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Grab Your Necronomicon...

and head here... For MOCs based on H.P. Lovecraft stories, visit that link. I finally got a hold of a digital camera! I just finished getting my pictures, than downloading them (which took forever), getting them on Maj (taking forever again... Hey, I've lived through two forevers!), and finally got a topic started! Hooray!   GO THERE NOW!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Horror Kings Of Bzp

Who do you think they are? Honestly, who, out of all BZP, are the best when it comes to writing/drawing/RPGing horror? I dunno why I thought of this, but it's a serious question.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


Seeing as the COT topic will most likely be closed, I thought I'd do this... Well, BK thought I should do this... Him and his knife... And his chainsaw...   Anywho, I believe in aliens. I don't really have any opinions on their physiogoly like BK does, but I do think Greys are blasphemous...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Pringles Rant...

I'm sitting here eating Pringles, the (appearently) new Chipotle Limon flavored, and I realize something. EVERY TYPE OF FLAVORED PRINGLE TASTES THE SAME!!! This is terrible. Why!? Why, Pringles!? Why do you MOCK US with your SIMILARLY FLAVORED CHIPS! The only type of Pringles that tastes different is THE ORIGINAL! I mean, I taste the Chipotle Limon, then I taste another random Pringle flavor, and THRY'RE THE SAME! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!?!?   And, come on, CHIPOTLE!? There's nothing Chipotle abou

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

My Name Is...

Shakezula, the mic rula, the old schoola y'wanna trip, I'll bring it to ya!   Frylock and I'm on top, rock you like a cop, Meatwad y'up next wit' y'knock knock.   Meatwad get the money, see Meatwad get the honeys, G Ridin' in my car, livin' like a star Ice on my fingers and my toes and I'm a Taurus!   (Dancing is forbidden, Da-da- dancing is forbidden)   Yo! Check- check it, yeah...   Cause we are the Aquateens! Make the homies say HO! and the girlies wanna scream! Cause we are the A

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

I Did Something Dumb...

I added a BIONICLE art topic to the Bionicle Artwork II: Shops and Kits forum instead of the General art section. I have my grand moments of stupidity sometimes. Feel free to mock me here... I deserve it...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

One Of My Favorite Drawings

This is a sketch I did last night at about... Well, it was actually about Two this morning. It's a character form the Novel I'm working on, and it's actually one of my favorites because it was just a quick sketch. I actually did it in about 15 minutes. Here's a little bio on him first.   Gorgorath was the leader of a clan of forest beasts, the Gorillon (working on name). But, as war spread across the plain, it soon reached his people's borders, and eventually spilled over on to them. He now aid

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

I'm Just Creepy...

So today I was walking down the street when I saw a puppy. Feeling hungry, I quickly consumed it, but saved the skin to throw at some orphans later. Full, I then proceeded to unleash Richard Simmons clones upon Washington D.C., and had Michael Jackson arrested for tax fraud. Afterwards, feeling good about the deeds I had this day, I destroyed the foundation holding up New Zealand and watched it sink into the ocean while biting the heads of off the locals I had saved for snacks later...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Apbzp Started...

So, I've been drawing a lot, and I decided (after getting the idea from Konguparu) to start an APBZP. So far I have K and G finished, and B is finished as well. I'll show them to you here.   This is my drawing for B, Bahrag Kal!   I was going for a creepy, tear your head off feel here...   Here's GMan, the mad doctor!   I like the way this came out, though the teeth are a little much...   This was my first, Konguparu!   I just made in my usual sketchy style... It's a little hard to tell wh

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Info On My Job...

In radio, nothing is definite...   By that I mean, there are a lot of if's, and's, and but's in the radio game. Here's an example...   I had been called on Thursday about coming in early today to run an Indian's baseball game at 12:30p.m., meaning that I had to be here at noon to program in comercials, bumpers, and billboards, plus, I had already been scheduled to run a high school baseball game, and due the weather we had been having lately, there was a chance it would be cancelled. So, I com

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Exo Doubts My Rant Skills...

In my last entry, Exo doubted my ranting skills. I mean, come on! Who does that!? Why would you read a rant, and then comment on its non-rantiness? When I go to your blogs and read your rants, I don't tell you they're not ranty enough, do I? Now, truth be told, I find it funny that I'm ranting about how he didn't find my ranting skills ranty enough!   Now, I hope you all get the humor in this post, especially Exo...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Another Rant Of Stupidity...

Alright, those of you who have seen my pics before know that I have curly hair. That's the set up for this...   I have this weird lay out in the front of my hair that causes the curles to seperate weird, thus causing weird gaps between my curls... IT'S TICKING ME OFF! I don't want to cut my hair, because then I'd lose my hotness! AHH!!! I don't want to lose my hotness!!! NO!!! Then I'd no longer have my power to seduce women at a single glance! NO!!!   I'm going to go throw a puppy in an allig

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

The M&m Guy...

See that M&M guy over there? He's seen some messed up stuff, and most of it was caused by me... Don't mess with me, or end up as traumatized as he is...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Rant Follows

I HATE MOWING THE LAWN!!! I mean, I just want to rip up all the grass and leave it as loose soil! (with a sign in the front that says keep off the loose soil, ala JTHM...). I mean, COME ON people! What is even the point of having a yard!? It's nothing but nuisance! I HATE GRASS!!! STOP GROWING DARNIT!!!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Cthulhu's Rants Of Stupidity...

Geez people, do you actually expect me to have something INTERESTING to say? I'm one of the most boring people in the world! Well, unless you count about 90% of my previous posts... What can I say? I have my good days, and my bad days... Today? Not a good one in which I'm interesting...   I WILL CONSUME YOU, BUT FIRST I MUST THROW A CLOWN IN A WOOD CHIPPER!!! I HATE CLOWNS!!!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Random Entry Name...

Alright, so I got up 2:00pm, and my neck is killing me! I think it may be that I changed pillows last night, and they're, well, weird...   Anyways, I have an update in my comic (BK's seen it), I've posted in both the Dead and Dark Reaches RPG, and now I'm pretty bored...   Also, vote Cthulhu for president... OR I'LL CONSUME YOU!!!   Heck, I forgot, I made some funny banners the other day... LOOK AT THEM!!!       These are for my comic... I like the Tsathoggua one best... That pose always

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

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