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Entries in this blog

Story Telling

I finished the Intro to a book I've been working on for a while now. I can't tell about it because people may steal my idea and I don't want that. I have three editors , A friend of mine who's name I shall omit, another friend, and me. This has been hard to write and I'm about to start another draft over the Intro again to make sure that everything is okay. I had gone to the store and purchased four magic card packs ( I know it was a small waste of money but oh well...) I'm going to camp for the



Stormy Day.

I got ME for my PC all hooked up with a new mouse and today a storm hit (and is still going on) and playing ME killed so much of my time it makes me happy   Ugh... I still need to think of interesting things to put in this blog.




They are daily, they are short.   And somehow I get easily bored, but I never feel like going on the internet [And when I do, it's more to look something up than to stick around; so that's why I haven't been on BZP... or any forum board... or IM for that matter... or even in my email...]   But, I need to finish the first chapter in DB at some point... even though I've been working on it daily for the past week or so, it's still about half done, and that's probably because it's not as much fun




Recently I have had a bit of inspiration because of the new CoT contest more or less and I had begun to write up more Short Stories and I dared to do an epic.   I will have links up to all the topics soon, but in the meantie my sig currently holds these magical links of prosperity. =)




I have four ideas.   Possibly three, depending on how two work out.   The titles are;   -The Asylum -Killing Two Stones With One Bird -Xenophobe/Xenophobia [This and "The Asylum" might be combined] -Quiet Night



Stories And Whatnot.

Today I got bored, and when I get bored I have a tendency to start writing out some ideas for stories. So, now I'm starting to actually create that Bionicle epic I was talking about in one of the previous entries, and if I believe it's interesting enough, I'll probably begin creating it. So far, I have the characters pretty much all written out, along with the factions involved, which was followed by the rough outline of the plot... and by rough, I mean, really rough. So, as far as this goes, I'




I can't sleep. I've been trying for three hours now, and I just can't... so I resorted to BZP and trying to find something to do.




Never again, shall I attempt to put them onto a model, as no eyes looks better than screwed up eyes.




I have Stanfords tomorrow and for the rest of the week ugh...thats it for today and this is a super short entry isn't it? Bye for now.




They're all so boring.   Baseball has no excitement, and it's so slow. I get people like it and stuff, but it's like, why must it become the center of every conversation... and how one earth do people have the attention span to watch it? The only part of it I can understand is seeing it in person, because at least then it seems more interesting... and there's all those little shops and foodplaces to go whenever you get bored watching people run around in circles.   Soccer (or football/futbol).



Spink's Misadventures Of Imagination

While sitting in the car, head resting against the hard plastic window, feeling every little bump and jolt as the minivan drives over the slush covered streets of my small little town, I got to thinking. Thinking, to someone of Spink's nature, isn't so much speaking within the confines of the mind, but rather playing out small movies of what could and could not happen: how people might react, how people might perceive an event. Suffice to say, the thoughts that entered Spink's head on the way to



Spink Is Pleased.

I found a subject I felt comfortable talking about for English, and I was able to put it into the speech format within... almost half an hour.   It's so nice to have that checked off my small list of things to do.   It'd be awesome if I got to not speak. I didn't need to speak for that timeline thing... in fact... the English teacher said that I didn't even need to do the assignment when I got back to school the next day.




Today was career day [big surprise when I got to school o__O]. I learned stuff about jobs that I either are not interested in, or never thought would be a successful place to be [Oddly they are more successful than they are given credit for...]. The Fox 31 Sports Journalist was there, though I don't want to pursue a job in journalism even after he talked... and talked... and talked.   I just like writing fiction, and that is what I want to do =)   But...   There were no authors there DX



Song By Skillet.

In the dark with the music on   Wishing I was somewhere else   Taking all your anger out on me, somebody help   I would rather rot alone   Then spend a minute with you   I'm gone, I'm gone   And you can't stop me from falling apart   'Cause my self-destruction is all your fault   (Chorus)How could you, how could you,   how could you hate me?   When all I ever wanted to be was you?   How could you, how could you, how could you love me?   When all you ever gave me were open wounds?  



Somthing To Think About.

Before I get to fun fact of sorts I have read a few lines of my interests and I realized how horribly I wrote it out... one of these days I need to go over it.   Fun Fact: Lightning is 5 times hotter than the Sun's surface. (Don't know how accurate that is, but I got it out of a science book)



Something... Of A Something Something

I might not be able to get on the internetz till Thursday, so yeah if I'm not around I'm not dead, or anything it's just that Comcast is taking their sweet time to get the internet in and the little thing I use to connect to the internet may have to be returned soon.   This is a Might if it's for sure, well you just won't see me online.



Something That Felt All Too Real.

A dream, those things I tend to have from time to time and shrug off as if they're not important. Generally they are impossible to draw forth from my own memory, to remember periodically and when I wish to do so. However, there are those dreams that never leave the mind, always dwelling somewhere in there. I have two of the sort, both unrelated forms of nightmares, well, for all I know they're unrelated. Two years generally makes one of the other outdated and old in my thinking process.   In t



Something Magical

I ran the mile while having a horrid cough and actually did better than I normally do. It must be magic at work here.



Something Important About Myself

Okay.   I debated for a -long- time on whether or not I'd come out and say this on BZPower, or if I would simply quietly outfit my profile to make it obvious. Normally I'm more comfortable doing the latter, it's my Facebook approach (though there hosts family and real life people, which is another issue entirely) but since this is BZPower and I feel pretty comfortable here for the most part, I thought why not make a blog entry? It's a part of who I am, about my life, and about how I would like o



Something I've Been Thinking Of Recently

I am omitting names, replacing them with whatever is said.   I remember the day vividly, very vividly, but you probably wish to hear some backstory before I get into the heart of the matter.   I had a friend, we knew eachother eversince we were young toddlers toddling about. We got in trouble together, rather frequently. She convinced me at one time to help her get a lamp... it fell and broke, but we were only five or four and in a daycare center. The two of us had some amazing times together,



Something I'm Doing

I at the moment am working on another SS which is featuring Anavrin and Vex ten years in the past. I dun care if you know who they are or not, things are explained in it. =P   In other news; I'll be off to my second to final destination tomarrow and am hoping luggage doesn't get lost and bad things don't happen on the plane... that would well... be very bad. =\



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