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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

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How Do You Hang Out At Conventions?

So with the talk of convention season coming up (or at least making plans for it) I got thinking about my past experience with conventions. BrickCon 2011 was probably one of the best ones I've went to, because we had a good close crowd of friends who got to do lots of stuff. But it wasn't always like that. I was a meek crowd surfer for two BrickCons (07 and 08.) I first met Kakaru when we fought over discounted Indiana Jones sets at the Lego Store event. (I believe he ended up getting them.



Brickshelf Mods Will Hate Me

Because I just loaded a ton of Rahi images. Considering BrickShelf's owners aren't big fans of Bionicle (although I know they must go through a fair share of Bionicle MOCs both good and bad) and the fact that I uploaded 26 folders with an average of five images in each... yeah, they're gonna have fun looking over all that. But I'm going to wait until they approve everything before posting extensive topics here, mostly because I don't want to write out links to EVERY image, and instead will jus



A Red Sun Rises

Click for Topic   You can talk about it there too... but here's fine, for people who are afraid with associating with me in the creative forums.   I guess I'll add one extra tidbit here... Aragorn is a fig I made for BrickFair last year, and Legolas is basically the elf fig. Nuju Metru helped me craft an excelent Gimli last year... and I lost both it and my original on the way home. So I have to start from scratch on the dwarf again, which meant repurchasing the expensive helmet and beard.  




Okay, I made an entry to poke fun at a show and it turned into a big old "my place is better than your place" thing that really didn't feel very much in good nature at all. Seriously, I'm disappointed with the lot. But I should've known better. Won't happen again. Go complain somewhere else.  



Is Bionicle Coming Back?

For flipping sake... I hate these arguments. One side whines that "Oh Woe Is Me, BZPower is losing its roots and won't be ready when Bionicle returns" and the other side goes "Gar, Bionicle is dead and done." I dislike both of these arguments.   The Bionicle story is over. Maybe. Who cares?   Bionicle was more than just a narrative. It had creative characters, locations, and objects that could be used countless times in artwork or stories. And while Bionicle sets aren't currently on sale,



Teaser Shot

Click for larger image.   So this is a group shot of all the MOCs for my Thirty-Six Mask project. 29 Rahi, 15 Matoran, 6 Toa. 50 MOCs overall. yes, the quality is lacking because 1: the location is pretty bad, what with green carpet and my Lego tubs in the background, and 2: Because there are MOCs of various sizes and colors. But it gives you a glimpse of some of the creatures, as well as the overall size. It'll be more spread out in a fight scene for the conventions (I hope... DV take note



Need Opinions On Convention Mosaics

So a month ago I posted a blog asking for opinions on Bionicle mosaic projects for the two Northwest conventions I’ll be attending, Bricks Cascade and BrickCon. Hahli Husky, Black Six, and Kakaru all said they’d be willing to send a piece in, but I didn’t get much else besides that. (Swert commented too but I know he can’t send a piece in… It’s okay, we’re working on our Mata Nui Island project that’s gonna be epic.) The conventions are edging closer, so I would like some more opinions.   1



Minifig Stand Part 2

Remember all those words in my last entry that described something? (Hint, it was about displaying minifigs.)   Screw it, I'll just post a picture, and maybe get some more comments.     See if you can spot all the various figs I have on display.   Anyway, yeah, this is the initial design. Overcrowding near the top makes me think I could rework this to spread the figs out some more, ext.  



Minifig Displays

Okay, so I have these cool little boxed shelves hung on my wall; basically I used them for displaying Lego sets or decent MOCs. Currently I have a bunch of different sets on display, showing off some of my fav sets from the last few years. For example, I have my Temple of Doom setup, and another with some HP figs and vehicles. I'm sure I've posted pictures of them before, although they're usually not the main focus...   Anyway, I've had this kind of mini stand with some of my favorite minifig




So I've unofficially completed my Thirty Six Mask Project. I have built 6 Toa, 29 Rahi, and 14 Matoran (two who are riding Rahi and one who is in a Exo Suit). I have remade most of the original Rahi sets, as well as quite a few other popular creatures from 2001. I also have lots of customized creatures of my own design. (Seriously, towards the end I was starting to run out of ideas.)   The project isn't over. First of all, some of them desperately need to be redone. Part of the problem is



New Hero Factory

So I finally managed to find Toxic Reapa on store shelves, and since he was my fav of the Winter 2012 selection, I grabbed him up. I also saw Green Lantern, and since I keep missing out on him, I bought that set too. And since I don't think I've really commented on the Constraction sets I've bought, let's do that here! Joker: Horrible looking, but luv the purple elements! Also has some other good pieces (minus the freaky head of course.) Rocka: More gold is nice, and the trans bright green



Follow Up On Thornatus Wheel Tower Idea

I brought up this idea in a previous blog post; the idea would be to use the giant wheels that came with the Thornatus set and build a tower with them at BrickFair. Maybe it's not the most original idea ever, but it would be a cool yet simple group project, if everybody who has a wheel can just bring it in.   And now I have an LDD image to show how we'd make this:     The only extra pieces we'd need are the three 2 length connector pieces and 6 +o rods. Additionally, I could create a more ela



Hey Look, A Bionicle Based Creation Topic

Click For Topic   Gosh, that was hectic to write up. Not to mention all the pictures I had to go through.   Okay, so I have this new project. Back in 2001, the Toa Kanohi all came in six different colors. I finally completed my collection of the original 36 Toa Mata masks a while back, but what to do with them? Well, I plan to make a MOC for each of the 36 masks. And to give it a theme, I'm going to use the original six masks to recreate the Toa and use the rest to build various Rahi. This



Collecting Star Wars Figs

Gee, talk about the worst possible Lego habit...   Anyway, I've bought three recent Star Wars sets: Death Star Planet Set, Endor Battle Pack, and Droid Escape. Of these, only the TIE Interceptor has a decent built; the speeders in the other two sets are kinda meh, as is the escape shuttle and tree in general. The figs on the other hand are nice. Black TIE Pilot, Storm Trooper, Sand Troopers, Scout Trooper. (Those are the correct names, right?) Plus, I now have the droids I was looking for.



Moar X Men T V Shows

Yes, I've been getting more into X-Men: Namely the 90s TV series and the 2008 Wolverine and the X-Men. (Not comics... don't wanna pay for em. Besides, already paying for Netflix, might as well use it.)   The 90s series isn't quite to my taste. Most of the characters just don't seem to be as cool as in the newer series. I do however like Gambit's character more. The artwork and animation is also less impressive, although that's to be expected cause it is older. However, compared to the Spid



News Talkback Topics

My big hassle with BZP this last weekend was the talkback topics. I guess it's auto posted or something. Apparently they talked about it in the Powercast recently... Anyway, this weekend when I posted my review, I waited in vain for a talkback topic to post, but it never showed. But then Andrew the Magnificent (AKA Black Six) fixed everything, and it's working again. Yay!   Also I've been working on this big building project, but I kinda want to wait to show it to everybody when I have dece



Review: Superman Vs Power Armor Lex

(Click for link)   Power Suit Lex has challenged Superman to a disco contest: may the best dancing robot win!   Or rather, I wrote up a set review on the Superman vs Power Suit Lex set. Go read it, and then go buy the set. It's that good!  



Another Convention Idea

Do you own a Thornatus (2009 Tan Battle Vehicle) and plan on attending / sending stuff to a convention? If so, this blog post is for you.   So the Thornatus has this one GIANT black, spikey, plastic wheel. IMO, it's kinda a lame piece; it doesn't make for a good wheel, and it's too large to really fit on anything else nicely. For me, it mostly takes up room in my Lego containers. I'm not going to assume that this is the same for everybody who owns that piece, but I'll guess that it's not o



Bionicle Mosaics For Bricks Cascade And Brick Con

Unless you live under a rock (IE don’t read the front page often… which a surprising amount of people don’t seem to do) you’ll know the huge success that the Bionicle Mosaics have had at BrickFair these last two years. Chocolate Frogs and Nukaya organized the projects, and then regular members brought or sent in the pieces. They’re working on another one for this year too, but that’s not what this blog is about.   See, BrickFair may be the largest convention for BZPower folks, but it’s not the



Chuck Is Over

Sadly, Chuck's series finale was last night, and they certainly used an interesting twist to make it different. As such, it kind of leaves on a bitter-sweet note. But overall, I thought it handled it nicely. It's kind of sad that the show is ending, since this season hasn't been too bad. But it was cool that they got to end it properly. (Especially after the season two finale, where the show's future was still uncertain and it still ended with a cliff hanger.)   Favorite Parts:         Kind



Built In Bag

So I still haven't taken my Republic Attack Cruiser out of the bag... but I have built it.   I've done a few bag builds before, but this one was particuarly difficult. The entire ship is about the length of the bag, which makes it hard to maneuver it around to add on the various details. Plus, there's only a narrow strip of transparent plastic on the back, so it was hard to see what I was building. (Other poly bags I've worked with have had larger strips of clear plastic.) But after maybe



Moar Sets: Heroes And Star Wars Polybag

So I went to Target today to pick up my prescription (I'm on meds that keep me from taking over the world / help with acid reflex, ext) and I stopped by the Lego aisle. (Okay, like I always head towards the Lego section of any store and it's usually the first thing I do and sometimes my entire trip revolves around browsing the Lego shelves...) I was determined to buy something... I was aiming for a Hero Factory 2012 set, but they were fresh out. In fact, the Lego aisle itself was pretty bare;



More Collectible Minifigs Series 6

I made a couple of extra trips this week and completed my Series 6 collection. I have all 16 figs, plus an extra space girl and unopened Roman. (For convention trading, ext). I suppose I should feel bad about picking out ones that I wanted, but then on my last trip I met another AFOL. He was searching for Romans. And from that one store, he got all of their Romans; 17 of them! So every other poor sap was out of luck if they wanted one. (Luckily, I had already managed to get one from that



Bionicle Toa Lewa And Toa Onua Pens

I mentioned my interest in getting some of these pens for the masks. Well, I managed to purchase two, and they finally got in. (I’m still not done with my search… four more to go.) Since I have them, I’m going to make it into a review! (Can’t go on the front page tho. Something about an 11 year old, rare-to-begin-with product that’s super hard to find even nowadays...)     First off, the packaging for this is very neat. I believe it follows the standard design for Lego pens back in the day; i



9 Years

Yay now I have a spinny Hau under my name!   Letsee... I jointed 9 years ago on Janurary 17th. The Bohrok Kal were big, the Rahkshi were in our future, and BZP was celebrating it's 3,000th member. Since that day I have matured very little, and failed at lots of things. LOTS OF THINGS. But cool stuff has happened too.   Also, the second half of the White Collar season starts up tonight. Woot!   Also, new gif in my sig. Since the sig doesn't show up here, I'll post the gif.     WOO!  



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