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Something Interesting

It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being tortured. The only way that they realized they need to wake up was something they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their

A Few Things I Don't Like About Myself

1. I can lift about twice my own weight but because I don't get half the sleep I should I'm really, really short and scrawny looking. 2. My impulsiveness mixed with self-destructive tendency can get me in to some less then pleasant situations. 3. I get bored at night and when I get bored I start to think and when I think I get a really alienated feeling. 4. I'm short. 5. I have a high metabolism so I look like a stick. 6. I think the FBI is out to get me. 7. I think the FBI is on it'

Go To Wikipedia

Click random page and the keep clicking links until you get to a 20th century dictator. post results.     I got to Joseph Stalin with four links.

Lets Say...

That Swine Flu has just killed everyone who is not an active member of BZPower.       Now what do you do?           I'm going to become the Militant Dictator of a Sams club then when I get bored I'll go out in a stolen car and try to find some more BZPers. If I find anyone we will start a small camp and use it as a base for daily searches until we have about 500 people. after that we will start to build a small village out of old junk and call it BZPower II. when the construction of our new

Jonestown Bartender

Jonestown Bartender

Nofx - Coaster

I just got it and sounds like real NoFX not that stupid political stuff they were doing with wolfs in wolfs clothing. If you're a NoFX fan you'll get the album.     Oh and IMO "Creeping out sara" is the best song in the album.

Jonestown Bartender

Jonestown Bartender


It's so hot here!       it's 93 degrees now and three weeks ago we were having snow!      

Jonestown Bartender

Jonestown Bartender

See Entry Below

for ironic lulz   EF Says- There is nothing "lulz worthy" about the below entry. Please refrain from posting things like this. You have no idea how hard the admins work to bring this site to you.   Have a great weekend.   Entry closed.

Jonestown Bartender

Jonestown Bartender

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