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Some Members, Gadunka, A Mark And A Poofy Dress...

Well, let's start with the mark, shall we? Okay. Well, today I g ot my term marks back.... And let me say that I dropped only 0.1% from last term! Oh! Awwww.... Anyway, you may have noticed that I said: 'Some members'. Well, let's just say that I've been drawing for every single period today. Haha. Behold! GMan:   Lyger: Huzzah.   Now, you probably noticed that I said: "Gadunka". It's not a leaked pic. Don't worry. I just caught a glimpse of the leaked pic, and drew it. It doesn't have to

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

What'll Happen In Another 3 Years?

Just think:   On BZP's birthday, normal members can make blogs. BZP has a continuously growing population, so in three years we'll be up to, maybe, 49,000 members? By then, a lot more people'll know about making blogs on BZP's birthday, so we'll have hundreds of new blogs.   Imaginet the titles.   "i hav birfday blog lol"    

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

We Have A Winner!

Today, a friend bet me a dollar that I wouldn't be able to recite the "Intergalactic Proton Powered Electric Tentacle Advertising Droid" skit from Family Guy the other night.   He lost a dollar.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

T . I . D . O . Wave

Oh, geez! How could we have missed this?   The hidden message of the hacked Tagruato website wasn't TIDOO, it was TIDO Wave! And that leads us to a new website:   http://www.tidowave.com   Yes. It's some sort of evil environmenatlists. Just like in the novel Ark Angel. So... check out this new site. It seems to be the blog of some guy called "The Green Bandit".   Special thanks to http://www.cloverfieldclues.com

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Physical Humor

What is physical humor, exactly? When someone grabs your neck and throws you to the sidewalk, is that physical humor? That hapened to me. It wasn't funny.   I don't get what the big deal is with physical humor.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Just Saying...

When I can change my name again, it will be:   Norik: Prince of Insufficient Light.   If you don't get it, read Dilbert.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Epic Movie

Title doesn't really say all, unless you've been able to derive from said title what I'm about to say. That would be weird. Of course, you chould already know that would have typed that, so it was not weird to you. You may take offense to the fact that I just called you weird, and you may be, right now, rushing to you PM box to write me an angry letter.   .....   No, I'm not getting any PMs right now. Yeah. So, back to the title. In about 15 minutes, we're going to dinner, then to EPIC MOVIE

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

No. I Refuse To Accept That.

I just read the name of Lygers' newest Blog entry: "The First Bird of Spring". ... *Hangs Myself* THERE'S SNOW OUTSIDE! AUGH! EVERY TIME IT STARTS GETTING WARM-- SNOWSTORM! AAAAAAAH!   ...     And my dad says that there's going to be a snowstorm tomorrow. ... *Un-hangs Myself* *Hangs Myself*

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


WOOHOO! PORTAL COMES OUT TODAY! It'll be awesome! I can make portals     all over the place!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Epic Movie (cont'd)

The title does not say all, exept for those of you who yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, it was odd. Very odd. Funny, and very odd. Random. Here follows a list of parodied movies (or at least the ones I know and recognized): Pirates of the Caribbean The Chronicles of Narnia Click Borat X-Men Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Snakes on a Plane Nacho Libre Scarface The DaVinci Code Star Wars Casino Royal Lord of the Rings (sorta) Harry Potter Superman Returns Mission Impossible Taledeg

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Happy Birthday!

As I could not post this yesterday....   Happy Birthday to my dog Zeus! He is one year old as of yesterday.  

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I'm Baaack

I just got home from camp. This is one of the first things I'm doing.   Hi, BZP.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Np's Dictionary

Good news, everyone! I've come up with a way to teach random phobias to people who don't know what they mean. It's some sort of dictionary... type thing..... In a way...... Well, here it goes!   Entry#1: Anatidaephobia -- The fear that in some way, some how, a duck is watching you.   Entry#2: Arachniphobia -- Aw, come on! I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't know what that means.   Entry#3: Luposlipaphobia -- The fear of being chased around a kitchen table in socks on a newly waxed

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Alright! It's da Superbowl! Soda and nuts all around! Yay! Although I only really watch the SuperBowl for the commercials, it's still fun. I know not very many people will be reading this now (on account of the half-time show), but HUZZAH! SUPERBOWL! Go Colts!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Home School

No, I'm not being homeschooled all of a sudden. I'm home from school. I'm sick.   Now, sympathize! Begone!*         *[j/k]

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

New Settings

Woah.... Still getting used to the new board settings.... Kind of like finding your way in the dark....   *trips over odd new profile info*

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Well, this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but the server crashed..... It still applies, though.     HOMEWORK IN EVERY SUBJECT! AUUUGH!         Help... me..... *gack*

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

On The Way To Boston

You wouldn't believe how much lightning there was on the drive down to Boston- The car in front of us was completely vaporized.     Really.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Finally finished the Slusho! commercial. If you want to find it on that video hosting website that we all know, just search for: "Super Happy Fun Fun Slusho Party Time".   Wish me luck!   -The Doctor

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I Have Returned!

My trip to New-Hampshire has ended! I am now back to BZPower.... Huzzah....   But, of course, I bring photos!   So, sometime during the trip over, we spied an enormous waterfall. "Silver Cascade", it was called.   The waterfall.   Part of the "calm" area.   I almost lost a shoe.   Ooh... Ominous....   Lookng down...   I did not blur my face, it's just naturally blurry.   Even more ominous.   ...And a moose.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

A Very Short Story By Me.

Whazzah! A very short story, by me:   Once upon a time there was a boy with a very short attention span. This boy went online to write a blog, where he began a story. Whereapon he became bored, and he

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Ohes Noes!

They have taken my signature to a far away land of pure evil! There, my signature will burn like an ice-cream sundae in a firey storm of potato salad.   You heard me.   Where has my signature really gone, you ask? Nobody knows for sure, but scientists believe it to be some sort of.... Alternate reality. In said reality, time doesn't matter. By Tuesday it will be Thursday, by Wednesday it will be August, and by Thursday it will be the end of time as we know it.   For that universe. Don't worry

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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