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idk my pal

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Um... Wow.

So I completely forgot to work on any of my Biology stuff last night, and it was all due today. But then crazy weather happened.   So I go to school, like normal, but right before my Biology class... school ends early and it's a mad rush to get a spot on one of the buses.   I was like "wow... I really lucked out here..."




Robo's idea of reviewing RPGs... I like it, actually. And decided that perhaps I could do something similar, even though it is his idea... I like it, and I somewhat would find it to be something interesting.   Though, I'm not going to make an opening review, much like what Robo did, since I'd rather see if people would want to have another opinion or mind on their own RPG, that could be old, closed, dead, going on, active, whatever. It's something I could do as well, and holds an interest to me



hurgling along

54,000 words written   34,000 are from this year (10k a month, only on 4k for April so far)   probably... August or June for completion date pending   then it's all about the editing   really enjoying writing the transgender lesbian harpy warrior who is now known to make inappropriate jokes for the situation




It's nice I'm using MS Word to write this possible submission... otherwise, I would've lain waste to an entire planet's worth of trees.   I always mess it up somewhere in the second paragraph, ergh. ><   And this is using the one character, I've basically been writing with for the last four years. ;-;




That is what we learn in Language Arts now. Currently... I did the homework three times... cuz I had fun with it.   I've made... in the course of thirty minutes...   - 3 Haiku style poems - 3 "Still Photograph" poems - 4 Sonnets - 15 Rhyming Couplets - 4 Quatrains   29 total, but I had fun with it.   I hope I get an A ^^;;;;;




I've been running into some really kind people recently. Like, I'd screw up really bad, but they wouldn't ever really mind that much, and continue on. Recently, I messed up really badly in a trade with someone, over DS Wi-Fi. Discussing details, and I missed a word -- so, I looked like a moron in the end, and completely embarrassed myself. But, unlike what happens to me normally, the person I'm talking to doesn't decide to rip my flesh off my bones and drink my blood. Rather, they just go "Oh, d



Things That Come To Mind.

First thing:   The one thing that is incredibly annoying at times in the RPG Request Topic is when material posted in there belongs in one of the other topics, or even a PM. Such as general questions, or questions on the system, or comments that are announcing "That's Spam" when all you'd have to do is report, and all that kind of stuff. Here is where some of that stuff goes.   General RPG Questions should go in the RPG Topic posted in the main forum by Emperor Kraggh. RPGs are discussed frequ



Got It.

I got my computer back, but I had to install everything all over again. From Word to MSN to my internet browser. I still don't have my old desktop image back, but some things can wait. I've been trying to reconstruct what I wrote on DB again, this time redoing the prologue in favor of something far more interesting. This is probably my fifth to last draft, depending on how things go.   I do intend on writing it as if it were in the pages of a book first, however. Then going through it and edit



Works And Such

So some stuff I'm working on as of now;   -Continuation Assignment [2] -The Monarch and the Peddler; Chapter 2 [Am hitting some mind blocks] -Might write a SS to get over mind block -Am considering to try and pick up one of my old, dead epics again; possibly as a redo [Deleting the text in every post, and entering redone text]   That's as far as writing goes.   And that's about it. Haven't started on my Menoa MOC yet, cuz I need ideas, and other than that, I have no current projects.  



Blood Unit Part The Fourth

Blood Unit Part Four (Rated PG-13) The trip in the Pelican had been somewhat long to her, she hated heights yes, but had learned to get over it when inside a vehicle. The fact that a very trustworthy person was flying the thing helped with her inside worries. Upon being part of Blood Unit a few years back; she had to tell them all of this fear that she had kept secret for the majority of her life. It was a good thing for them to know as they always tried to help her out with it. In h




My own week update, cuz stuff actually happened for once.   Well, for starters, there was the Sunday - Wednesday era for me, which was rather standard. Had no forums to assist in at the time, so I was pretty free in terms of BZP responsibilities, which meant ME2 and completely forgetting that I was to be on RPG Radio Live on Friday (Which means I didn't prep for that). However, in terms of life related things, that's roughly it. Didn't have school on Thursday, but that was rather nice -- gave




I was able to type up the SN post one and PM it to two recipients who I asked if possible to edit it a bit (finished typing it all at 12:36 AM ><) the next day carried side effects that lasted when I got bored (staring blankly in space)   During art class I doodled RotT's Poisedon (or however you spell the name, it was a head shot) and I ended up with a nice A =D




How are so many people educated at the high school level, but none of them can fathom just how to walk down a hallway?   I could start on manners, but I feel as if being polite is likely more complicated to the average high schooler within this building than walking.  




I can't sleep now... all because I slept for five hours in the afternoon and even when I was awake I refused to move for another two hours .-.   and I still feel sick ;_;



Recent Happenings.

So a lot of stuff has happened recently, many things of which had to be kept underwraps for a while. But now that everything's said and done, I feel that there's a few things I do need to address in my blog of all places.   - First, I am resigning from my COT RPG Judge position. I'd stay, I really would, but since I was promoted to staff, I decided to stand by what I said quite a while ago (Maybe not publicly). I like to see the Judges made up of and comprised of BZPower members (Save the lead




*Gets shot*   Alright with that out of the way I would like to begin this entry by saying that AAU, may be getting a slow update due to me writing up the full first chapter to the DBSR1 project I've been thinking out and writing about for years. Along with the fact that I wrote up Twisted Sorrow, and am in the middle of another which is still unfinished   My SSs don't get that many replies now do they? =P *hinthint* *gets shot again*   Besides for that I ran to Barnes 'n Noble, didn't have




In English, I was taken aside during the class just to be complimented on how amazing I'm doing, and that I'm going to be put into the Honors class next year~   He said I'd be in AP, but we don't have AP English... yet.



A Memory I Recalled

Back in first grade was the day when this occurred, I was probably... six at the time.   So, a few friends and I were on the big yellow contraption known as a "School Bus" (reminds me of a tin can actually), and as we were headed to the school one morning, a truck going a bit over the limit whizzed by. As it flew by it ripped the side mirror contraption off of the bus and the pieces flew down the street.   I was sitting up front so I got to see it more clearly, well the driver said some... w



Computer Class.

I finished everything and am now so bored that I made a new blog entry.   I am sitting at the long table thingy with the computer... and the guy next to me apparently wishes to buy a nail gun and a castle and become some sort of nail tyrant. o___O



What Feels Good

After having a pretty bad week (Being sick since Tuesday, laying in bed without the energy to do much else), it feels good to talk to someone amazing, even if it's just online.



It Is Halloween

Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange?     Come with us and you will see This, our town of Halloween     This is Halloween, this is Halloween Pumpkins scream in the dead of night     This is Halloween, everybody make a scene Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright It's our town, everybody screm In this town of Halloween     I am the one hiding under your bed Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red     I am the one hiding under yours stai




From the last episode I could find being 24 for Trinity Blood, it was rather meh. The fight between Cain and Abel at the end was too short, and rather fast paced and I was hoping for an explosion.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Although seeing Tres get thrown through a wall was somewhat fun (He reminds me of the Terminator in some ways), and Cain in his Crusnik form was rather interesting; from their past I would have thought Abel to be the evil kill all the humans guy, a



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