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Oh, Yeah

I presented my project, and actually didn't do horrible, I normally get very nervous when speaking about stuff in front of a load of people, I dunno why this time I could actually pull it off talking loud enough, and showing emotion XP



Oh, Right!

Recently (In Inferna's Blog XP) I remembered that February is right around the corner, which means that Valentine's Day is approaching. This bit of information alone made me decide to do something for the holiday, given, I didn't do anything for it last year (I wish I joined the SS contest back then) but this year, I think I may be able to use the theme of the holiday and incorporate it into a Short Story (Epics are a bit... well, I don't hold a very good track-record with them ^^;. This isn't s



Oh, Luverly Mail~

Today was a full mail day for me, quite exciting!   - Got my jacket (and it FITS! So happy about that! -- Pics may come, I need to take some I feel okay with. Right now it's limited to this one, but that's not that great of an image) - Got my passport (For my Senior year graduation, we may go to Italy... may, depends on how things are financially) - Got my debit card (Old one expired and the bank was derping about sending out my new one, so I went there, ate their free cookies and sorted it all



Oh Yeah.

I have Exia now, and now I need the time to actually piece it together, though, I did get the GN-Generator done, which is at least something [Then I took a test, and now I'm multi-tasking with BZP, some stories, and a Unit Review].



Oh Yay.

I actually reviewed things in the SSCC. I feel good now.   Though, I did review 8 things at once, but all that was deleted which makes me sad ;-;



Oh Wow.

I really need to edit those three links in that RPG-filled content block. The first no longer leads to the Approval Topic, cuz the one it links to doesn't exist... and the link leads right to one of my short stories. The second link links to someone's art topic, oddly enough, but that's also because of the deletion of the topic that it once linked to. And the third, the third still links to the Guidelines, but to Toaraga's Guidelines which I didn't think were still floating around XP



Oh Shnapz

Well.. I got that Limited Edition Gears of War 2 for free... and I worked off my debt by cleaning the house, moving the furniture around, attempting to make dinner with a cookbook and a select bunch of tools, doing the dishes, and stuff... but now I have this small problem;   I have two games of Gears 2... I'm keeping the Limited Edition one kthx   I was originally going to give the second away as a gift for the holidays, however... someone else beat me to it, and I'm stuck with a copy. I dunn



Oh Right!

When I went to the movie theatre I met some classmates from before Summer and he was all liek "Can I have a dollar?" and I was liek "Sure" and then he started praising me for having a dollar on me o.O   I just remembered that out of nowhere and felt like sharing.



Oh No...

I have PE for 7th period when I go back to school.   That suuuucks.  



Oh Look

I have a phone interview tomorrow for the school I settled on, and I'm kind of excited and kind of nervous since, based on the text message, I'm going to have to explain I'm transgender and I go by "Kit" nowadays (it's not legally changed yet, I haven't had the ability to put together the time, funds and scheduling for the next steps I need to take -- Court hearing/Publication of the change -- and I'm trying to work my gender markers on my forms of legal ID to female).   Granted, I haven't been



Oh Em Gee

It's snoooowwwwwiiinnnngggg   First time I've seen snow in three years.



Oh Disney

I'm just sitting here listening to various Disney songs from like, all the movies.   And I so want to watch the Little Mermaid right now... that is like... one of the most nostalgic movies for me~ *even though Ursula made me cry when I was like five :,D*   Plus, I mean   Prince Eric.




Off to see Avatar on Monday, IMAX 3-D cuz it plays there, and it's like... three miles away so we can actually go. XP   After that, I'm going to go to Borders and get a few books I've been wanting for a little while now. So yay   *No one cares*



Of 14 Episodes

After watching 14 episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (in a -row-), I seem to have lost the ability to write one of my stories (the one I'm currently putting most of my time into) without envisioning the characters in a ponified form.   But, regardless of how dysfunctional my visual mind is behaving, I still ought to dig up my notebook where I wrote how I intended to introduce the Legion debacle into the city. So, off to do that~



Oddity In The Mood I'm In...

I'm in a mood to go post something very emotional and involving things to die, I dunno why... I thinks it's influence from the music I'm listening to, some drawing shtuffz and a tad bit of somethings I plan on writing in the future.   I've never been very compelled to type something up where a favorite character of my own dies... I am not going to cuz it'd give too many things away to quickly... perhaps I'll type up a very large list of characters nao...yeah that should do the trick.




There's this giant gummy bear... on a stick that turns drinks into slushies and makes you sick if you eat it all at once.




I will never understand online quizzes. Half the time I end up with the result of a female character whenever I do those things... besides for maybe... ten or so out of probably a hundredish .-.   Then again, I am not some scary huge person who thinks he can bust through walls either o____________O   Online stuff is weird.




People are good at guessing when it comes to what I want to do for a career and what I already determined I will do to get there. It was kinda annoying how it was relayed to me in a sarcastic tone, but I just went "Yeah. That's what I'm going to do." and he's like "... Oh."   Then there was an awkward silence for a few moments.




I was watching a show (Trinity Blood) and at this one part there's this little Vampire who got... slightly shot by an oversized tank, and a little Terran (Human) girl trying to make this Vamp (Who had to deliver a message to a certain somebody for the Empress) feel better.   Then here comes Mr. Nightroad who goes all Crusnik and totally owns Mr. Tank and three battle ships.   I laughed at three parts, the first was when Nightroad as a Crusnik said   "You're... my food. I eat you now." and




I just realized that I happen to laugh/chuckle at the parts in horror movies that are either supposed to sicken you (I mean by what a character does, and not like showing you a bucket of guts) or scare you.   I was smiling at the part in The Shining when man chases little kid with ax...   I want someway to make myself sure I'm not going to turn into a psychopathic killer when I grow up.   *hides dead body*




Now I know of the other two projects I have on my hands (Refer to the Entry before last if you don't know what I mean)   BUT   There was this AIM discussion you see, involving three members (one of them being me ^^) and it talked about the current storyline and what we three didn't care for and would like to have back. That was the original topic, which then slid into the topic of "Are you planning on doing an Alternate Version of Bionicle? If so, then what would be some things you'd change?"



O Hay

So I was finally doing my Presidential History project when something funny came across my eyes, in a simple coincidence that I felt like blogging about would be fun to.   Apparently, Andrew Jackson (President number 7 of the US) joined this planet and gained a life the same day [Not the same year =P] I joined BZP and lost my own.   Wheeeee



O And Hay

I entered Wrack's Anotharu Lifu (I hope I spelled that correctly ><) Blog contest, which was to write a six hundred word minimum romance storeh. Liiiiink to mai entreh



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