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800 Posts And A Drawing

I have now officially gone from a 700-post loser to an 800-post wiener.   And my scanner's finally working. I'll have the contest prizes up soon, I promise.



Day 1 Crossing The U.s.a.

Yeah. Back on the road again. My father was a 45-year-old Jewish lawyer. He was six and a quarter feet tall, but he didn't seem too tall to me. He wore spectacles above his nose, which floated atop a medium-sized, salt-and-pepper beard. He was obsessed with steak and the family dog, Kessie, a Miniature Australian Shepherd. My mother was several years older than my father, a rather stocky woman with hair that was graying at an alarming rate. She loved knitting and had an annoying dislike for AC|



Artist Of The Month #2

And the second Bionicle Artist of the Month is...   ToA!!!!!     ToA wins a fabulous award, a cookie and a full-length article about his art and career, coming soon. Congratulations to ToA for winning this prestigious award!   Nominations for the next contest start January 1, 2009.




Saw the Melvins on the 27th at the Great American Music Hall. I was about ten feet from King Buzzo himself, right on the edge of a huge mosh pit.   Oh, and the show ROCKED. I don't usually use that word, but in this case, it applies. They played a bunch of their classics and a whole lot of even better new stuff--and they ended the show with fifteen minutes of feedback. Not exactly Miley Cyrus.   The main problem with the show was the extra drummer and bassist. The drummer did nothing except d



The Art Of Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka is one of the newer artists to hit the Bionicle spotlight, emerging at the tail-end of the Third Wave of Bionicle Art (post-RZ) before the latest set-style revival hit the BZP Creative Outlet. When Lady K emerged from the primordial ooze with her romantic yet humorous artwork, Rahi Zaku had been banned, the Razor sprite fad was in its final death throes and the Organic movement was in full power. Yet it did not take long for the Lady to attract the attention of Art Forum browsers.



Day 2 Of Crossing The U. S. A.

Wilkes-Barre had a creepy feel to it, as if it were a graveyard. Towering buildings, idols of evil secret organizations, loomed above me like concrete mountains. The lemon light above me cast eerie shadows over our faces. As we drove to the Bennigan's where we would have a dinner of delicious ribs, my insides turned to ice. Was there something strange afoot? Some baby being eaten with gravy in one of those dingy, bar-windowed basements? Or maybe a mobster gunning down a squealer, his blood landi



Assignment Completed

Well, the concert went fairly well. Only about ten people showed up, all of them either teachers, parents or friends of the performers. Our flute player is still destroying the band, and seeing as all our guitarists and our drummer left the band last year, the singer and the sax player had to take up guitar and drums out of sheer necessity.   But we were much more creative (read: self-indulgent and playing a bunch of sucky original songs) than we were last year, and everyone who was there enjoy



Day 3 Of Crossing The U. S. A.

So far, I have been in California, Oregon, Arizona, Alaska, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and now Iowa. As we left Port Clinton, Ohio, it began to rain. The dog was shivering from the pounding noise. The cat was meowing like all Karzahni broke loose. A nuclear power plant smoked in the distance, white steam mixing with the cirrus carpet that h



Opinion Outlet #1

I am starting monthly Opinion Outlets. I am a fiercely independent person, you see, so it is instinctive for me to start things like this.   OPINION OUTLET #1: What do you think would happen to Bionicle if Zac Efron had anything to do with it? Personally, I would rant my head off, then send my head to burn down every copy of Entertainment Weekly in existence.



I Want My Llama Award And I Want It Now!

This entry is devoted to the great Bionicle artist, Nikira, formerly known as Nikira12, winner of the Order of Rahi Zaku, 1st Class and overall amazing artist. (The Human Takua in the "picture shrine" that appears to be looking at Nikira suspiciously is considered a HB masterpiece by many.)   Now GIMME MY LLAMA AWARD!




Rorza-Nui is hard to describe. Think of it as a cross between Pat Robertson and the bugs from Starship Troopers.   Rorza-Nui devours a poor Matoran Rorza-Nui's bug-ly ugly mug "I work alone. I think alone. And I answer to no one--not even myself." _Rorza-Nui   The Rorza-Nui was created by the anti-Matoran cult Torndaka to eradicate distant Matoran colonies. Nicknamed "Rorza", Rorza-Nui works alone and serves only himself (after rebelling against his makers in a story similar to Mewtwo's.)



Les Claypool Is Not Les Claypool

1: I think the picture above is proof enough. 2: Les Claypool would not claim to be Les Claypool. 3: Les Claypool is currently 44, not 75. 4: Les Claypool has stated that he cares as much about fishing as he does music. I do not see fishing in "Les's" interests. 5: Les Claypool was born on September 26, not August 11. 6: I saw Primus two nights ago. "Les" is still in the same spot.



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