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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

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Gone for a very long trip to New York to go see a ton of plays on Broadway. And mind that I come from the other coast too. It was an amazing trip, but it took alot of time, now I'm catching up on sleep. But I came to check if anything new was going on at BZPower. Wanted to see if I got any replies to anything.   I didn't.   Now why am I obsessed with this site again?  




First of all, I’d like to complain about the word “Resume”. It sounds like “re- soom”. But it’s really “res- eh- mey”. Or something like that. Anyway, it doesn’t sound like it’s spelled. That wouldn’t bother me so much except that whenever I mis-say it, somebody has to scold me! ARRGG!   Anyway, I’m at the point where I’m just starting on my resume. Turns out I have a pretty boring life, and one of my main accomplishments is becoming an OBZPC here on BZP. I’m pretty sure that’s not som



Restriction On Friends...

From Lego Network...   I have been getting friend cancellations a lot lately. At first, I thought it was lame and rude. Sure, why are you dropping me as a friend? Am I just not good enough for you? Do you not like the clicks I give your modules? Is my rank just too low for your preferences? Despite the little encouraging message sent to you every time a friend drops you, I get a little irked by the whole thing.   Then the Network blocked me from getting more friends.   Ooooh... there's




Finally got my iPod fixed. It turns out, yes, the problem could be fixed by restoring the iPod to its factory settings. Unfortunately... well, with my problem being that the computer wasn't recognizing the iPod at all, I couldn't do it myself. So I took it down to a store (yeah, an Apple store. I tried not to breathe in too deeply) and had a guy look at it. He said there was some corrupted data on the iPod or something, and he had the technology to restore it... so he did. And I went back a



Rest of the Toa Masters Short Reviews

So I’ve completed my collection of the Toa Masters. (Is calling them Toa Masters fine? That’s what I’m going to do anyway, I forget if it’s been used elsewhere.) I would post short reviews with pictures… but Majhost has been down for over a week, so I don’t think that’ll work, since I don’t feel list hosting blog images elsewhere. So text it is. . . if you want to see them, you know where to look.   First off is Gali. My first reaction is that she needs more of that lovely dark azure. I might b



Resident Evil 5

Why must the final level be so hard in the volcano? I'm playing as Sheva, so I pretty much have to hold back this super virus guy while my partler dwadles around with a rock when he's supposed to be shooting. And my method of escaping... jumping onto a legde that crumbles away, jam buttons to "climb" but end up falling into the lava regardless.   We seriously wasted an hour replaying that particular scene, which is only a few minutes long... and only stopped because it was five in the morni



Reposting Epics?

So I had maybe like three epics that were in progress when BZPower went down. But I'm considering some new options. I would like the story to all be on the new forums, so people won't have to jump back between the archives and new forums and such. So what I could do is repost some of the chapters here (y'know, one day at a time, as per forum rules.)   BUT this could be a problem for my Slizers on Mata Nui epic. (Yes, I still plan to finish it) I mean, I have like 50 or so chapters posted so



Reposting Another Story

And it's Mystery on Keli-Nui.   It's the story that I entered for the Epics Mystery contest that I got few comments on, so I'm going to try again to get few to no comments! And I realize that I'm totally copying Spirit as he's reposting his epic from that same contest (which was a pretty good one and deservingly placed higher than mine) but I was totally contemplating reposting this at the beginning of the month, so I'm not entirely copying him.   Actually, it has to do more with finishing repo



Reporter Rant

*sigh*   And for the record, I was not joking when I said I will review sets that rile up the BZP member group. You thought Big Chill and Toy Story were bad... just wait until I get my hands on something really devastating.   ... and I have Smeag on my side. You know he's gonna review the next Pink Box that comes out.  



Rene Drinks The Milkshake

Saw Hunger Games tonight. I've never read the books or paid much attention to the previews; I just knew it was about kids who kill each other.   The beginning was kinda weird, and now I know why people kept commenting on the costumes. The actual fights weren't quite as bloody as I first thought, although the first scene was kinda on the edge. Overall, it was an interesting watch. I wouldn't say 'greatest movie ever' but still work it. And I guess there's gonna be more... because the books a




I never had any personal connections to the 9-11 attacked. I lived on the opposite end of the country, and I didn't have any family involved. But, like anybody else, this tragic event effected me too. It shattered my perfect world vision... there were people out there who don't like us, and they were willing to do something about it.   When I got home from school on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, I watched the news until I got sick. It probably would've been better if they had just ai



Relationship Songs

Think about it. Lots of popular songs have to deal with a significant other or a search for one. Sometimes, they’re love songs… two people meet randomly and like each other, and then there’s a nice melody and lyrics and everything to make it sound good and all. There are the breakup songs, songs about having that significant other cheat on them or walk out on them and all that. I don’t mind these songs… sometimes they’re really good songs, which are after all about the music and lyrics more




The school security system finally weeded out BZPower as a bad site (cause it links to other sites, apparently). I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who ever goes on it, and I've never been caught. But, oh well, I'm only stuck at the school for two more weeks before graduation. Tis no big inconvienence.  



Rejected (Maybe) Distillery and Pub

Cause my team would rather have blood sacrifices than parties with lightshows. I think. I dunno, it's not like we communicate or anything.   That one image totally isn't someone drinking; it's somebody tazing themselves in the mouth. Who it is is still up in the air.  




So...   I've been going to the same school for three years, suffering through various classes and sometimes having a good time in the city and sometimes wanting to ram my head (or somebody else's) through a wall in sheer frustration. I decided against going into Engineering because my grades didn't support me enough, and instead put all my energy into applying for a degree in Informatics, which is basically a computer science / web design degree. (It was so totally what I wanted to do for sch



Reidak Is A Happy Meal Piraka

I dropped by a local McDonalds today and bought meself a Lego Toy. That, and a large thing of fries. (Sure, all their food is pretty bad for you, but I couldn’t resist.) Anyway, I asked to buy one of the toys (preferably Nuparu) but all they had was Reidak and Hahli. So, knowing how I don’t like Hahli, I went for Reidak. It’s an interesting toy, and I thought I would make a quick review.     The Looks: In general, he looks pretty much like our favorite black Piraka. Everything is sort o



Registration At 6 Am

Uh oh...   It's time for Fall Registration... I just finished dealing with Summer registration! :annoyed2:   I also am finishing most of the prerequisite classes this summer for my new major. Unfortunately, I can't take many other classes for the major until I'm accepted into it... and I can't do that until next spring. So while I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the summer, I'm now realizing I don't have any idea what classes I should take for the fall.   I'm considering taking a wh




Now, here's a new train of thought.   Everybody else has some spacial design banners for their bloggy thing. I'm thinking of creating my own this summer, with features like my MOCs and stories and whatnot. But I'm trying to decide what theme I should use. Should I use mini-figure pictures that are or relating to Team J.A.F., or should I use Matoran from Time Disruption? (Jala, Takua, Maku, Huki, Hahli, Nuparu).   Because, you know, this is an important decision that could change my blog fo



Refering To Politics...

I really, really don't want to get into them.   Sorry, but politicians drive me crazy. Sure, maybe they're the one's who actually "get stuff done" in our society, but I'm sure they spend too much time argueing. Politics always has two sides to everything, so no matter what topic you're thinking of, you can find people argueing for your view, the opposing view, and a third view that you had never even thought of.   All of which is to make me wonder why I'm taking Comparative World Government.




Okay, now I've seen this: picture link   It's an early concept drawing of the island of Mata Nui from Christian Faber's blog. The landscapes are more clearly defined here than in other maps I've seen, including various mountain peaks, ridges in the desert, and the volcano.   Next year we will redo our Mata Nui island model. We will adjust the sizes to make everything more porportionate. And we will base the design off this map. (Heck, maybe even design from the coastline to the interior next



Recycling Wasps

So yesterday, I was grabbing the recycling in the park (and its in these really horrible containers too, which makes it tough to pull out). When I opened the top to one to grab the bags full of aluminum, plastic, and glass, I noticed something else. A nest of yellow jackets!   They didn't all fly out at me, so I did the obvious thing... find something to crush the nest with. Unfortunately, all I succeeded in doing was knocking the nest into one of the bags. :annoyed2:   Luckily, the wasp



Recovery Week

I had so many plans for what I was going to do over winter break. I could work on one of my many stories. I could do this art / animation idea I've had, or even try and make it a flash game like the MNOLG. I could finish organizing my Lego collection. And I was planning to watch a whole bunch of movies too! (And also, pack and prepare for my internship in Dallas.)   But it turns out recovering from a surgery has left me unmotivated, and I haven't taken advantage of my free time at all. Mos



Recommend Me a Book

So I have a cross continental fight at the end of the month, for like 9 plus hours both ways. It’ll be a red eye on the way out, so hopefully I can try to get some sleep, but it’s going to be middle of the day on the way back. Just my experience two years ago with airplane rides was that my electronic devices won’t hold a charge long enough to provide ample entertainment over the full course of the trip. As such, I need an old fashion, non electronic form of media. Y’know, like a book. But I hav



Recent Things I've Paid For

Rent Utilities Those two don't count.   Onto the real list: Universal Studios Two Day pass. See my entry on Florida trip. But man that park was expensive! Multiple BrickLink Orders... I should probably stop Chima Phoenix Temple. Got the classic space guy free set out of it too. Still haven't had the chance to build it, sadly. Captain America II Blu Ray. First real purchase of a Marvel movie, but I just really liked the action in this one. Randall Munroe's "What If" book. I suppose it's ki



Recent Sets I Got

So, between sales on Lego Shop@Home and new sets I've found in stores, I've gotten a couple of products that I could share my thoughts on...   Magma Monster Board Game: I totally got this for the orange base plate, but it turns out to be a very fun game to play, much better than the others I've tried out (Robot Build, Pirate Plank, Frog Hop... although that one was cool too.) It can involve some rather intensive gameplay, which is more than I can say for the other games (Well, we got intensive



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