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"What's he up to man? What's he doing?"

Entries in this blog

The Downward Spiral Has Finally Begun

Just in case you didn't already know, Karma EXISTS. It does! I experienced its unbiased actions today, I believe. OK, back to the title. People who know me (know me a bit, that is) know me as someone who does not like to push the boundaries. Stick within the rules, obey your superiors, yadda yadda. This year, that reputation is probably ruined now. I skipped classes today. Why? God knows. But I've been feeling really bad about it all day. And, yes, Karma struck. I lost my USB, which had heaps of



Ripping Cds

Is not fun, when your uncle burnt you these CDs years ago, and you've only thought of ripping them now, and forgetting that he has Apple and you have Windows, so you have to individually name every song, and there are at least two and a bit albums on each disc, making it hard to find what the songs actually are. Top off that some of those bands the lyrics are barely audible, so you can't do a lyric search. But it's always worth it. Currently ripping some Black Sabbath. Man, I haven't listened to



Random Bzper Of The Week 80! Alphabetised!

*listens to The Last Post* Lest We Forget. But let's move on to the random just quickly. Matau Nuva Matau Nuva has 387 posts (no star rating, 2 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 19-May 03. They have an avatar of Matau Hordika, lives in Denmark (close to our favourite toy line perhaps, and that annoying royal), and likes making animations and drawing anime. This person must be Anime-Ted. They last visited on the 10th of March 08, and they're birthday is the 4th of January 1989. Seems to be alot o



Currently In A State Of Bemusement And Confusion

That is, more than usual. Yeah...don't know what my problem is right now. I can't elaborate, not at this present state of time anyway, but I'm tossing two ideas around in my mind, when really I shouldn't. I don't know. On another note, getting behind in school, gragh! Hopefully this long weekend will help fix that. Long weekend, you ask? Well, I'm guessing only the Kiwis and Aussies know what I'm talking about, ol' ANZAC Day...  



What About That Muaka?

The one that fell off the cliff because of Kopaka. Why does no one mourn about that? R.I.P, Muaka   At least I miss you.  



I Do Want To Alarm You Guys...

But I definetly don't have a bomb. In all seriousness, my dad has been sent this really suspicious parcel, with no sent address or anything, wrapped in brown paper. Brown paper! Who sends parcels in brown paper these days, when you can have those good parcels you can get from the Post Office? Dèja Vu is fun. I think that e might have the wrong accent. Might be an acute, rather than a grave. Ah well. When he got home, he [bravely] opened the package, and what to be found inside were a bunch of b



I Don't Want To Alarm You Guys...

But I think I have a bomb. In all seriousness, my dad has been sent this really suspicious parcel, with no sent address or anything, wrapped in brown paper. Brown paper! Who sends parcels in brown paper these days, when you can have those good parcels you can get from the Post Office? So...you know what has happened if I disappear.  



Random Bzper Of The Week 79: Alphabetised!

I know this is gunna seem really random and all, but... hoosier2 hoosier2 has 124 posts (no star rating, no profile views) and joined BZPower 17-June 02. They have a preset avatar of Onua Nuva, and they seem to be a great fan of American sports, and particularily fond of (you guessed it) the Indiana Hoosiers. Wonder what gave that away... They last visited on the 29th of March 08. Pretty recent for a longtime member who hasn't posted since 2003. Well, it's been a while since I've done a sport re



Best. Lost Episode. Since Season 2.

Ji Yeon owned. It certainly didn't look like it would to begin with, but once things got going, it got really juicy. And Grant Bowler as Captain Gault! Man, he is awesome. Don't know when I last saw him. Probably the Mole. Man, that was an awesome show too.  



Titan Olympics Update

Things are going along nicely. I should be getting the last of the lines any day now and I have photographed all but two scenes for the whole thing. And I have over 10 minutes of completely finished work, which is great. However, here's a question for you. The last two scenes I have to do are tough, as there are lots of characters doing lots of things at the same time, and they have to all be captured. One of those scenes is pretty much the large chunk of Part 3 of Titan Olympics. So, before I s



Random Bzper Of The Week 78: Alphabetised!

Don't go where the randoms go! (the randoms go! the randoms go!...) Don't go! (don't go!...) CommanderBrick CommanderBrick has 133 posts (no star rating, 15 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 18-January 07. They have an avatar of what looks like a melted LEGO Pizza (noes!), claims to live in a mansion in LegoLand, and seems to be a fan of...LEGO mostly. Particularily LEGO Island. That was a cool game... They last visited on the 26th of February 08, and their birthday is the 10th of August 1996. L




I'm too tired to give a stuff about uber awesome auctions and username changes by particular staff members. Just have a look here please.  



Random Bzper Of The Week 77: Alphabetised!

MAJ ASPLODE!!! Kongu Igniter7 Kongu Igniter7 has 19 posts (no star rating, 1 Profile View) and joined BZPower 30-January 06. They seem to be a fan of Bioninja and Leruk's Comics, and seem to be on the computer all the time. That's. A bit. Scary. They last visited on the 26th of May 07, and their birthday is the 13th of January 1994. A number of sorts. Little to nothing to add, so here's a banner. BZP Member List Trivia: There are (at the time of writing) 796 members starting with K that have mo



School Closed

Why? Wind. Yup. The huge winds that swept over Victoria have moved south to Tasmania. While not as strong now, I suspect, they're still being annoying for traffic and all that. The power was out at school when I got there, so I had to wait about half an hour for a bus to come and take me to town, so I could get home. But yes. Where some of you have snow days, we have wind days.  



A Few Tips For Making A Good April Fools Prank On Bzp For Reference Next Year

1. Actually post it on April 1st. Not several days beforehand. If you're in a different time zone to most people, doesn't matter. 2. Don't say ANYWHERE that it's a prank. Anywhere. 3. Try and make it convincing. Make all your facts add up. Otherwise people will see through it instantly. 4. Make it original. The same joke over and over isn't fun. 5. Make sure your joke is placed in places where there's a lot of traffic. My blog is not a good example. 6. The more elaborate while still being convin



Messing With Audio #2

Fiddling around with audio again, and I have made a cool edit of Caught Up in a Dream. Check it out!   EDIT: This would have been Entry #400. I would have been the fourth to reach that milestone. Aw.



No More Easter Break!

And what did I do in my Easter Break? Pretty much nothing. This is the one holiday of the year where I'm disadvantaged. While (I'm assuming) you guys get at least 2 weeks, I only have 1. So I'm sad. Oh well. Easter was way too early this year. And now no holidays till the 30th of May. And Daylight Saving ends next Saturday. Yay, a gained hour! Not like I need it though, I'm sleeping too much. Which is making me tired, funnily enough.  



Random Bzper Of The Week 76: Alphabetised!

The sun is out, the sky is blue, and what am I doing, I'm showing a random to you... That guy that never posts That guy that never posts has 169 posts (no star rating, no profile views) and joined BZPower 16-April 04. They have a preset avatar of Pohatu Mata, they live in Rhode Island, they like walking on the beach and photography, among things, used to be a side of fries and claims to sound like a cat when bored. Ree-ow. They last visited on the 20th of June 07, and their birthday is the 17th




I have absolutely no idea what compelled me to do this. Zomg my voice and hands! =O  



Light-Hearted Comparison

This is humour. "What would you get if Antroz infiltrated Carapar's body? A Barrakuta." Get it? It's a play on words. Like, Barracouta. A mix of Barraki and Makuta. Humour. Not good humour, but still is humour. This is not humour. "Why does Mario always say 'Mamma-mia!'? Because Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked him in the face." Someone actually told me that 'joke' once.  



Here's The Thing

Most of the time, when looking at blog entries about a serious issue that's propped up in BZP life recently, I have no knowledge of how that's sprung up. So, what I can infer from this is that I am not going to the places on BZP where this sort of thing is happening. Therefore, it's in a concentrated area. Where? I don't know. You tell me. Come on. This current debate on humour. Where on earth did that start? I saw it in Smeag's blog a couple of days ago, but it must have come from something ha



Titan Olympics Teaser

Right-clicketh. Save Target Aseth. 961KBeth. 10seconds of previeweth. Song: Child in Time - Deep Purple. Fancy that, the song that my blog is currently based off. Still nowhere near finishing. Johnuva...  



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