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idk my pal

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I can't sleep now... all because I slept for five hours in the afternoon and even when I was awake I refused to move for another two hours .-.   and I still feel sick ;_;



My Dog...

Must be magic. Just must be, how else could she have gotten out of the yard when she's A) Chubby, B ) Was harnessed and chained in the backyard and C) There's no escape routes I can fiiiiind.




And now my teeth hurt, cuz these little pieces of what I ate are stuck and impossible to get out ;_;   And I bit my tongue... and my cheek... D=   today isn't my day apparently.




I can't think of anything to Blog about anymore ;_;



Something That Felt All Too Real.

A dream, those things I tend to have from time to time and shrug off as if they're not important. Generally they are impossible to draw forth from my own memory, to remember periodically and when I wish to do so. However, there are those dreams that never leave the mind, always dwelling somewhere in there. I have two of the sort, both unrelated forms of nightmares, well, for all I know they're unrelated. Two years generally makes one of the other outdated and old in my thinking process.   In t



Thoughts That Dwell Inside The Mind.

Memories of which I had never thought about for eight years now come popping back up at the worst of times. And, as a young kid of five years back then, they aren't very good memories to begin with.   The thing I hate the most is when it feels like the memory was an event that had only occurred a minute ago. Sometimes, I wish I was older back then as to act more appropriately in those situations, not having grasped how serious they were at the time.




Got some stuff in the mail. Yay.   Went on BZP and didn't like some stuff.   Then I forced myself to blog about something.



Zeddy Is Awesome.

He did me a favor, that I asked for X3       I'll be using them after I change my display name again XP




TV says snow storm, Spink says "WHERE IS THE SNOOOOOW?!"   I want the snow ;_;




I think I get math. I taught all that I missed from Monday to myself and did my work without flaws.   And I am very suckish at number-y stuff.




Updated RPG Rules and Guidelines zomg yay.   And I has my name in it



My Weekend.

I flew to Houston last weekend, and got back afternoon time Monday. Basically it was a hangout with friends thingy, though I built a grill and made food on it cuz I was hungry an it was dinnertime and my friend made me build the grill with him, and stuff. After two hours of assembly, we moved it out back and invited a third friend and ate stuff we made. (It didn't burn =O)   I also rediscovered how much fun Deadspace is, and watched as my XboxLive died again. I'll have to get that fixed at som



Sixteen Years.

Sixteen years of my life is all planned out. I just need to put the effort that is needed into High School and College in order for no real problems to arise. And more physical stuff, that's all being done though anyway.




I have to go to the Dentist today, and I really hate dental people cuz they forget to remove metal, sharp, bands in my mouth.   Tomorrow I'll either not sleep at all, or go to sleep about 8:00 PM Mountain Time, cuz I got to get up very early on Friday to catch a plane to Houston, where I get to see all my friends again -yay. That also means that I may not be on BZP as frequently, which isn't overall bad, but just saying. However, if I am gone like... completely from Friday - Sunday, and RPGs ar



A Goal Of Fun.

First, I got these pesky bands on my molars off, since they were useless and full of pain, which is now awesome cuz I have normal teeth. My last dentist said I had a cavity, this dentist says my teeth are perfect.   Oh, and a hungry Spink in a waiting room for 3 hours = Angry Spink. I just learned that today.   Soooo, my goal is actually a few things in one. I call it the "Creativity Goal" and that means that I need to draw something that actually looks good, which will be taking a lot of time




I saw it and it was awesome. Very violent, compared to other movies I've seen as well as a bit graphic in situations which can't be fully mentioned on BZP. I liked it though, and sat through all three hours of it XP



Things That Come To Mind.

First thing:   The one thing that is incredibly annoying at times in the RPG Request Topic is when material posted in there belongs in one of the other topics, or even a PM. Such as general questions, or questions on the system, or comments that are announcing "That's Spam" when all you'd have to do is report, and all that kind of stuff. Here is where some of that stuff goes.   General RPG Questions should go in the RPG Topic posted in the main forum by Emperor Kraggh. RPGs are discussed frequ



I Hate It When...

I'm looking to see if something was said in a forum, then see that it hasn't been said, make a post about it just to find out that it was posted with a very strange title ._.   Oh, and even though I said this before, this is my blog and I shall say it again:   Congratulations Rorschach on the new COT RPG Judge position! Congratulations The Power That Is on the new COT RPG Judge position!   Two cuz rather than have Sisen approve the RPGs twice (One for general 7 and one for finality) it was d



What I Do On A Busy Day.

This is what I do on a standard day of which is busy. (Today)   -I go to sleep sometimes around 3:00 AM which is generally a bad idea. -I wake up at 9:00 AM, and lay in bed for an hour or so. -Get up, skip the whole getting dressed phase half the time, make breakfast and eat it. -Go on the comp to play some of the GuildWars stuff and see what I can do. -Went on BZP to make sure my stuff was working, got two PMs saying that I need to get on AIM, so I go to Meebo since my AIM sucks. -Hour



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