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Chaos Theory

The flap of a butterflys wings on one side of the world controls the fate of the other side of the world. I have just found the biggest butterfly in existence, and intend to crush it. How long do you think it will take for the world to end?

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

And The Winner Is...

That's right, there's a winner for my comic's "Redesign Cthulhu" contest! Bahrag Kal has won with an awesome entry! Congratulations, BK!   And thanks to those of you who entered who didn't win. And, to show these thanks, a special comic will be posted that will display all the entries. Great work everybody!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Cthulhu's Words Of Wisdom 2

"Many of you won't make it to your 1st birthday. They are the lucky ones..." Me, to my 300 children...   This has been another installment of Cthulhu's Words of Wisdom...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

The Human Mind Is An Amazing Thing...

No, seriously, I'm looking at one right now, and it's amazing.   So, I was wandering around the Land of Chaos when I found a mass of horrors beyond human comprehension, and I named it Fluffy... He's a good pet. And you don;t even have to feed him! No mouth, no food! So what if he's destroyed all of my neighbor's pets? It's so cute when he eviscerates a dog...   That's all for now.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Another Msi Song To Share...

This is a great song, and is a good song to remix, seeing as five remix's have been made (that I know of). I love four of the five remix's, and the one I don't like is just too much music, not enough words. Here it is...   Again, this is a great song, and I love it. I didn't even have to edit this one! A rare clean song by MSI...   EDIT: Nevermind...   Do NOT bypass the word filter.   -Shine

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


It's hard to find a Mindless Self Indulgence song that's appropriate to post, but I got one (that's edited). Here we go...     I love that song. Enjoy!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

What I Did Tonight...

Tonight I went back to my old school for the first night of their musical. My girlfriend was in it, which made up for the sound goofs and stage mishaps. I wish I could go tomorrow, but the tickets are sold out. I can't go Saturday, either, because I have to work! And Saturday will be the best night! I mean, by then all the glitches are gone and it's just pure awesomness!   The musical they performed was High School Musical, and it was okay. I didn't think that they'd be able to pull it off, as

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


I'm a huge fan of 'em! I love parodies, from Airplane! to The Naked Gun, to Spy Hard (all Leslie Neilson movies... hmm...), to the Scary Movie series. These movies are great. The only thing I love more than parody films are horror films. The more gore the better! Hostel was great! Not really horror per se, but man was it gory! It was glorious! I can't wait to see the sequel!   I also loved Sin City, and the two sequels coming out for that sound like they'll be just as good. Too bad Mickey Rou

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Being Evil Rules...

So today I was wondering through the plain of Chaos when I came across a crying child. Though this isn't odd for "The Plain of Chaos," I was intrigued, so I asked him what was wrong. He said "I'm lost, and can't find my parents." Touched by this, I took five minutes and helped the boy find his beloved parents. As I looked on, a tear came to my eye. Then I ate their souls. It was a good day... *burp!*

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, It's A Blog!

Alright, so, first blog entry...   I'm eating now. We've got this little ice cream shop here in town and They've got these awesome coney dogs (chili dogs for those of you who have no idea what coneys are), and I'm piggin out on two of them now. I've got a pretty big appetite. Mmm... coneys... Anywho, I'm watching Stargate SG1, and it's an episode I've seen (daniel Jackson comes back as an ascended being to warn Jack O'Neil that Abados is in danger from Anubis.). Great show.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


50 RAGE WIDGETS to whoever can translate this...   Hän katsoi maan reunalta tähteä putoavaa Nyt kauniit kasvot neitosen peittää karu maa Jokaisen täytyy katsoa silmiin totuuden Sillä aika ompi voittoisa, mut' tämä maa on ikuinen   Anyone I told, SHUSH!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


My head is throbbing, I'm half deaf, my legs hurt, my throat is raw, and I'm tired as heck at work today...   BEST. CONCERT. EVER.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Oh Yeah.

Mom and Step Dad bought us a Wii. I went and Got SSBB for it. Best investment EVAR!   Pokemon Trainer FTW.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Uh, Heh Heh...

So, I didn't get any work done on my novel after all... I went to bed instead, seeing as it's hard to write when you fall asleep drooling on your keyboard... I was so tired... Anywho, I will get some work done on it today. Character notes, location notes, etc... I've already got some of my character's planned out, seeing as these are characters I've recycled through most of the stories I write (two of them even appear in my posts in the Dead RPG...). Well, I've got laundry to do... I'll be back

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

New Cot Art Topic

That's right, I've got a new one! There's not a lot of new stuff, but that'll change soon. Go and check it out. CTHULHU COMMANDS YOU!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Moar Gmod

Fake TF2 updates:   Heavy Spetznaz Training:   Did this on mostly for laughs. Though I love this idea, since he's Russian.   First shot.   "HEAVY IS NIMBLE."   Someone get the sniper some new pants.   Balloon Heavy:   Again, this one is for laughs... Who am I kidding? They all are.   "Puny Spy cannot stab up HERE!"   Balloon Engy:   If only...   "Get 'em!"   The expression speaks for itself.   Just thought I'd share these. I love this game.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Asking A Favor

I'd like my readers to do me a favor. Now, as someone who is looking at art as a profession, I appreciate others looking at my work and reviewing it. So, the favor I'm asking, is that you, my loyal and greatly appreciated fans (well, readers, I don't think I have fans...) view these topics and please post some comments on my work. You don't have to review everything in them, but some things, please.   A Titan Drawing of Mine...   CtD's COT Art Topic...   Now, I know that some of you have post

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Cthulhu At 2:00 Am

Here it is, the 2 o'clock hour, and I am up. The Mighty Cthulhu (deja vu) is waiting for the stars to fall out of the proper alignment so as to get some sleep. Hmm... Perhaps a before bedtime soul shall help... *much screaming and crying for mercy follows* G'night... *burp!*

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

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