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idk my pal

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New Bewk

I just need to say this after reading 200 or so pages straight;   I <3 Scar Night   So awesome   Read it.




Making a Holiday Wishlist is hard. Cuz the stuff I want is either only obtainable via military/government, or just isn't obtainable...   GoW2 <3



Fall Games

BF3? In the future. MW3? Nah. GoW3? Nah. UC3? Nah. Arkham? In the future, probably.   SKYRIM?   YESSSSS!   So excited for this game~



What I Did For Four Hours.

I went to a basketball game (Nuggets against the Trail Blazers), and got floor seats. Normally those seats would cost 76$ individually, but we got them for 25$ a piece, which was a nice discount. The game itself ws also pretty fun, and lsted for three or so hours, with bunch of shows and stuff here and there.   The parking lot was a nightmare, with lots of obscenities thrown around ._.;;;



Our Cat.

She is so adorable when she's all hyper and rolling around like a psychotic madcat on a bed. <3




My computer's been acting up recently, so if I'm not around later today (When I normally am) it's 'cuz of that. Just thought a quick mention would be appreciated somewhere.   EDIT: Problem's been solved.




Whenever I decide to start writing something, like an actual story for instance, I always get this nagging thought in the back of my head that just says "All this is going to do is sit in the back of your computer's memory, you're not going to show it to anyone, and even if you did, and even if these people said some things about it that didn't change... anything, then what are you going to do with it?" Something kinda like that. What's mostly irritating is that everything I do want to write is



I Think...

I might write another SS. Once I think of something...   -is almost at twenty SSs in his library-




I'm past the 12,000 mark at least. Should've been past the 13,000 mark, but I just haven't been feeling well.   But anyway, right now I'm working on a fun little dream sequence. It's fun to write and sort of throws itself back to the feel of the introduction, with the more vibrant descriptions and the more positive atmosphere (although, generally speaking, I have a fairly romanticized view of ancient Rome that contributed to such descriptions in the introduction). It's a nice break from the ble



A Sad Occurence

Today, this morning to be more precise; a eighth grade student from Sagewood Middle School died. It was either late last night, or this morning, it wasn't so clear when our class was told about this.   I do not go to Sagewood, but several classmates of mine had at one time, and new this guy well. It was a hitting by a car that ended his life, and even the teacher could hardly speak when reading that paper. Several students in my class, who were great friends with this kid had to leave the room



Something Annoying.

Something that annoys me is when you are depending on someone to be responsible and do their part of an assignment that's worth half of your grade, and the person just doesn't give a karz and never does his part, without even telling you "Oh, yeah I didn't do any of that project."   It sucks because had he actually told me, I'd have been able to get it done on my own and turned in promptly. However, here, I was thinking he already turned it all in (Cuz he said he did when I asked) but it turns



Pokemon Names :D

Or otherwise, how I nickname them!   Oh yes, I am very bored (on a Pokemon break, waiting for someone to wake up, don't feel like going anywhere) and I thought I'd share. Because I'm bored.   I usually pick things out of the name, or occasionally a name that references something I really like. (Like, with Audino, I had five in the last game and named them: Audi, Ausum, Audina, Ausi, Auvina). In White I wanted to name my Snivy "Snivylicious" but that sadly didn't fit, but a close friend came up




The poll in the other Entry still stands, I suggest leaving a vote or something... please?   But that's not what this entry is for;   Alright, so I was asked to blog about this, but I will not say who asked in case they'd prefer to not be mention (It's not a "they" it's a single person), but I felt like I should anyway.   Now, from what I have seen, BZPers can have logical, well thought out and said debates. Now, flaming and arguing are not debates, and those generate from "debating" about so



I Never Noticed...

I am so productive when I'm ill. I made a MOC, posted a story, and made something else that no one but me can know about cuz it'd blow up the universe otherwise =X




I feel like making one.   But it is too hard to get a tactical nuke these days and be able to stay in the clear V_V



I Can't Draw Hands

But there are these magical, wonderful things and they are called mittens. <3     I'm still terrible at drawing (although the hands look bigger in the real-life version... they look like they shrunk when I put it onto my comp o.O but maybe that's just a testament to my terrible iPhone picture-taking skills)   EDIT: Some edits were done, I like this version more~




Well this morning I redid that dropship I made, which is made out of AT-TE parts. It is a small ship- probably about nine inches long and six inches at its widest point.   I maight take a whole bunch of pieces and make a gigantic transport and then take a picture of it (Whenever it is that my camera decides to work <<) and then tear it apart to make that AT-TE which I haven't done... yet.   Then I beat my sister in a game of chess she insisted on me playing... it was an interesting game



Historical Figures, The Internet And You

If there were forums hundreds of years ago and stuff, what do you think prominent historical figures would post?   Inspired by a random discussion on AIM, in which historical figures trolled things.




Now I know of the other two projects I have on my hands (Refer to the Entry before last if you don't know what I mean)   BUT   There was this AIM discussion you see, involving three members (one of them being me ^^) and it talked about the current storyline and what we three didn't care for and would like to have back. That was the original topic, which then slid into the topic of "Are you planning on doing an Alternate Version of Bionicle? If so, then what would be some things you'd change?"



One Thing I Look Forward To.

Brick Fair 09. I was recently reminded of it by my parental guardian who said that we'd be going for sure unless family matters would get in the way. (If they got in the way).   So, I'm excited for it to come already, and stuff... so... yeah.




Misgendering isn't cool.   It's mean and petty.   Don't do it.   Seriously. Don't.



Creative Writing.

I am this close to stabbing a pencil through my head.   For the last week I had an idea, a first in a while (And not related to a currently unfinished epic, which may remain unfinished until I really get back into the swing of things), but I constantly had the issue of how to write it out. Cinematically (aka: Visual images playing out in my mind... FF says it's not a word, but I don't care) everything always looks so neat and it makes me interested.   Then I write it, and it sounds dumb and



Things To Say

I dread sleeping. I hate it now for all it holds for me are horrid images that stay implanted in my mind the next day. According to some it turns out I talk and thrash about in my sleep, doesn't help in any way to know that, in fact I wish I was still oblivious to that.   I'm only frightened in sleep, when I'm awake I simply know that it's all fake and can't possibly happen, of course I have asked myself... if it's probable.   Of course it is somewhat far fetched, but depending on how you see



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