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J.A.F. Team

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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

Entries in this blog

My Location

You may want to believe I am from the Pacific Northwest, but that would be false, I say. For I am not there. I am not on earth. I am elsewhere.   I used to be there. But I decided to leave a while back, 'cause I felt like it. Anyway, I heard that the Cassini Satellite was going to shoot past the Earth on its way to Saturn. So I went into space, and hitched a ride on it. Fortunately, the Vogons didn't blow up the earth, so I could continue to connect to BZP. Anyway, I was stationed on th



Caught Up on Warehouse 13

This has really been an interesting season, with some neat twists. This is kind of a spoiler, but I'm glad they haven't killed of Jynxie yet. I kinda had the feeling that they'd bring him back from the dead for a few episodes and then knocked him back off, but they've done a rather thorough job with his whole arch, and I feel that he's become a much better part of the team than he was last season.   Obviously I haven't seen tonight's episode. It's kinda a bummer that we've already reached the



A 10 Question Fad?

First, Laughin'Man posted an interesting 10 Question entry. Shortly afterwards, Bundalings the Surprise posted his own follow-up entry. If I post one next, will this thing turn into a fad?   Let's test it out.   10 Questions  1. What’s better: a husky, a cougar, a pack of huskies, a pack of cougars, or a pachyderm? 2. Would you like to discuss Einstein’s theory of relativity and how it applies to modern day physics and the string theory? 3. Do you support Jonism? 4. Do you know what Jon




I actually posted a BBC topic!   Please review it, friendly blog viewers.  




It stings more when you think you had a chance.   But, yeah, BBC Contest Polls. I'm in this one. Vote for me... or y'know, one of the decent MOCs. (I'm not even going to bother linking to the single Flash Fiction poll I made it into because I'm not doing well in it anyway and besides it wasn't even that great a story to begin with.   But yeah, my dragon moc is in 4th place, with some actual votes to it besides my own! Woot! It's too far gone to really advance unless they take half the ent



Review: 40477 Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey, & Louie

340 pieces, $24.99 More photos on Instagram. Ah, BrickHeadz, they’re still around and still remaking licensed characters.  I generally don’t pick these up for the characters anymore and mainly get them for the pieces.  But my roommate is a fan of the series so I got it as a birthday gift.  But as I’ve discovered, while he likes displaying Lego, he doesn’t actually build with it, so buying him a new set just means he stashes the box away untouched.  So I prebuilt these, and decided to t



Review: Crystal Beast vs Bulk

Click here for full review   Hey look another Hero Factory set review!   Just pulled an all-nighter getting this one uploaded. Partially because my internet has been off all day and only came back on around 10 PM. Like, seriously, I'm paying monthly and the Internet provider just can't give me service in the middle of the day! I called em and they said they're working on a "service issue" on their end but it's still lame. (And I've already complained about this elsewhere. A lot.) To be fair, I d



Blog Story: Chapter D

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are named after real members, but their personalities and traits are fictional and are not meant to reflect on my opinions of the actual members. This is a work of fiction, and I hope you enjoy it.   Go Back to Previous Chapter   Chapter D   “Arpy is acting rather suspicious,” you say. “Maybe we should check out what he’s doing. He might’ve caught a virus or something.”   Sumiki, Krahka, and Blue nod in agreement. You all remember what happened the last t



Finally Watched The Harry Potter Finale

The final Harry Potter movie, the Deathly Hollows Part 2, came out in theaters in July 2012. I did not go to see it.   The movie came out on DVD last November. Around that time, I added it to our Movie Queue for Blockbuster (the service where they send us DVDs like Netflix... and yeah they're still in business.) Since then, my mom keeps reshuffling the list to bring the movies she wants to see to the top. (And I didn't even put my choice as a high priority.)   So here it is, at least 9 month



Translations in Science Fiction

Okay, this is an odd topic but I was thinking about it and decided to spread said thoughts in a blog entry, so... yeah.   So. Science Fiction. You know how when humans meet a new alien species, the aliens tend to speak to them in English. Well, at least in cheap science fiction. Or if its a Japanese Anime, the aliens know Japanese. Its a problem that writers have to face when they make these first contacts. Of course they want some sort of communication between the two parties, but it's al



Kanoka Game

I was looking through my collection today, since I have a lot of stuff to put away after the conventions. That aside, I took interest in my collection of glow in the dark Kanoka discs, and I started to remember a game for them that I created back in 04. I know I've hinted about it before, but I've never downright posted the rules. So I spent some time revising the game today, and now have stuff to share with you.   Kanoka, of course, were the collectible discs from the Metru Nui saga, Ther



Idea For Lego Games

So Lego's making board games out of lots of their themes, like the Ninjago and Harry Potter ones, and more to come. But I have a new idea for a Lego board game theme.   Bionicle.   Yes, I know RoseArt made a good Bionicle board game back in the day (I still have it). But Lego could redo it; build the island of Mata Nui out of studs, and give us microfigures of the Toa. Instant hit!   And if that doesn't happen, I might as well go and build the island myself. Or y'know, with Swert, using all



Why I Like Being a Lifetime Premier

Back when I first bought premier membership, 6 months was like $6, 1 year was $10, and lifetime was $25.   So if it lasted for more than 4 six month periods (2 years) or the equivalent of 2.5 years, then lifetime membership would pay for itself. (Assuming that BZP's life was greater than said 2.5 years.)   I've had it for 10 years. Yeah, it's paid for itself.   And that was before price increases!   Also, I clearly have very little of what some call "a life."   Anyway, probably won't blog to



Spiderman Was Amazing

Ha, see what I did with the title there?   Yay Midnight showing! Okay, it wasn't like a crowd of super geeks who all dressed up or anything, but it was a fun crowd... it's more fun when there are multiple people laughing at the jokes. Turns out I didn't really need to arrive an hour and a half early, tho. At least not at the smaller local theater.   As for the actual movie... well, I don't know where to begin? Or I do, but that would be spoiler-y. Sufice to say, I thought it was a great mov



Cheesy Count

So for the last two hours or so, I sorted and tallied how many 1x1 and 1x2 cheese slopes I have. I've been separating them for a while from the rest of my collection, and I've done a count years ago, but this is in need of updating. And I thought I'd post my statistics, just because.   This isn't quite everything I own. I have a bucket full of MOCs and sets that are using a fair amount, including models like Helms Deep and Temple of Doom. Plus, I used most of my dark green cheese slopes on my ju



Macadamia Nuts

I just want to say that I think macadamia nuts are real yummy. I wish I could eat some right now, but I don't have any and I'm too lazy to walk to the store.   As for other related discussions, like the one written out here... I will remain neutral. That is, until I see Exo get run over by a tank while protesting... then I'll switch to the winning side.  



Worst Weekend Ever

Because The Lego Movie came out and I can't see it because the entire city froze and all the theaters seemed to have closed down. Stupid snow storm and freezing rain.   Oh, and I lost my phone. But tracked it down, and a co-worker picked it up for me. So it's not that distressful of a situation anymore.  



X Men Evolution

I think it was CF who suggested I watch this series. (Or maybe I just got it from reading his blog, I dunno) Anyway, Netflix has a couple of series of X Men, so I decided to watch some. I remember the show a bit from the 90s and I wasn't too into that. The movies that I've seen have been okay, so I decided to watch the cartoon from 2001 or something.   Anyway, it's addictive good. Lots of fun to watch. My favorite characters are ShadowCat and NightCrawler. Truth be told, I really don't li



If You Really Want To Mess With Me

You could go to this poll and vote for my Penguin in the BBC Contest. Cause then I'd be forced to somehow find a way to ship it, and it's kinda big and bulky and heavy, which all adds to the cost.   Or you could vote for Terror Bird, which is my favorite in the poll. (But I wanted to give myself one vote so I did cause that's just how I roll.)  



Compare: Dallas vs Portland

Okay, so I'm probably pretty biased because I love the Pacific Northwest a lot and I didn't really spend a whole lot of time in Dallas this weekend or get to see a whole lot of it, but when has this blog been about anything but my rambling thoughts?   Weather   I left Portland in rain, and Dallas was pleasant AT NIGHT. Winter weather down there is nice.   Winner: Dallas. (This one will totally change come summer, I expect)   Sidewalks   Portland has sidewalks, bike lanes, bike trails, bike l



Collectible Minifigs Series 7

Click for Talkback topic.   Well, I can tell people actually read the review this time because they keep mentioning that "C:\" is actually a directory code and not an emote. I say it's both, but since I didn't specifically mention it in the review, I keep getting corrections.   But yeah, 16 minifigs reviewed here. Took a while to collect. Took a while to write up each individual review. Took a while to take all the pictures, edit them, and then code them into the review. It's a long one



Scarab Attack

Read it now! Or the Scarab will pose as a pizza man and attack you!  



Collectible Minifigs Series 6

Finally. I heard Fred Meyers finally had these in stock. (It's not like I've been checking every other day or anything... ) So I drove over, and sure enough there were like 6 boxes on display! I picked out a few (9 to be exact.) I know I'll probably end up collecting the entire batch again, but I'll hold off completely on the initial rush and allow some others to get their favs first. (And by that I mean I just grabbed the rarer ones and left the lame-os for everybody else. )     So a



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