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I Am Sad.

I'm not sad that I'm sick today. I'm not sad because I haven't posted in my blog for a while. I'm not sad that my dog was just "snipped". I'm not sad because I missed the last Friday of school where we get out early. I'm not sad because The Office was a repeat. I'm not sad that my throught is sore. I'm not sad because Heroes is on hiatus. I am sad because no-one posts in my blog anymore. That is what makes me sad.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

I Am Not Legend

I went to see I Am Legend with my parents (mistake). They got freaked out and left early. And, you know, I couldn't stay behind by myself, so they dragged me along too. Well, the first 48 minutes were great.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik



Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Huh? (cont'd)

Does it make sense to give out homework on the second day of school?   No. I thought not. But they do it anyway.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Does it make sense to give out homework on the first day of school?   No. I thought not. But they do it anyway.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

How-to Lessons

That's right! For a limited time only, I'm offering a special "How-To" drawing course! Today's lesson: DRAWING A DALEK. Here's the best part: it's only one step long!   GENERIC DALEK:   Step 1: Draw this, and leave me alone.     See you next time for more: "How To Lessons"!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Home School

No, I'm not being homeschooled all of a sudden. I'm home from school. I'm sick.   Now, sympathize! Begone!*         *[j/k]

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Home From School

Well, I woke up sick today, so I guess I missed school. Although it was another half-day.... Didn't miss much.... No tests today..... Not a lot, really.   Oh boy! Heroes was last night! It was so cool! Nikki's in trouble, trapped by Jessica. Nathan's Claire's real dad, and now Merideth knows that her daughter survived the fire 14 years ago! Peter and Claude are fighting, and Claude almost got him killed.... Simone betrayed Peter for Isaac, who's painted New York post-nuke. Hiro and Ando have co

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Home For Good.....

.....I hope....... *gulp*   Got home from an appointement. Check-up type thing. Y'know? Don't know? Yeah. I somehow got out of doing my test. No clue how, though. Maybe I'm such a good student!   ....   Anyway, I was blogging, when suddenly, a multi-dimensional rift opens and sucks in the rest of this blog entry! What will happen? You can find out, but you need to listen very carefully: You will go to the-- *BZZZZZWARP* *SLURRRRRRRRRRRRRRP* *blip*

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Home Early!

Yay! For some odd reason, every class today was only 45 minutes, so we all got out early! YAY!   'Bout my day:   My dog woke up at 6:15. Barked until 7:00. We would have done something, but our new dog trainer said that we should just ignor him.   I'm so tired. Fell asleep at 2:13. Ungh. At least the day was short..... YAY! Heroes and 24 tonight! Huzzah! I'm going to update my blog shortly with some pictures I drew today.   EDIT: Aaaaaaaand here they are!   Took about 10-15 minutes, dur

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Hold Me

I have returned from the first 40 seconds of the movie "300". In IMAX. That is something I will never do it again. Between the surround-sound speakers, the six-story screen, and the rumbling seats, I literally felt that my heart was going to snap. Literally. Let me tell you, that is the last time I will ever see an IMAX film. Hold... Me.....

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Here's A Dalek, There's A Dalek....

Yup. Daleks. Those lovable strange killer death machines from Skaro. Yes, the monotone voices, eggbeater weapons, extermination, and x-ray blaster are only some of the amazing things to expect from a Dalek. You would not, however, expect them to appear in my dream. It started out as any dream should: travelling inside killer robots through a jungle and blasting anything you see with a machine gun. *Sigh*. Then it got slightly stranger. I'm in the desert, above it, really. I'm on an enormous s

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Help.... Me.... *dies*

Well, today was the day that I needed to reorganize my locker. I gathered everything within, and, in the process of one hour, I loaded it into my bag.       I really, really hurt. Grah, now I need to spend even more time organizing it..... HELP!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Grah They're dragging me to school! I don't know if I can even finish this blog--

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

He.... Is.... Beowulf!

WARNING! Entire plot details follow!     Gee, it's been a while since I've done a movie review. Ah, well. Here goes.   Title: Beowulf Rating: PG13 Summary: This drunk guy builds a place, and this mutant fish-demon thinks everyone's too loud, so he goes and kills everyone, and then Beowulf shows up and totally owns, and he cuts off his arm, then he goes to that thing's mom who's actually really hot, but she killed a bunch of guys and hung them from the cieling, so then Beowulf wants to kill

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Rated: PG13 Summary: I won't spoil it. NP's Rating: 9/10 -- If you don't see this movie, you're automatically in Al Qaeda.     Wow, it was great. We got the tickets two hours early, went to a book store for 30 minutes, then waited in line for 45. It was great.   On the way out, we passed an enormous croud of people lined up for the next show, and I couldn't help but blurt out: "IT'S WORTH THE WAIT!"

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Happy Valentines Day!

Yes, Valentine's day. Where couples exchange kisses and express how much they love eachother. Unfortunately, I do not yet have a girlfriend, so for now I just make cards for my family... *sigh* I'm so lonely.....     Anyway, today we got out at 12:26, so that was good. Easy math test 2nd period, and snow. Lots of snow. Unfortunately, it didn't start snowing until 6:00, so there wasn't enough to cause a snow day. Now there is, but it's too late.... Dang. Tomorrow I don't care, 'cause I'll be i

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Happy Ied!

Welcome, one and all, to the first official INTERNATIONAL EHLEK DAY!   Alright then. So it begins.... Well, not really. It began 12 hours ago, really.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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