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Log Entry#15

Saturday, June 10, 2006 Tomorrow I will take a trip to New York state that will last all week, Sunday afternoon to Saturday night. This is the one day at home I get between the last day of school and this trip. I won't have access to a computer at all, so...you know. I worked on a AC entry this afternoon, and I'll probably enter it once I scan it, which can be very difficult when your scanner seems to have an attitude.



Log Entry #27

Thursday, June 29, 2006 Pretty good day today. I had to go to school again, but it wasn't that horrible. I finally finished my short story today. You can view it here.



Generic Entry Title

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 I don't have anything interesting to say today. Why don't you go comment my profile, make it seem like I'm popular? =]



Big Haul

Thursday, December 14, 2006 As of last Tuesday, I own the Piraka Stronghold, Thulox, Dekar, Defilak, and Thulox. For some reason -- we definitely didn't order it -- they were extra nice and threw in a couple of base plates in the package at no charge. Mistake? I'm not complaining. It kinda makes up for the lousy shipping service all year . Defilak Boxes for the small sets are clearly getting bigger year by year. What's inside the box: What comes right out



Log Entry #...ah, Who Cares

Monday, July 3, 2006 My aunt's coming over today. Was it not just last week that my uncle paid us a visit ? I made a new topic here. Now that I look back on it after making it, I see it's pretty useless. Hey, July 4 is just a day away!



Dekar -- Why A Po-matoran?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 Take a look at Dekar. Notice his color scheme: yellow and black. We know he's a Po-Matoran following Toa Hewkii's color scheme, but it wasn't really necessary to make an exceptional Po-Matoran color, don't you think? He easily could have been a Ta-Matoran; since 2001, we saw from MNOLG that Ta-Matoran colors included red, orange, yellow, and black. Why is this? My explanation is that the ones who determined Dekar a Po-Matoran simply didn't have that in mind. Oh we



You're Not On Fire, Ricky Bobby!

Friday, August 4, 2006 Hehe...I saw Talledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby today. It was funny. But it was stupid funny, like the Benchwarmers. "You're not on fire, Ricky Bobby!" Oh, and I finally, finally got my Lego mag in the mail today. And it's the fourth of the next month! The comic strangely reminded me of BL#3 Shake 'n' bake! Magic Man and El Diablo!



A Puzzle For You

All right, I got something good for ya:   Alright, somewhere on this entry block there is a link to a printable form of this entry. You can do that if you want to try this problem hands-on.   In the above diagram, you must connect square A to A, B to B, and C to C with three (3) separate lines (don't have to be straight). The lines cannot cross each other, cannot go outside of the boundaries, and cannot pass through another letter's square. Got it? Simple, right? Get to it. And no, the ans



Log Entry #20

Thursday, June 22, 2006 I went to school today. Had two hour-long breaks today in class. I'm so glad my history class doesn't rot horribly like so many of the other ones. That's especially rare for an honors course. During my first break I did some of my homework. During the second I played BS and won over everyone. During the actual class my teacher yelled out swear words while presenting the material he was teaching to us. It's...a good teaching method. I love it when my teachers use that met



Mutran Chronicles 5 With Tren Krom

Thursday, March 20, 2008 Holy Thursday Happy Spring! Yesterday, Chapter 5 of The Mutran Chronicles was posted on www.bioniclestory.com. In this chapter, the legend of Tren Krom is starting to unfold. Although Tren Krom, Mutran explains, is considered by most to be imaginary, those who know better know that he does in fact exist. He is one to be dreaded, being older than Mata Nui and having come into existence before the stars of the Matoran universe. His very presence could drive other



Had To Go To School Again

Wednesday, July 5, 2006 Had to go back to summer school class again. Ack. Everyone hates us because we get hour-long breaks while they have to stay in class and get the occasional fifteen-minute break. And we get days off. But it's still a drag going to school when I'm accustomed to lying at home, doin' nothin', maybe posting on BZP all day... My S&T contest entry is finally headed for the polls. Three judges have done the deed, so there's nothing stopping me now.



Log Entry #11

Tuesday, June 6, 2006 OMG! The end of the fourth quarter and the end of the world, all in one day! I must study for science and math tonight, which is very hard when I get distracted by distant noises, lava lamps, the TV downstairs, the smell of food, dreams of summer vacation, etc.



Just How Powerful Are Muscles?

Thursday, November 16, 2006 Muscles some in antagonistic pairs -- one muscle contracts to move a joint one way, and another serves to move it the other way. Your muscles are so strong that if both muscles in one of your antagonistic pairs contracted at the same time, they would break the bone they were connected to. Thank goodness for nerve impulses that make this impossible to happen. But should your electrical signals fail you...as they might during electrocution... Just a little anatomy t




Saturday, August 5, 2006 I'm working on a project of piecing together the 2001 story. It's not always easy . There's huge gaps, inconsistencies... it turns out that the comics and books don't tell a whole lot of the story.



2007 German Translations

I worked up my own translations of the Amazon.de website descriptions for the 2007 sets. Me and my dad (who is familiar with German) came up with these translations directly from the German source:   Mantax stalks his opponents in the darkness and grabs them from behind. He is equipped with thick armor; venomous, red spines; and sturdy forceps.   Carapar is twice as wide as he is long. With his long arms and enormous claws, he is able to overcome every obstacle. Thanks to his thick armor, he



Bionicle More Well-known Than We Thought?

Saturday, October 7, 2006 This is something I "discovered" a while ago, and it seems that it would be something rather interesting to post. Link The above link is the list of results that you get when you search books on Amazon.com. Yes, first you have the LEGO BIONICLE books sold through Scholastic, but there are way more results than that if you look further (like page 5 further). Amazon not only searches book titles, but excerpts from books as well. And if you look at those excerpts (



Remember 9/11

Monday, September 11, 2006 Here we are, five years later. Everyone always says that they remember exactly where they were when the news reached them that the planes had hit the World Trade Center buildings. Let us offer remembrance of that earth-shaking day. Do you give a donation to charity? Do you visit Ground Zero? Do you hang a flag outside your front porch? Do you bring it up in school? Do you use the "Remember 9/11" Avatar? All of us commemorate the tragedy that struck five yea



Log Entry#?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 Hey, guys. The S&T Contest polls are up! I got some votes...some feedback...falling behind in votes though. I happened to make my 666th (8o) post in that poll topic. I went to school today, like I always do. I was so darn tired in class. I got so bored that instead of taking notes, I started drawing exactly what I saw in front of me. The bell rang when I started looking down at the notebook I was drawing on and I had to change the drawing on the notebook I was drawin



Video On Ghost

Saturday, September 30, 2006 They've added the new Toa Inika .mpg on Ghost A/S. For people who care about that stuff . Ugh. I still need to get all of my 2006 sets. Vezon & Fenrakk and the Toa Inika finally arrived earlier this week, but Kongu was missing :annoyed2: . I had to call customer service, and now they're shipping Kongu out to me. After this, I still need to get Umbra the other three play themes.



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