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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

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So fairs to say that my initial idea for my 5000 post special is not going well. I do have a new idea, though, and I think it should be quite good. If I get around to doing anything about it. The only thing I can say is that once again it does have at least in part something to do with my first username, Trust in Turaga Dume... Here's a link so you can help me out with other things.  



Random Bzper Of The Weeks #162-164

About time these returned, isn't it? Hooray. Here's a catchup. Leviathan5150 Leviathan5150 has 102 posts (no star rating, 1 Profile View) and joined BZPower 16-January 04. He has a preset Tahu Mata avatar, likes wrestling and biking, among things, and is apparently still around. We'll see. He last visited on the 2nd of November 2009, and his birthday is the 3rd of March 1993. OK, so that is fairly recent...just over a month ago. Wow, that was exciting. Banner. ------------------------------ cli




Didn't get any sleep last night, just was thinking too much I guess so I couldn't get off. Probably going a little earlier didn't help either. I was also really tired yesterday, so it probably made me not tired by the end, you know, so tired that you're not tired anymore. OK guys, so it's closing in on 11:30 in the morning here. In about 12 hours time could you all sing me a lullaby or something? That'd be nice, thanks. Should have gone out last night, at least then I would have a legit reason f



Picking Up The Pieces

Yesterday had a complete reshuffle of my room, reorganising all my canisters and LEGO boxes so they were...less visible, I guess. This also meant that I put many of my sets away, only keeping out a select few. So that was a bit sad. On the other hand I took this oppurtunity to bring one of my sets back from the grave, and that was Onua Mata. Holy gees that guy is small but so awesome. Especially as I also found his gold and silver Pakari as well, mix and match fun for all! Also thinking of getti



Wow This Is Interesting.

First time ever that I've got the house to myself for a few days. And complete freedom. This is going to be interesting...what now? And yay, BIONICLE is ending, hooray. I thought I'd go against the tide. And please help with this.  



One Final Proposition

This may or may not be the last entry I will post about Kardiak Arrest. Because I've been doing some thinking about it, and I have some ideas, and I'd like you to vote on which I should pursue in the future.   Idea #1: As originally planned, make a stop motion. This is pretty much out of the question, and my skills are also questionable. Way too long to do.   Idea #2: Make a flash/vector animation series. This would mean I have to go out of my way to find a good flash program, learn how to use i




All this evening I've been reading back over all of LotM. It was surprisingly very entertaining. I didn't realise how many running gags I had going in it, and so many things I want to reuse. Mata Nuno is easily my favourite character in the whole thing (mainly because of his eye styles), and I didn't realise how good a cliff hanger I had made before leaving the project in the first place. The 5th panel of comic #187 made me laugh out loud. Like, really loud. That's nigh on impossible. I'm awesom



Dear Brickshelf

Please let uploads happen again. Other places are just too fiddly, and you're just so quick and easy and need no genius to work out. Also most of my stuff is there and I don't like scattering things everywhere. Thank you in advance. Lots of love from,   P.S. This is one of the reasons why I'm not doing a RBZPotW today.



And That's It

Senior secondary education is officially over for me. So, Modern World History exam went well, three exams in three hours, oh the writer's cramp or whatever the cool name is. Some of the questions were a bit iffy, not entirely what I'd studied for, but that's alright, I did well, and I don't care because now I'm free hooray! So...LotM, anyone?  



Random Bzper Of The Week #161

Things drawing to a successful conclusion, how exciting. jonesy 101 jonesy 101 has 61 posts (2 Star Rating, 38 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 31-August 08. He has a never ending addiction to LEGO Star Wars, and also loves collecting and TV Shows such as Malcolm in the Middle and Doctor Who, among several. He last visited on the 4th of March 2009, and his birthday is the 6th of November 1997. Yet he claims to be ten years old... Anyway, enough of that, here's a banner provided by me.  




Cleaning out some stuff today, while looking through my old music I found a piece of paper that said in big red writing (my own writing) "OWN'D!". With a piece of sticky tape on the top. Why the why would I have made that...?  




2 exams over in 8 hours. Geography was great, Maths not so good, but whatever. It's over, and now six days till the next and only one. Hooray.  



Tell Me Now

How do you do the sweet gradient text on here, or is it too much of an awesome secret that you cannot give it away? I am fairly certain this knowledge will help with Geography revision.  



Studying Fails

Want exams to be over already. But no, have to wait till the Monday after this... Tuesday is going to suck so bad. And I have nothing to blog about. Waaaa.  



Reason For Thursday's Good Mood

Golden Brown, of course. God I'm tragic. Or creepy? No, nothing extraordinarily fantastic, but once again in a Maths tut we had a really good time together, I felt. I actually got to know her a lot more too, which was great. And she asked for my number again. In what I hope was insincere begrudgingliness (like in a way that really meant I was thrilled while disguised as "Oh, OK, I suppose...") I gave it to her, and she gave me hers (enthusiastically, I think). And she wrote a humorous message in



Random Bzper Of The Week #160!

Good feeling over. Just rolling with the punches. Let's just keep going, a'ight? Django Django has 21 posts (5 Star Rating, 2 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 27-May 03. They used to have an avatar. That's it. They last visited on the 16th of April 2007, and their birthday is the 27th of October 1992. Long times. Djldfnjdwldfbanner.  



Card Games Are Popular

According to Coolguy's Law, the popularity of the host is inversely proportionate to how much fun you can have at their house. Since family card games (such as UNO) are notorious for hosting the worst slumber parties, one can assume that the aforementioned card games are some of the most popular people in the world. WHAT DO THEY HAVE THAT I DON'T?! D:  



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