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More Madness

(Number) upon a (noun), the (adjective) (noun) of (place) decided that (former US president) looked like a (noun). So then the (same former US president) felt like (verb)ing for (time frame). So then all of the (nouns), including (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name), (Name)

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I am writing a novel! It's a sci-fi fiction about how the world is so sped up, you can't sleep. So, instead, you get wired up into this machine that dreams for you. If you've read "The Reality Bug", it's like that. The machines, I mean. The plot's completely different. I call it: DREAMWAVE. Bow down to the Dreamwave! Yeah, I know I'm just in high-school, but it's been my dream to write a novel. Or become a cartoonist. I'm happy either way.     It stopped snowing, and it's nearly waist-deep.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

So Long!

magna Two words: Snow Day. Hahahaha! I got to sleep, and I''m heading to FLORIDA! Haha! Which means I probably won't be able to update my blog unless there's a computer in the hotel. I dunno. Anyway, I gotta get ready to leave, so, as my last words, I shall say: Frabbalackawoopdydoo.     .....       Wait, wait, wait. The flight was delayed. My dad says that we actually won't be leaving until 3:00.   Frabbalackawoopdydoo.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

What Is This?

.....                         And maybe, just maybe there's someone out there who gets the reference. Maybe.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

You Need Help. End Of Story.

Recently, I mentioned starting an advice thingy for my blog. You can PM me and ask advice for certain matters. "But Norik," you say, "isn't this a total rip off of what Dalek is doing?" The answer? OF COURSE (NOT)! You ask Dalek for counselling! You ask me for advice! Of course, counselling is basically "advice", but they have different names, so he can't sue me.   I hope.   If you need advice, just end me a PM within a problem, and I'll try my best to help you. Keep in mind that there will

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I'm in Florida! Yay!   Now, let me tell you something: I almost ended up in Alaska. Yup. My dad went to the wrong gate at the airport, so I was almost flying on Inuit Air. Dang. Well, the flight went through Toronto, after an hour on the plane. Then we ended up flying for 3 hours to Florida, but at least we had TV. The Office, Scrubs, and 30 Rock. Booyah. We're about to leave to MGM studios, yay.   ~Shadow Lurker~

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Let's talk about the week, shall we?   SUNDAY: Flew down from Boston to LA to visit a friend, and I watched a Simpsons marathon on the plane. MONDAY: Hung out, played Age of Mythology. TUESDAY: Hung out, plyed Age of Mythology. WEDNESDAY: Drove down to San-Diego, slept the whole trip, arrived for ComiCon.   And now..... OMG IM AT COMICON THIS IS SO FREAKIN COOL!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Diabolically Philisophical Questions:

If the forums hadn't screwed up when I tried to post this yesterday, whould the world be a better place?   If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all of that ACME stuff, why couldn't he buy dinner?   Will I ever ask enough questions?   Why don't cows have beards?   Is there another planet like Earth?   Can black-holes think for themselves?   Is paper alive?   Are fairy-tales real?   Is up down?   What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?   Do video-games rot our brains?   What is lan

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

The Seating Plan ~or~ Nobody Likes Norik

Observe the following image:     That was 5th period History in room 304. Notice anything? Specifically.... how utterly alone I am? Listen, I don't seclude myself from the goupe-- I was the first one in the class! Nobody sat close to me, not even the teacher. *sigh* I have compiled the following list of what might be wrong with me: - I have a cold - I eat too much garlic - I'm a giant worm - I eat too many worms - I have a bomb - I'm a duck - I am extremely annoying - I am obsessed w

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Ah, Birthday Memories...

You know, I always think that your 5th birthday is always the best. Do you know why? Because the number 5 has it all. One syllable, two vowels, three letters within the first half of the alphabet, four letters total, the fifth number from zero, the list goes on. And my 5th birthday cake was imprinted in my memory forever...       Turakii

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Norik's Prophecy: Artist Extraordinaire!

Last night there was an award ceremony at my school. Even though I was sick, I needed to go. Because I won an award. Yup. Out of the entire Jr. High, it was I who walked out, proudly holding my award: "OUTSTANDING CREATIVITY IN ART". In honor of my recent victory, I have compiled a collage of every single bit of art that I have posted on BZP (except for the select few that were erased from BrickShelf in a crazy file error). If you look close enough, you can see them all... Although it's rea

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Comicon: Day One

We arrived at ComiCon at around 4:30. Lucky for us that we got a hotel 3 blocks away. We stood in line for roughly 20 minutes to recieve our pre-paid badges, which let us get into Preview Night. Then, at 6, the doors to the Exibit Hall, and a huge mass of people poured through. I made my way straight to the LEGO area. Remember that giant Hakann they had shown in a LEGO mag/comic? It ws there. So was every 2007 Bionicle, and a bunch of TVs showing Bionicle stuff. Also, Greg Farshtey was there.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Philosophical Questions To The Max

Can you staple yourself to a table?   Why is the world the only place where potatoes grow?   Does the planet Neptune ever get bored?   Is Pluto lonely?   What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?   Can you really save the world by saving the cheerleader?   Why the heck did they put Heroes on hiatus!?!   Will I ever make sense?   Can the Time And Relative Dimension In Space ever seep into our universe via the Void and the space time continu

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Hold Me

I have returned from the first 40 seconds of the movie "300". In IMAX. That is something I will never do it again. Between the surround-sound speakers, the six-story screen, and the rumbling seats, I literally felt that my heart was going to snap. Literally. Let me tell you, that is the last time I will ever see an IMAX film. Hold... Me.....

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

An Interesting Conversation

It all started on the way to school today.... I had just brought up Star Wars for no reason, then I said: "Why do you think George Lucas has an overobsession with limb hacking?" What do you think?

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

What A Day..... Not!

First off, today's random member: adolfo cambiasso:toa of polo. I think that's a long name. Anyway, I literally just got up. I've had a good 12 hours of sleep (remember? I stayed up watching Click) and I'm ready to start my day!   ....   Where's the remote?

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Popeye Puke

I just had one of the scarriest and funniest experiences of my life. I was watching Family Guy with my family, and then we saw something hysterical. Let's just say that it involved Popeye, a doctor, tumors, and a stroke. Anyway, I laughed so hard that I actually started chocking on popcorn. My mom banged me on the back until the piece of popcorn was dislodged from my throught. Except that happened when I puked.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Can I Transform Too?

As some of you may have guessed from the title, I'm going to go see Transformers in a few hours. And, let me tell you, IT'S GONNA BE SO FREAKIN' SWEET!!!!!!   Yeah.   But remember, the title to this entry is a question, and I'll ask it right here:  

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Whoops- Haven't updated in quite some time.... Dang.   Well, to make a short story even shorter- Boston. Yes, I am taking a break for no apparent reason, and am now in Boston. It's fun, though. I just got Nocturn, and just before that I saw the movie "Hot Fuzz".   NP's Movie Review:   Title: Hot Fuzz Rating: PG13 Summary: The greatest cop ever gets transfered into a town of morons. Crimes start coming to his attention, and just when he thinks everything makes sense, the enitre movie switch

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Merry Christmas!

Now go look under the Christmas tree for your measly one night of gifts instead of Chanukah's eight. YOU FAIL     Happy Holidays, BZPower.       Also: Big new surprise coming to my Blog tomorrow or whenever BZP goes back online after Christmas.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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