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My Thoughts On Free Will And The Human Mind.

This could also be called; "you have no free will and you are a product of an order too complex for any of us to see."     What you might think of as your mind right now is at the lowest level nothing but atoms. These atoms link together to make molecules, and the molecules make proteins and then neurons. These neurons send back and forth chemical and electrical signals. At what point do we suddenly declare that we have free will? Does the atom have free will, or the molecules or the proteins?

Jonestown Bartender

Jonestown Bartender

My Only Interesting Story.

When I was six I got a chemistry set for my birthday. Stupidly I threw out that little paper that list all the chemicals not to mix. As soon as I got everything out I started pouring things into the little test tube it came with and I mistakenly made a very strong base.   The mix Began to bubble and spat, some of it hit my face. It ate right through the safety goggles and went into my eyes, after that I passed out. When I woke up I had gauze over my eyes and forehead and was in the hospital. th

Jonestown Bartender

Jonestown Bartender

My New Year's Resolutions.

1. Be less impulsive 2. Stay away from my caffeine pills for at least a week 3. try to shave regularly 4. Stop dressing like a hobo 5. Get a Girlfriend 6. Be more extroverted 7. Try to be less aggressive. 8. Try to be less superficial 9. Be more patiant 10. Think of a number ten next year.

Jonestown Bartender

Jonestown Bartender

My Life Has Fliped

This time for the much, much better.     If you remember some of my entrys from a bit back you'll remember about my friend dying and other suck-y stuff. Well over the corse of 3 months the fallowing has happened;     Found out I have a high enough score to go to university I now have a girl friend who loves me dearly :3 I might be getting a job that pays three times as much for half the hours My sleeping habits have become less addict And I've broken some strong addictions.     I feel so

Jonestown Bartender

Jonestown Bartender

Mr. Anonymous.

Is a;     Liberal anarchist, marksmen, understands some of the finer point's of using an knife, friendly, a manic, sometimes writes short stores for friends and family, is jewish, won't hunt because he doesn't have the gut to watch a mammal get it's innards get torn out, loves Doctor Who, want's to be a psychotherapist, hates war but thinks it is necessary for the pit humans have dug themselves into, want's a pet Dalek, tried to sell the sky the wind and love on the internet, loves anonymous in

Jonestown Bartender

Jonestown Bartender

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