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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

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A Picture Tells A Thousand Words - Put To The Test!

Note this entry contains spoilers of Comic 14: Endgame. Yeah. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «   So, you're aware of this page in the latest comic, right? Well, I'm pretty sure you can try and describe it. In fact, I think I can name 1000 words that can apply to this picture. Right, let's have a go!   Takanuva, Chirox, Not, Kirop, Onua, Nuva, Lewa, Pohatu, Gali, Vamprah, Gavla, Krika, Bitil, Tahu, Toa, Ignika, Gorast, Radiak, Antroz, Tridax, Pod, Midak, Skyblaster, Kanohi,



*ka-Fail!* Mk2!

I have a good idea what compelled me to do this. Xaeraz, if you can't hear it, don't worry, the sound isn't important this time. =)  



Random Bzper Of The Week 99

Usually, during a Spring Break, you'd play beach volley ball and meet up with kids from Alabama, but not these holidays. Oh no, these are not even going to feel like holidays, I have so much work to catch up on. Oh what fun! Meteuro Meteuro has 398 posts (no star rating, 2 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 14-December 02. They may be from Australia (it's an educated guess) and they have a DeviantArt homepage. They last visited on the 29th of August 08, and their birthday is the 9th of February 1



And So It Is Spring

The warmer weather is finally coming around, the sun is shining and bright, the days are longer, grander, happier... And I've got nothing really to say, I just feel I should blog something. On another note, AFL Finals series coming up, and hopefully my team, the Hawks, will make it to the Premiership. They'll sure get close, I believe. Woo. Like anyone cares here. A bit of old news, you may have noticed that the glitched account now has an eight year spinny. Or lack there of. And, it's about t



Random Bzper Of The Week 98

It's a day off school, as it's one of those days that teachers go and argue about how they teach us. Good luck to them. As for me, here I am, back to the usual schedule of normal Random BZPers of the Week. Hooray. AvohkiiLight AvohkiiLight has 3766 posts (4 Star Rating, 1200 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 25-September 03. He has a preset avatar of an Avohkii (wise choice), is a Trusted Trader, is interested in Art History (particularily the Renaissance) and Christian Music, to name a few thin



Again With The Phynal Phoughts

Since I had the day off, I thought I'd start getting sets again. And indeed, I got some. So here are my thoughts on them.   QUOTE First off, Mutran and Vican. In short, they are Kirop and Chirox clones, albeit cooler in some regards. The lime green/black masks sorta look cool, as an alternative. No new-new pieces, but that's cool. I like the fingers, very cool. They're not different, but they're still cool. Get them over Chirox and Kirop, perhaps... Again, I didn't say much on him before, ah wel




Why exactly did a friend of mine make a Facebook profile for me, when my views on those sites are very clear? Why do I care? And no, don't go looking for it. Don't.  



In Case You Didn't Know...which You Don't...

I'm going to University too. Caouse the Uni of Tas doesn't have enough people doing languages, so they're getting people to do languages for a bit in College to go towards whatever it goes towards. And it's done online rather than in classrooms or anything. So yeah. So I'm studying first year French as of right now. Woo.  



Random Bzper Of The Week 97...

UNALPHABETISED! Literally, unalphabetised! -Neo- -Neo- has 1549 posts (no star rating, 4 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 9-June 03. They have a Mahalis avatar of a spinning silver Miru with a Matrix background, has a Brickshelf, is a Premier Member, comes from North Carolina, and likes Coldplay, The Killers and Fencing, to name a few things. Touché. They last visited on the 10th of March 08, and his birthday is the 4th of August 1990. How [insert witty adjective]. Now, we will return to normal



Am I Experienced?

A few weeks ago, I finished listening to Rolling Stone's 50 Greatest Albums of all Time. Yeah, it did take me a while, but hey, I got to listen to my music too, ya know? The reason I got it in the first place was to educate me a bit of some of the most influential people and the like, because I don't have alot from those sort of people. So yeah. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised with a lot of it. Beatles were good, as most of you would expect. Still not my cup of tea, but hey, it's listenable.



Thank Some Deity For Music

Been able to get some more Cure, Yes, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Saints, Who, Jam and others over the weekend from my uncles. That will relieve the boredom for a while.  




Ask questions. Inquire. Take risks. Be brave. Don't fall for the easy way out like I have. The hard road is the right road.  



Gone Again

Only for the weekend. Hopefully I'll find some form of Mistika while I'm gone. On another note, the Opening Ceremony is so overwhelming, it's underwhelming. Seriously.  



Random Bzper Of The Week 95: Alphabetised!

Oh Ate Oh Ate Oh Ate. Olympic time! Not of Titanic proportions, but soon, minions, soon! There was no way I could get it done by today. I have plenty of stuff still to do. Anyway, Random. garm garm has 117 posts (no star rating, no profile views) and joined BZPower 10-February 04. They may have wanted some Metroid avatar, but somehow it is gone, claim to be in Makuta's Lair (which one? And which Makuta?), likes vidio games and bike riding and NOT spelling, evidently. He last visited on the 24th



Random Bzper Of The Week 93 & 94: Alphabetised!

Drawing near the end of the alphabet, oh how fun! On a day that smells like teen august! Quantum-Phasically Charged Traku Quantum-Phasically Charged Traku has 639 posts (5 Star Rating, 297 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 29-July 06. He have some robot thingo as their Personal Photo, has a blog (500, for real?!), claims to be here, wherever that may be, and they like something that starts with B. Bumble Bees? Books? I don't know what he means. He last visited on the 4th of June 08, and his birt



Google Actually Scares Me

The Street View on Google Maps is wrong and is a blatant infringement on our privacy. Enough said. Anyone who actually is not freaked out by it is bizarre.  




Well that 'feeling good' feeling quickly died.  



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