it... well, we've only actually had opportunity to play the Wii once (sans demo for me), but soon...   In reality, I'm not talking about the Wii itself: I'm talking about hanging out with fellow nerds. (Yes, we waited that long for previously unreleased technology; therefore, we



Are You On The List?

Don't worry; I don't want your super powers.   As said in this entry, I was planning something. For whatever reason, I never officially revealed what it was, but if you know what the entry dealt with and hang around COT, I'm sure you already noticed.   While RPGs are by no means exempt from the revival rule, I wanted to keep them all in one convenient place, so I made this. If an RPG is not on the list, it was either overlooked at some point or not approved.   As stated before, drop a PM and



Brick Fiesta 2013

I heard about a LEGO convention that's happening in my neck of the woods (from somebody who doesn't live in my neck of the woods... see how on top of things I am).   Brick Fiesta July 4-7, 2013   Hampton Suites & Convention Center Mesquite 1700 Rodeo Drive Mesquite, TX 75149   I'm thinking about going, if anyone's interested. If I do go, it might just be during the public hours, since I haven't really done anything with LEGO in a while and am not really sure what I have going at that time. (



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