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Female Characters Wanted...

First off, the picture you've all been waiting for:   The Sons of Plunder.   Now, I tried to clean this up as much as possible, but one can only do so much with an eraser... *sigh* Still, it came out pretty good.   Now, I've just started, and already I have a male heavy cast. I need some female characters to balance this out, and I plan on using no made up characters at all, so, I'm hoping that some of the few female members here will apply to be in this. Please, I'm actually begging here.  

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


So, the main pic isn't done for "Sons of Plunder" yet, but I have drawn a sketch of the ship they use.   Thrive   I like that name, and the ship. The main pic will be up as soon as I can get drawing Bohrok heads down pat...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

And Another Novel Snippet...

So, I posted one of Elek, so, I thought, why leave Loki out? If I did, he'd hurt me... So, here's another section of chapter one, this time, starring Loki...   “Be on guard! All soldiers be on guard!” Shouts echoed through the castle-city of Barrnin as people scurried and rushed to get into their homes. A thief had come to town, and he was as dangerous as they came. In the deepest shadows of the labyrinthine city, a figure moved silently, watching the guards as they flooded the streets.   “Sil

Oh Yeah...

I have a job interview today. It's more money than I make at the radio station, and all I'll have to do is drive a car in a circle... It's a testing range called TRC. I got my fingers crossed on this one... I'll still be working at the radio station, but I'll have tow jobs, meaning less time on BZP, probably... That'll suck, but I need the money... Fingers crossed, guys.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

More Sons Of Plunder

So, I have the first pic almost done. I just have to finish BK's character an frankin-kal-96's character, and it's done. I've also finished a ship drawing, and named it "Thrive". I just have to trim it down so it will fit in my scanner...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Bad Day Got Better!

THE RACE WAS CANCELLED! WHOO HOO!!! It was cancelled in time for me to catch a showing of Spiderman 3, and I must say... It could have been better... Now, I'm not saying it was terrible, but it seriously could have been better for the four year wait we had to endure...   First, as much as I like Topher Grace, they could have done better for the Eddie Brock, Jr./Venom character. The voice of Venom was also too weak. Venom needs a feral voice (but not too feral, for Carnage is worse!), and Venom

Changes In My Life...

I'm overweight. Really overweight. With terrible eating habits. Recently, I made some changes in my diet. I've stopped eating red meat, and switched to Turkey Burger. I must say, over the past couple of weeks, I have felt much better. I have also stopped snacking so much, and I feel so great right now. I have a lot more energy, and I don't get tired as easily. I think I'm on my way to being a model... Heh heh... I do have a gorgious face...   No Cthulhu jokes... This is serious...

I Hate Nascar...

So, at about ten this morning, my cell phone rings, waking me up. I answer it and it's my boss. He says that the kid who was supposed to cover the Nascar race today called in at the last minute and said he decided he was going to his prom tonight, so I have to go in and cover for this little puke. I hate this kid... So much... I hope he gets fired... This was the one day of the week I had plans, and now they're all shot... I even had a date, but no, I have to work... I HATE NASCAR, and I HATE TH


The Nascar race has only just started after an hour of pre-race stuff, and I already feel like driving a railroad spike into my eye. Great... Now they're in a rain delay... I'm gonna go smash my head into a wall... *sigh*... At least my mom is nice enough to bring me some Fazoli's for dinner... Yay! Fake Italian food! Still mad though...

Another Novel Snippet...

Elek Nosliw is the top mercenary in the land of Mageddon, his name known and feared across the massive world-continent. Though dark magics hadn't been seen in th land for a millenium, Stories of Elek's abilities are terrifying the public and Royalty of Mageddon. Here's a little section of the story that show's off his greatest power.   Here it is:   His horse had stopped dead in its tracks, several men in uniform blocking the path ahead. Elek pulled several spells to the front of his mind, rea

Haven't Posted Novel Stuff In A While...

So, I was working on my novel last night when This awesome series of quotes came to me... There's a character I've added named Bomi the Summoner, and he's a wizard who basically acts as a conservationist on the continent of Mageddon. He has a pocket universe in which he lives with all the animals (and some humans and other races) that he's rescued, which is covered in verdent growth and vines, and somehow has a strong bond with Elek. Elek respects the man... Here's a set of quotes from Bomi and

New M.o.c.

So, I had said in my MOC topic, Grab your Necronomicon, that I'd be revamping the creations I had posted. Well, after three days of work, I finished my first revamp, and it's my new self MOC!   Behold the face of ulrimate evil...   Here's a link to the topic, again...   So, please, go and comment on it. I'M BEGGING YOU, HERE! Don't make me devour you...

Songs I Listen To While Writing/drawing...

This is just a short list of some of the songs I listen to while I write/draw (this may give you an idea of why my stuff is a little... odd...)   #1 favotie song at the moment - Powerman5000 - Heroes and Villians   Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song (Resident Evil Slipknot Mix) (I speed this up to 1.4 speed on Windows Media Player... I think it sounds better faster...)   Tool - Jambi   Rammstein - Halleluja (Resident Evil Soundtrack)   Nine Inch Nails - Survivalism   Marilyn Manson - Disposab

My Thought's On Bbc 43...

I wonder if, when voting time comes around, they'll devide it up into seven groups...   Ehlek's army   Kalmah's army   Takadox's army   Pridak's army   Mantax's army   Carapar's army   Any (Y'know, not in any one specific army, but could be used by all...)   Just curious...

Songpic I Made...

I was listening to the song "Heroes and Villians" By Powerman5000, and I got an idea for a pic of the character from the book I'm working on, Elek. He's one of the main anti-heroes in the story, and this shows him dropping in on a Scorgalni Warrior during a fight. This is just the first draft sketch, seeing as that's not exactly how Elek looks in the book, and a backgroud will most likely be added (not makin any promises.) I may just post my art here from now on... So, without further ado...  

Song Lyric Guessing Game...

Totally stolen from GMan... Heh heh... Sorry dude... I got nothin...   Well, here they are:   You can't feel my anger! You can't feel my pain, You can't feel my torment! Driving me insane. I can't fight these feelings! They will bring you pain. You can't take away! Make me whole again...   Guess away, slave laborers!!!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Uh... Heh Heh...

I just started a grease fire in my kitchen while cooking my dinner... Heh... Heh heh... Thank the Elder Gods for fire extinguishers....   Don't play with fire, kids...   EDIT: I seriously believe MOCing is a popularity game... I've updated my MOC topic twice (link a few entries down), and it only has, like, seven replies! C'mon guys. I want to know what you think of my work!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

My Favorited Blogs

Here's a list of the blogs I've favorited:   Something GMan this way comes... - GMan   [O.o] - The McSpork   Generic Name - Nukora   You know you want to see this Blog - The keyblade master of light   Girl Without A Label - Hahli Husky   The Bunny's Burrow - Bundalings the Bunny   Confessions of a Drama Queen - Gali Nuva Girl   LarryBoy's Powerful Larry Lair - Turakii #1 Lavasurfer   Mr. Xanis Meets Mr. Blog - Mr. Xanis   HOACHQ - Adventurer   The Most Boring Blog in the World - Wrink

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

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