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This Blog Has Degenerated

If I'm not posting a Tuesday Tablescrap, I seem to be posting a random image, whether it's "My Mood Today" or not.   Oh well.   (492 KB)



Tuesday Tablescraps - 11/6/12 - Bits and Pieces

Election Day is upon us, and I hope that all eligible-age Americans out there have voted/will vote sometime today.   I couldn't get a proper MOC together for this week's edition of the Tuesday Tablescraps, but I did make an arm and two legs. Don't be surprised if they show up (in some form) later on.     | |   |   | |



Sumiki's Dad: A Man of Wise Words

"I'm going to go in and make donuts tomorrow."   "Send my greetings to the Queen of The Gambia. Furthermore, I own a stapler."   "We have invested in a raisin farm."   "Remember, the celery retractors will be there in the morning."



Tuesday Tablescraps - 10/23/12 - Teal Mech

Two days until the first anniversary of the Tuesday Tablescraps.     | | | |   I have mixed feelings on this guy. The legs are decent and the arms are alright, but I nearly gave up on the torso. It has no shaping whatsoever, and I tinkered with it for a good while. I'll probably revisit this guy and the Gold Bot later on, especially since I've discovered a stash of gold KK armor that I can use on him.



Dear Anyone Who Teaches Online Courses

Please, please, do not insist that the questions you put on an exam are from the book. How the heck do you expect me to answer correctly when I don't even have any relevant information until two chapters later?



Tuesday Tablescraps - 10/9/12 - Aim .............................. Down

For the past two years of BrickFair Virginia, BZP members have trekked over to the Laser Tag establishment just a short walk from the convention center in order to shoot at friends and strangers alike.   I cannot speak for the initial 2011 installment, but this year there were a bunch of little kids running around in the place, screaming and carrying on, mad as heck at the fact that you're shooting them. Of course, it never occurs to these kids to, y'know, shoot back. That's why they have guns t



Blogarithm Contest #6 - Winners!

First Place (eight votes) ... Lego Obsessionist!   Second Place (three votes) ... LewaLew! What!? How'd you--!? Oh, well, you may have made it past my plunger locks, the double plunger locks, the laser locks, the electric locks, and the motorized locks, made it past all of my guards and sentries, and broken every BZP rule in the book, but YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT PAST MY TOPIC LOCKS! Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN'T! I am the Evil Ogel, Sumiki, and I cannot be stopped!       ---------------   Congratulation



Blogarithm Contest #6 - Tiebreaker!

Oh no, this isn't over yet.   Two entries tied at the end of the final poll - so now it's time for the tiebreaker poll.   Poll closes on Saturday, October 6th at 11:59 Eastern.   Entry One:   Entry Two: What!? How'd you--!? Oh, well, you may have made it past my plunger locks, the double plunger locks, the laser locks, the electric locks, and the motorized locks, made it past all of my guards and sentries, and broken every BZP rule in the book, but YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT PAST MY TOPIC LOCKS! Why?



Blogarithm Contest #6 - Final Poll!

Here it is, folks. The moment you've all been waiting for. The Final Poll of Blogarithm Contest #6.   Let's get to it.   Polling ends on Thursday, October 4th at 11:59 PM Eastern.   Since a lot of entries were knotted up at three, I bent the rules a bit to allow an extra wild-card to slip in. I didn't want to have to choose - heck, that's what you guys are for!   Entry One: There once was a Post-it-here topic. When Sumi saw it, he became catatonic In reaction to this, He told the poster - "tsk t



My Apologies

For some reason I thought yesterday was Monday. Around midnight I realized that I had neglected to post my Tuesday Tablescrap for this week.   While in weeks past I've been less attentive to such forgetfulness, this is the week I actually feel pretty bad about it.   So, to make up for it, here's a picture of Meiko with panda-fez-glasses swag:     You're welcome, BZPower.



Blogarithm Contest #6 - Polls!

There were an astounding number of entries to Blogarithm Contest #6. As such, I have not gone to the trouble of randomizing the entries. The twenty-one text entries will be equally split among three polls (teal, orange, and purple), while the entries that contain images have their own poll (blue) with eleven entries.   You may pick two entries from the first three polls, and you may pick three from the last poll. An overall wild-card will advance to the final poll as well.   Voting ends on Sunda



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