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Entries in this blog


This is what a dot looks likes: .   This is what a dot does not look like:   Anything that is not a dot



This Is My Blog

This is my blog. I like my blog. It's bloggy and stuff. I like to blog.   And by the time you finish reading this, you will have wasted a few seconds of your time.



Entry 6: Uh...... ( Jan. 12, 2007 )

Well today, it's really cold and I'm reawlly bored 'cause nobody has been PMing me. I deleted two of the content blocks that I made yesterday, because they had nothing to do with anything. I did notice that Turakii quoted me and put it in her blog when I said "Uh........... (Ellipses forever)" in my blog yesterday. But for now, I'm Uh........ (bored forever).   ~Cleofan119



Cleo's Birthday

Hey - guess what? My dog, Cleo, turns three in 5 days! For those of you that don't feel like counting that far ahead, March 14 is Cleo's third birthday! Here, let me give you a little background on the most prettiest doggy in the whole wide world:   In June 2004, my family went to the Bahamas for 5 days. When we were returning home, my dad took a separate plane out to Oklahoma. He picked up our dog there, and met as ut the airport with our dog.   So, on 3/14/07, Cleo will turn three. And in Ju



Entry 3: Bad Luck Yesterday! (jan. 9, 2007)

Yesterday was a bad day for me on BZPower. I didn't get a lot of time to do stuff, because I kept getting "Server Busy" Board messages. Also, I tried to post an entry in my blog, but right as I clicked on "Post New Entry", My internet went down, and my screen said "Page Cannot Be Found".   So, anyway, here's what I did yesterday:   I got a chance to use the "search" feature (Only Premier Members can use this feature) to search for the first topic I posted in. If anyone who is not Premier wants



Gone March 16 - 21 For Field Trip

That's right - I'm going on a week-long field trip for school. No internet, no electronics allowed... so that means no BZPower. So, I'll miss you guys from Sunday to Friday.




I hate Monday. And to prove it, I have a little story. Enjoy:   Eyes closed... everything is dark. Suddenly, a loud screetching noise, and you sit up in your bed, screaming. You turn to face your nightstand, and shut off the alarm clock. Suddenly you realize why you set your alarm clock to wake you up so early:   It's Monday! Aaaagh!   You pop out of your bed, eat two bowls of cereal, get dressed, brush your teeth, comb your hair, swing your backpack around your left arm, and pout. You have t



I'm Bored

I'm so bored. Bored... bored... bored... BORED!   And the most boring part is... I'm bored! And do you know why I'm bored?   I'm bored because...   I'M BORED!



It's Finished...

Today I had to finish writing my epic. VIRUS - Book 2. It was sad to finish, since I had been with book 1 - 2 for so long. But now, I can relax and be extremely happy. Everyone who posted in the review topic for both books said that they loved it. I couldn't be happier, it's my new most popular epic.   And now I just get to wait for my next idea to come.




This contest is similar to the one I did awhile ago with one of my other epics, The Six Matoran. In that contest, you'd come up with a name for a character, and the best name got to be used as a character in my epic. The winner also got a PM with the completed epic chapter before I posted it.   This contest is similar, but not exactly the same.   In my latest epic, Barro is trying to solve a mystery based around a dream he had and the fact this his friend died. I want YOU to come up with a cha



My Bzpower Day 2

Not as sad as the last one.   Internet Explorer - Favorites - BZPower - Log In - 2 New Messages - Read the first one - Read the second one - oops I didn't do my homework - Back on BZPower - 1 New Message - Read Message - My Blog - Entries - Add Entry - Post New Entry



No! And Then Yes!

I went to the LEGO store today, but the Toa Mahri weren't there! NO! But now we're gonna order them. YES!



Entry 4: Jan. 10, 2007

Sorry that I don't have a lot to write today; I didn't have a lot of time on BZPower. I went to my grandma's house until 6:00 pm, so that's why I didn't get a lot of time.   Okay, well, finally, I got another comment on my blogs. Not many people comment on my blog.   EDIT: Yay! I'm a Steely Visionary! Yay!   ~Cleofan119



Entry 1: Jan. 6, 2007

Well, today, when I woke up, the first thing I thought about was my dog, Cleo. And then I thought about BZPower for so long that I ended up going on the computer just to do that, ignoring my brother's suggestion to play BIONICLE Heroes (No, my brother is not a member).   Anyway, I made a few posts (and a poll) before I decided to make this entry. The server was busy when I tried to post it, so I ended up posting it three times. I deleted one, but it won't let me delete the other one so I just




Here's an interesting bit of information:   In my epic, I have a character named Bikonn. Bikonn was the name of a character in one of my other epics. Weird, huh?  




It's obvious my epic isn't doing very well. Three chapters, seventeen views.   So I guess I'll quit writing it, forget about the contest, and reveal what happened after chapter three.   Barro goes to Le-Metru and finds out from (contest winner) that the figure in his dreams is hiding in (contest winner). Barro would then go seek him out and he'd tell Barro why he gave him the vision: he's destined to become a Toa.   So, since The Six Matoran was pretty popular, I'll write a sequel to that.



The Madness Of Memories

I have started a new epic, The Madness of Memories. The prologue as well as Chapter 1 are up, and Chapter 2 should be up tomorrow. Here is a sneak preview of Chapter 2:     Vres, the Toa of Stone mused at the event. "I think that's your Mask power, Nesio. Your Kanohi was glowing when that happened."   Nesio might have to be my favorite Toa Pakari. She's so brave. "Really? Okay, throw something at me." She closed her eyes, and concentrated hard. her mask started to glow again.   Vres threw a s



Finale Preview!

Here is an excerpt from the finale chapter of my epic, The Six Matoran.     Ruso ran to catch up with Noru. "Why did I need to know that?"   Noru stared at Ruso. "Because I just felt like telling it to someone. If you want to help me find it, just go to Ko-Metru.   Ruso nodded. "Let's both go there. I'll help you look for that Rahi."   So Ruso and Noru both left the archives and jumped in a chute that took them to Ko-Metru.   -------------   Irt looked around. There was no one is sight. Th




If you haven't read my signaute already, I'm going camping until the end of the weekend, so don't expect anything from me until after that.



A Death And A Mystery

Awhile a go I posted a preview of my upcoming epic, and I said I'd delete the preview once the epic was posted.   Well, I just finished Chapter 1 and now it has been posted. It is called A Death and a Mystery and can be viewed here.



The Six Matoran Ending!

The Six Matoran, my favorite epic I have written, is coming to a close. It is in the process of being written, and I would like to give away a few epic moments from the finale.   Highlight the following at your own risk.   All of the Six Matoran will meet each other. Saror will escape from his cell and attempt to kill Esta. Kirri leaves Tuko by himself after a brief argument. The ending may give you the shivers because it's so cool.



Story Ideas

Here are some good '07 story ideas for you to play.   1. Have all the past enemies join forces for an ultimate battle against the Toa Mahri.   2. Have the Barraki defeat the Toa Mahri for a change.   3. Have one Barraki turn good or a Toa turn bad.   4. Have the Barraki pretend to be good and then have a battle against the Toa Mahri.   5. Have th Barraki lose all their squid so they only have their weapons.   I'm running out of ideas.



Call Me What You Want

Go ahead. Call me what you want. Cleofan, Cleofan119, that guy who thinks he's a moderator... do I look like I care? Oh, right, I forgot - you can't see me.



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