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Wish Me Luck

Well, I'm off to my French exam in 10 minutes. I really hope that I don't fail miserably.     *ulp*

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I Hope He Lives

Oh no oh no oh no......   My pet lizard, who I've had since I was 7, has just crawled under the stove. Oh, nononononono.....

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Writers' Blog

At school, one may find it slightly difficult to think of what to blog about. I really don't know what to talk about at all! How am I supposed to blog if I can't think? It doesn't make sense! That's it- I'm not even gonna add a blog entry for today.   Good day to you.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Are you bored of looking at those boring Emtes on the left hand side of your screen? Well, worry not! For I bring you the newest creation from the mind of Norik's Prophecy.....   EMOTINORIKS!       ORDER NOW! FREE!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

The Mistaken Word Of The Day

I'm really, really sorry to bring you such terrible news, but Sunday's Word of the Day wasn't Quark. It was Lunchbox. I messed up. I'm sorry. So, so sorry......     Anywho, I have been informed that today will feature the first fictional Word of the Day- Murangutan. Definition: An over-intelligent male orangutan.   Examples of use: GOOD Last week's murangutan was totally awesome! BAD The murangutan is able to complete quite difficult math problems.   Although, since the word doesn't act

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

So Long!

Hahaha! The next time you hear from me, I'll be in New Hampshire! Mwahaha! Of course, my position doesn't really change the fact that I'm going to update my blog. Looks like a wasted another entry.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Phyoorhii, You Have Helped Me.

Yes, Phyoorhii. His idea of "RANDOM BZP MEMBER OF THE WEEK" has given me an idea. RANDOM BZP MEMBER OF THE DAY. See. It's different.   Today's random member is: electricitynuva

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Random Quotes!

Yup. I'm supplying YOU with random quotes to put into your sig! You don't actually have to use them, but I'm bored.   ^^That one's actually a Far Side cartoon. ^^            Aaaaaaaaand..... that's all I got.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Today.... And Yesterday.

Well, to start things off, congrats to **Kalmah Forever**. Huzzah *throws cheap confetti*.   Well, I've pretty much wasted the first half of today sleeping and watching Futurama. Go Zoidberg. Anyway, I just finished the homework for monday, and now I feel as if I must tell a story..... Pull up a chair! Once aupon a time, (yesterday), I was walking my dog, when we spotted a large metal object in the middle of the street. It was surrounded by what looked like chunks of the street, which was tru

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

New Doctor Who Soundtrack

New Doctor Who Series 3 Soundtrack released in the UK, so all I can do is listen to the 30 second previews on iTunes, or listen to it on that video sight thing....   All The Strange Strange Monsters = Best Track Ever   ...dun dun dun dunna dun dun dun dunna dun dun dun dunna dunnana dunnana dun....     01000100 01101111 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 00100000 01010111 01101000 01101111 00100000 01110000 01110111 01101110 01110011

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Bbc #42

Well, I have officialy entered BBC #42.....     Yay.   New--   Building Instructions!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

N P Or Die Hard

Title: Live Free or Die Hard Rated: PG13 - R Summary: Lots of unnecessary blowy-uppy things. NP's Review: 10/10 -- SEE THIS FILM!!!!   Possibly the best line of the movie:

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Terrible, TERRIBLE day. Got 2 hours of sleep.... That darn 24.... But it was cool.... French test first period. Probably failed. Ungh. My mom was late to pick me up, so I was outside in the cold waiting for 20 minutes. *sigh*   But the Marhi rock. Lost is tomorrow. Thursday I'm going to Florida.   Member of today be: .:STABE:.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

It's Been A While, Hasn't It?

Woah. I haven't updated my blog in, like, forever. Not since Florida. I've been back since Sunday, so that means I need to fill you in....   SUNDAY: Planes, planes, and more planes. My ankle was in pain for no reason, so I had trouble walking. Nothin' much happened on the plane, but we got stuck in 'taxi' mode when we landed. So we were stuck for 30 minutes. Bummer. Then we saw the Oscars, woohoo to The Departed! (I've gotta see that movie....)   MONDAY: My ankle was killing me and I couldn't

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Shoudn't I Be Happy?

Title: Happy Feet Rated: G Synopsis: A Penguin gets brain damage and starts dancing. Almost gets eaten three times. No, no... Four. NP's Rating: 3.2 -- Not too shabby, not too good.   ---   You should have been here yesterday! The sun was out, the birds were singing, the sky was blue- and it was beginning to feel like spring! Now it's snowing. What the heck is wrong wit this planet?!? Maybe it just doesn't like me.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


It never feels good when you wake up to a stomach ache. And it certainly doesn't help when you then need to get right out of bed to take your dog outside. It certainly isn't helpful if you don't eat breakfast. Or if you're running late for school. Or that we were just assigned the final big English project. Or that French is second period. Or that the brownie in my lunch may have gone bad. Or that the stomach ache gets worse. Or that a certain very confusing language period is third. Or that the

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I'm home sick today. Went into class for 15 minutes, then got sick. Yeah. Luckily, I missed a history test and an english presentation. Yeesh- my braces are KILLING ME! Argh!!!! *splat*   ....   On another note, today's member of the day is......   Drakhan!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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