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Info On My Job...

Raging Land Squid


In radio, nothing is definite...


By that I mean, there are a lot of if's, and's, and but's in the radio game. Here's an example...


I had been called on Thursday about coming in early today to run an Indian's baseball game at 12:30p.m., meaning that I had to be here at noon to program in comercials, bumpers, and billboards, plus, I had already been scheduled to run a high school baseball game, and due the weather we had been having lately, there was a chance it would be cancelled. So, I come into work today at noon, and find out that the highschool game is still on at two, and that we weren't running the Indians game, but, I had to still be here, because the high school game was programmed at 1:00pm instead of 2:00pm, so I had to keep running the satelite feed until two, or until they call me and tell me they're ready to start the game. So, here I am.


Now, that may seem pretty confusing (I goofed up on that myself just typing all of it...), but trust me, on some degree, it makes sense. I love my job, so all the little stuff like that doesn't really bother me.


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Sounds uber-hectic... I'd probably love it. Since I'm a graphics designer and now learning to be a member of a band, I'm gonna get a cut of the money the next time they get paid to play somewhere.
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